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funkychinaman 02-06-2015 12:52 PM

Just go with a MASK movie.

funkychinaman 02-06-2015 10:27 PM

Anyone remember the old Super Mario series? They always had a Zelda episode once a week that I used to look forward to. (Netflix also had the old Super Mario series. I tried watching it a few years ago, and it was unwatchable.)

funkychinaman 02-06-2015 11:33 PM

Come on, NBC, this is a no-brainer.

Spartan198 02-07-2015 04:19 AM

Just got back from seeing American Sniper. Single most powerful performance I've ever seen from an actor by Cooper.

funkychinaman 02-07-2015 01:30 PM

Say what you will about the lack of originality, but at least they're bringing back good shows. I loved Battlebots.

S&Wshooter 02-08-2015 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41664)
Say what you will about the lack of originality, but at least they're bringing back good shows. I loved Battlebots.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, finally someone in the media makes a good decision

Spartan198 02-08-2015 12:19 AM

People had similar reactions to the American Gladiators revival, but we all know it went into the toilet.

S&Wshooter 02-08-2015 12:23 AM

Way to be a buzzkill, man

funkychinaman 02-08-2015 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 41668)
Way to be a buzzkill, man

Battlebots was a ridiculously dorky show, and I admit it'll be a hard sell, especially on a network.

Swordfish941 02-09-2015 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41670)
Battlebots was a ridiculously dorky show, and I admit it'll be a hard sell, especially on a network.

Dude, it's robots fighting each other. What's not to love?

SPEMack618 02-09-2015 01:00 AM

Needed more chicks walking about in panties and t-shirts.

That being said; broke down and saw American Sniper last night.

Um, yeah, watching that with my little sister was probably a bad idea.

Powerful would be the word to describe it I guess.

Swordfish941 02-09-2015 01:39 AM

I saw Birdman (or The Unexpected Viture of Ignorance) and I loved it!! Michael Keaton's performance was awesome and I really hope he gets the Oscar for best actor. And I highly recommend seeing it since it's an interesting experience seeing it (mainly because the majority of the movie is filmed as one continuous shot).

BTW, can you guys help me identify the gun Riggan uses near the end?

Spartan198 02-10-2015 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by SPEMack618 (Post 41672)
Um, yeah, watching that with my little sister was probably a bad idea.

Why? Is she one of those types that wants to hug Islamic extremism into submission?

SPEMack618 02-10-2015 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 41681)
Why? Is she one of those types that wants to hug Islamic extremism into submission?

Negative. She is the stereotypical a-political high school senior. More concerned with paying her future sorority dues than the lack of a cohesive plan by Barry to deal with ISIL/ISIS.

And I think this was the first modern war movie she'd seen, other than something like "Fury" or "Captain America" and she was a bit shocked by the violence of it all.

And some of the stuff between Chief Kyle and his wife post deployment she got to see first hand between me and a ex-

So yeah; bad call for a big/little date.

funkychinaman 02-10-2015 12:20 PM

Spiderman is joining the MCU.

S&Wshooter 02-10-2015 04:35 PM

pls no more spidermans, he's really overdone by now

Swordfish941 02-11-2015 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 41688)
pls no more spidermans, he's really overdone by now

funkychinaman 02-11-2015 05:03 PM

Hitman sequel, have at it.

funkychinaman 02-12-2015 02:41 PM

Period film means period guns. This should be an interest page to make. And who decided that the English guy should play the American and the American guy should play the Russian?

Swordfish941 02-12-2015 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41691)
Period film means period guns. This should be an interest page to make. And who decided that the English guy should play the American and the American guy should play the Russian?

I think the casted him because of "Ability over Appearance" principle.

And this is probably the closest we'll ever get to see Henry Cavill play James Bond (he was considering for he role back when they were casting Casino Royale).

Excalibur 02-13-2015 01:07 AM

Come on, any of you seen Strike Back? They had the American guy playing the British guy and the Australian guy playing the American guy. This isn't a new thing with casting.

I'm a little meh about the new Divergent movie where the only handgun in the future are Rhino revolvers

S&Wshooter 02-16-2015 09:36 PM

I watched through it 2x, the casting wasn't too bad

commando552 02-17-2015 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 41694)
Come on, any of you seen Strike Back? They had the American guy playing the British guy and the Australian guy playing the American guy. This isn't a new thing with casting.

I'm a little meh about the new Divergent movie where the only handgun in the future are Rhino revolvers

I think that the main girl (Shailene Woodley, no idea what character is called) actually has a Mateba Unica 6 doesn't she?

Also, anyone else think that the rifles are dressed up TDI Vectors?

Excalibur 02-17-2015 02:20 AM

Yeah, I think those are Kriss guns dressed up. Cool though. Though not sure if the girl's black revolver is a Mateba. I think the Rhinos are easier to get a hold of.

commando552 02-17-2015 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 41704)
Yeah, I think those are Kriss guns dressed up. Cool though. Though not sure if the girl's black revolver is a Mateba. I think the Rhinos are easier to get a hold of.

Pretty sure it is, the clearest shot is at about 0:36 where you can see the open top frame and the step in front of the trigger guard between the barrel and the frame. I think the main good guy (just guessing he is good from the context) also has the Mateba at about 0:33.

As for them being harder to get hold of, they are but by no means impossible. There are definitely a few in movie armouries and they have appeared in recent films like Looper and The Maze Runner. My guess is that they are the exact same pistol as they all appear the have the same 4 inch barrel which I believe is relatively uncommon (also the best looking in my opinion, not a fan of vented ribs).

S&Wshooter 02-17-2015 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 41704)
I think the Rhinos are easier to get a hold of.

"I think a current production gun is easier to get than an expensive collector's item that was made in small numbers" - you

Swordfish941 02-19-2015 12:45 AM

Hopefully, this movie will be better than Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection:

Spartan198 02-19-2015 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 41707)
Hopefully, this movie will be better than Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection:

And fucked goes the expanded universe continuity...

Swordfish941 02-19-2015 10:19 PM

I just played a demo of Dragonball Xenoverse today at my local Gamestop. I played as a female Saiyan and fought against Vegeta. My main strategy to fighting was use a bunch of punches and kicks on him before blasting him with the Kamehameha.

And then Vegeta managed to use a point blank Final Flash on me.

funkychinaman 02-26-2015 03:15 AM

Retconning Alien 3 and 4 out of existence? I'll take it.

Spartan198 02-27-2015 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41714)
Retconning Alien 3 and 4 out of existence? I'll take it.

Like I said, and fucked goes the expanded universe continuity.

Swordfish941 03-01-2015 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 41715)
Like I said, and fucked goes the expanded universe continuity.

Congratulations, your previous expanded universe has been saved:

But this movie better be better than Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection.

funkychinaman 03-02-2015 05:56 PM

It appears Vincent D'Onofrio is back to his Private Pyle weight.

Swordfish941 03-03-2015 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41717)
It appears Vincent D'Onofrio is back to his Private Pyle weight.

I sort of expected him to be a bit more fatter, but this will do.

Excalibur 03-03-2015 01:12 AM

He looks like he can kick people's ass which is what the Kingpin is all about. His overweight is not a weakness.

Swordfish941 03-08-2015 02:51 AM

Just came back from seeing Chappie. It was pretty good, in my opinion. Can't wait to see what Blomkamp will do with Alien.

funkychinaman 03-09-2015 09:42 PM

Snipers are in right now.

Swordfish941 03-09-2015 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41733)

That, and making TV Shows based off of movies.

funkychinaman 03-10-2015 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 41734)
That, and making TV Shows based off of movies.

Oh come on, that never gets old.

Mazryonh 03-10-2015 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41735)
Oh come on, that never gets old.

Striking it lucky with that kind of thing is extremely rare, though. Stargate as a movie wasn't incredibly ground-breaking, but its 10-seasons-long TV series spin-off was a major success by any standard, especially since it was sci-fi (and many TV series in that genre never get off the ground or get cancelled after a few years).

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