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funkychinaman 08-23-2011 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 31866)
My reaction to finding Prision Break on Netflix.

My reaction to finding out that Brett Ratner directed the pilot:

What do you have against Brett Ratner? The biggest strike against him is X-Men 3, but I think the writing and just plain circumstance were more to blame. Rush Hours 1 and 2 weren't bad, and I liked Red Dragon and Family Man.

Swordfish941 08-24-2011 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 31877)
What do you have against Brett Ratner? The biggest strike against him is X-Men 3, but I think the writing and just plain circumstance were more to blame. Rush Hours 1 and 2 weren't bad, and I liked Red Dragon and Family Man.

It's mainly X-Men 3. And I find the Rush Hour films stupid.

Spartan198 08-24-2011 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 31900)
And I find the Rush Hour films stupid.

Chris Tucker is not amused.

Swordfish941 08-25-2011 01:45 AM

It's really bugging me that people complaining about the new Spiderman movie. To me, it looks fantastic and has a slightly better cast. And it looks like it has more emotional depth.

BTW, they should cast Sean Penn as the Green Goblin if they ever make a sequel.

BeardedHoplite 08-25-2011 02:53 AM

The new Alternate History show on Spike is atrocious. It acts like D-Day was the allied endgame, nevermind that Italy was mostly under their control and Russia was creeping though Poland. Plus I don't think America would stand for the Nazi's stepping on their neck.

And they didn't even have Harry Turtledove, anything relating to alternate history should consult Harry Turtledove.

k9870 08-25-2011 03:02 AM

Im so drunk i though i was on gloctalk lol but i thought the show looked cool from previews, dont knowifi want to watch it now.

Spartan198 08-25-2011 11:59 PM

I have it on the DVR, haven't watched it yet.

k9870 08-26-2011 10:31 PM

Im about to watch online, but remmeber most are implausible scenarios and im just watching an interesting fantasy world. Germany could not have won ww2. The south could not have won the civil war. But hey, if it did happen somehow, might be an intersting thing to watch.

That walther pps was out of place lol

funkychinaman 08-26-2011 11:15 PM

What's happening here? Lumberjacks and antiquing on the History Channel, but alternative history on... Spike?

The book Fatherland had a pretty decent scenario for Germany winning the war. A lot had to fall in place, and they were dealing with a twenty year old quagmire in Russia, but they won.

funkychinaman 08-26-2011 11:23 PM


Bill Murray will do not one, but TWO Garfield movies, but he won't throw his old pals a bone and do Ghostbusters 3?

k9870 08-26-2011 11:31 PM

I love how they nuke new york but times square is still a huge place and the setting for the uprising wow even the alternate history cant stay on track.

Spartan198 08-27-2011 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 31945)
Im about to watch online, but remmeber most are implausible scenarios and im just watching an interesting fantasy world. Germany could not have won ww2. The south could not have won the civil war. But hey, if it did happen somehow, might be an intersting thing to watch.

That walther pps was out of place lol

Nothing more implausible than "What if dinosaurs survived?" and showing a Tyrannosaurus roaming the streets of New York. :rolleyes:

If dinosaurs survived, there wouldn't be a New York. Perhaps we'd have existed, but our technological advancements would never have happened and we'd still be quite primitive today. There's a theory that dinosaurs would have eventually evolved into humanoid beings and developed a civilization much like we have, but I find that highly unlikely (and kind of crackpot) when looking at animals like crocodiles and sharks which have existed since the age of dinosaurs and changed very little, if any at all, over the course of 65 million years compared to how the human race has advanced over just the last 10 to 12,000 years of its measly 10 million year presence here. If crocs and sharks haven't changed, why would dinosaurs need to?

k9870 08-27-2011 12:07 AM

Ive always wanted to shoot a trex with a bazooka though:)

Spartan198 08-27-2011 01:50 AM

David shot one with an RPG in Dino Crisis 2. It only destroyed the Rex's right eye.

Swordfish941 08-28-2011 05:53 PM

I got to see the original Superman movie with my grandparents on Friday. It was very good and I don't think anybody can beat Christopher Reeve's Superman.

funkychinaman 08-28-2011 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 31964)
I got to see the original Superman movie with my grandparents on Friday. It was very good and I don't think anybody can beat Christopher Reeve's Superman.

Had you never seen it before? Wow. Anyway, it's all downhill from there. Superman II was the beginning of the end. Everyone talks about the Donner cut, but it's a bit overrated.

funkychinaman 08-30-2011 02:21 PM

And the first pre-order for the upcoming fall releases went to ... Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. I don't even know what the running up would be. GoW3?

Mandolin1 08-30-2011 02:48 PM

Anyone seen Columbiana yet? I saw it yesterday and thought it was good. There's a whole ton of guns, i added 19 new enties to the page and I'm sure i missed some. Zoe Saldana's character, Cataleya (NOT Columbiana, as the page originaly stated) is a hit-and run ninja who makes her hit and moves, which realy makes her untouchablity belivable. There's a final, brutal hand-to-hand fight at the end that reminded me of the third Bourne movie, as she takes on her openent in a bathroom using everything availible. There's also a couple of humerous moments when she demonstrates her total paranoid preparedness. It's a good film, go see it.

Swordfish941 08-30-2011 05:50 PM

I'm going to buy Crysis this weekend.

BeardedHoplite 08-30-2011 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 31992)
Anyone seen Columbiana yet? I

Is it anything like Foxy Brown or Coffy? I kinda hyped it as the successor to Pam Grier blaxploitation movies

Mandolin1 08-30-2011 11:04 PM

Never scene any of the movies you mentioned. What exactly do you mean?

BeardedHoplite 08-31-2011 01:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 31998)
Never scene any of the movies you mentioned. What exactly do you mean?

You never seen Foxy Brown or Coffy?!? That's necessary viewing if you enjoy revenge movies.

Well, there was this genre in the 70s known as Blaxploitation, which featured black protagionists typically in struggles against "the man". Pam Grier was the queen of these, and Colombiana looks alot like those two movies.

funkychinaman 08-31-2011 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by BeardedHoplite (Post 32003)
You never seen Foxy Brown or Coffy?!? That's necessary viewing if you enjoy revenge movies.

Well, there was this genre in the 70s known as Blaxploitation, which featured black protagionists typically in struggles against "the man". Pam Grier was the queen of these, and Colombiana looks alot like those two movies.

Foxy Brown and Coffy were a little campy though. The commercials for Colombiana look a bit more like Kill Bill.

BeardedHoplite 08-31-2011 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 32007)
The commercials for Colombiana look a bit more like Kill Bill.

Which got (at least part of) it's inspiration from???

funkychinaman 08-31-2011 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by BeardedHoplite (Post 32009)
Which got (at least part of) it's inspiration from???

Kill Bill was more inspired by kung fu films. Jackie Brown was Tarantino's Foxy Brown/Coffy lovefest.

Mandolin1 08-31-2011 02:15 PM

I didn't watch Columbiana because I like revenge flicks, I watched it because it looked pretty good from the trailers.

Evil Tim 08-31-2011 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 31945)
Germany could not have won ww2.

Germany could probably have done better than it did in certain situations, the general problem being those situations involve Hitler not being Hitler and therefore the Second World War probably never happening in the first place. On the other hand, there's just as many scenarios where the Second World War would never have happened (eg a massive allied counter-attack after the capture of Poland, more reasonable terms in the treaty of Versailles that didn't make the German people feel like martyrs, etc).

Playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution right now, and it's like they looked at everything that they did wrong in Invisible War and said "right, let's not do that this time." Things are simplified rather than dumbed down, the weapons all feel powerful and have some great mods (seeking assault rifle rounds, target-leading ballistic computers, etc), and the plot doesn't use "it was nanomachines" as all-purpose plot glue. There's a few issues like that Hacking is a pain in the ass in the console versions since the game was obviously designed primarily for PC and the boss fights are annoying, but overall it's one of the best games I've played recently, might even make it into the list of all time favourites.

k9870 08-31-2011 04:30 PM

Germany simply did not have the manpower to occupy the territories they wanted and seriously, mexico as a safe haven? The germans/mexicans have been buddy buddy since the 1800s.

I ordered dues ex on gamefly and that means i'll have it sometime this century.

Evil Tim 08-31-2011 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 32019)
Germany simply did not have the manpower to occupy the territories they wanted and seriously, mexico as a safe haven? The germans/mexicans have been buddy buddy since the 1800s.

Naw, the Mexico / Germany thing was in World War 1 (and even that time they actually rejected it), Mexico in WW2 was under a left-wing government that wouldn't have touched Nazi Germany with a barge pole. And you'd be surprised how far manpower can stretch, just look at the size of the Roman Empire compared to Italy or the Mongolian Empire compared to the actual population of Mongolia. The bigger problem was that Blitzkrieg was so fast in taking territory that it ended up with armies all but isolating themselves from their own supply lines.

Mandolin1 08-31-2011 09:08 PM

The Romans and Mongolians did have huge empires and relativly small armies, but Germany would have to deal with the effects of modern technology. An individual can shoot you at 1000 yards with a sniper rifle, obliterate your tank with a Panzerfaust, blow up you vital bridge as you're driving over it. A small group of resistance fighters could machine-gun your convoy, rain mortar shells on you base from a mile away, or pin down an entire company with accurate rifle fire. Even helecopters won't fix everything. The M-24 HINDs in Afganistan were demi-gods until the Afgans got Stinger missiles. Still, they were vulnerable to heavy machine-gun fire (especialy from above, aiming for the rotor) and just shooting lots of RPGs and assault rifles will work if you're lucky, like in Black Hawk Down. The Romans and Mongolians only needed to worry about archers and backstabing locals.

Evil Tim 08-31-2011 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 32026)
The Romans and Mongolians did have huge empires and relativly small armies, but Germany would have to deal with the effects of modern technology.

Naw, they just needed to put more effort into 'hearts and minds.' The Romans held onto their Empire because they treated the locals slightly less like shit than the people who had ruled the locals before, and the Mongols showed that people who think you're going to remove their hearts and minds if they cross you in any way tend to do what you tell them to.

Basically, Germany couldn't really count on much local support since their army was full of bastards, but they weren't bastardly enough to scare people into helping them further their goals without constantly sabotaging them, either. Except on the Russian front where they were so bastardly there was no point in surrendering or helping them out since they'd kill you anyway.

Granted, Germany got as far as it did largely due to all the other European leaders being amazingly stupid for about 50 years beforehand, but had they actually managed to draw serious, reliable manpower from the countries they were invading rather than recruiting all the people who would normally become dinner ladies and traffic wardens, they might have held onto their empire, at least for a while. Then again, this puts you back in the "Nazis not being Nazis" school of alternate history.

Mandolin1 08-31-2011 09:37 PM

You're probly right, but the Germans still faced much more lethal resistance than the Romans and Mongolians. Besides, everyone knew that the Mongolians would level the entire area if you messed with them. Even the SS didn't raze entire cities after the death of a single man.

funkychinaman 08-31-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 32028)
You're probly right, but the Germans still faced much more lethal resistance than the Romans and Mongolians. Besides, everyone knew that the Mongolians would level the entire area if you messed with them. Even the SS didn't raze entire cities after the death of a single man.

I can't tell if there's sarcasm there.

S&Wshooter 09-01-2011 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 32012)
Kill Bill was more inspired by kung fu films. Jackie Brown was Tarantino's Foxy Brown/Coffy lovefest.

I liked Jackie Brown because it didn't make Jackie out to be some kind of hand to hand fighting master capable of taking on a guy twice her size and of equal skill like a bunch of those Girl Power! movies portray their heroines to be. You knew that if she were to go toe-to-toe with Sam Jackson, he would have absolutely no problem beating the shit out of her. Because of this, she had to rely on the fact that she was extraordinarily crafty

Mandolin1 09-01-2011 01:32 AM


I liked Jackie Brown because it didn't make Jackie out to be some kind of hand to hand fighting master capable of taking on a guy twice her size and of equal skill like a bunch of those Girl Power! movies portray their heroines to be. You knew that if she were to go toe-to-toe with Sam Jackson, he would have absolutely no problem beating the shit out of her. Because of this, she had to rely on the fact that she was extraordinarily crafty
That sounds kind of like Columbiana. Cataleya goes hand-to-hand once in the entire movie, the rest of the time she uses a suppressed weapon, crawls through vents, and always moves as soon as she's make a kill.

The Wierd It 09-01-2011 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by Mandolin1 (Post 32028)
Even the SS didn't raze entire cities after the death of a single man.

I think the people of Lidice would debate that assertion.

funkychinaman 09-01-2011 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 32038)
I think the people of Lidice would debate that assertion.

And Lezaky.

Mandolin1 09-01-2011 08:32 PM

True. Forgot that one.

k9870 09-02-2011 01:39 AM

dues ex is shipping to me, i'll see how i like it, i haven't played the others which may be a factor.

k9870 09-02-2011 09:46 PM

Dead island looks like a great game, why hadn't i heard of it?

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