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Chaosut27 08-31-2009 05:17 AM

Realistic Shooting Video Games?
Hi, firstly i just wanted to say this is a really cool site and the people here really have a great knowledge of firearms. Hopefully i can learn more myself along the way as i'm a bit of a beginner. Anyways, i was just wondering if anyone knew of any video games with realistic/semi-realistic shooting mechanics in it. I saw the thread about realistic shootouts in films which i thought was very interesting and gave me the idea for this thread. So first i thought i'd start with the ones i've already played.

Probably the most realistic games i've played in this regard are Operation Flashpoint and Arma. Both are excellent games (require a bit of patience though). The Main complaints i have with OF (which is a game that i do love to death nonetheless) is that the gun sounds aren't very good, no handguns (though i think they were added in the resistance expansion) and even though AI die fairly quick the sometimes don't react from a bullet as expected. Though all round Operation Flashpoint and Arma i think are very realistic tactical shooters. (I haven't actually played Arma 2 yet btw, don't think it would work on my pc though)

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl has some nice shooting mechanics in terms of bullet drop, but overall it some area's that i think are a bit unrealistic. Mostly in terms of damage where the AI can take a lot of round to the body and barely react. I remember shooting a guy in the foot about five times with an AKS-74U and he barely reacted lol. But i do like that handguns are pretty useless over long ranges. It does have a great selection of guns (some of the models and sounds are a bit off though) and also has a lot of cartridge varities. The oblivion lost mod fixes a lot of issues i had with the game in general though.

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 is extremely realistic, especially for an online shooter. It's one of the few games i play online often, but unfortunately there are fewer and fewer servers. There's a fine selection of guns and they all have a nice ammount of recoil. The number of bullets left in a magazine is not shown and there is no crosshair. The obvious thing to note though is that bullet have a 'tracer' effect, but this is a sacrifice of realism for the sake of gameplay. Damage is very realistic and it took me some time to adapt after playing CSS for so long lol.

I don't have a huge experience with the Rainbow Six Games, but i have played Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield that seemed very realistic. Rainbow Six Vegas 1 & 2 seemed to break away from the series a bit and i felt they lacked the realism and style of it's predecessors. I've only really played a couple of Ghost Recon games (haven't tried either GRAW yet). Though i've got to admit that Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon games aren't particularly to my taste. I'm not sure why but i'm just not a fan of controlling a squad all the time, don't mind it on occassiona though.

Games that i've heard of but yet to play are; Sniper-elite, the original Far Cry (the original farcry, though i doubt it'll be too realistic) and Hidden and Dangerous.

So the question is are there any realistic shooting games you could recommend me, preferably with a minimal focus on controlling a squad.

LoneSniperJim 08-31-2009 02:13 PM

I would have to say the Project reality mod for Battlefield 2

Excalibur 08-31-2009 04:54 PM

seriously? A spam bot designed to post something so specific to this site? Kinda impressive

MT2008 08-31-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 6461)
seriously? A spam bot designed to post something so specific to this site? Kinda impressive

Ignore that post. I was trying to post a reply in that topic by "RepsolGuete", and somehow, I did it in this topic instead. A consequence of sleep deprivation and no coffee...or maybe worse. :D

Chaosut27 09-01-2009 02:54 AM

Also, there was one other i forgot to add earlier; Insurgency mod for the source engine. I haven't played it in a while, but from what i remember it was pretty good, though admittably i found it had it's moments of frustration.


Originally Posted by LoneSniperJim (Post 6453)
I would have to say the Project reality mod for Battlefield 2

Thanks :), i might check that one out. Just need to get my hands on a copy of BF2 first.


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 6469)
Ignore that post. I was trying to post a reply in that topic by "RepsolGuete", and somehow, I did it in this topic instead. A consequence of sleep deprivation and no coffee...or maybe worse. :D

:D That's cool. Yeah, there do seem to be a lot of threads from that spambot :(.

AdAstra2009 09-01-2009 02:58 AM

Rainbow Six:Raven Shield or Rainbow Six:Athena Sword

Stay away from the Vegas series, it's only realistic in relative terms to other games and it is a sellout of the Rainbow Six name.

Excalibur 09-01-2009 03:18 AM

What's wrong with the Vegas series? I mean Vegas 2 wasn't that good, but I kinda like to play it.

AdAstra2009 09-01-2009 03:56 AM

If you've played Rainbow Six:Raven Shield you'd understand.

The Vegas series was made by a completely different company and sold out of the original realism of the series in order to cash in on the mainstream gamer.

MattyDienhoff 09-01-2009 08:09 AM


The Main complaints i have with OF (which is a game that i do love to death nonetheless) is that the gun sounds aren't very good, no handguns (though i think they were added in the resistance expansion) and even though AI die fairly quick the sometimes don't react from a bullet as expected.
The Resistance expansion does add handguns, among other things. See here. If you still have any interest in playing OFP, I strongly suggest you get Resistance. Not only are its features very substantial for an expansion, almost every mod under the sun needs it, so it really is a must have.

aus_shooter 09-01-2009 09:06 AM

hi all new member here
I really like the firearms in COD 4 and as for STALKER i found the guns looked impressive but they lacked the hitting power, i mean i was head shooting a standard soldier with a British L85 with SUSAT scope on it and i was still not killing them.

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