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S&Wshooter 10-13-2010 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 20964)
Dont worry i think well play against eachother enough eventually you may hit me.......i think ill just use dual snubnoses to piss you off :p

Or maybe we team up and paint the walls with our enemies' brains :p

Excalibur 10-13-2010 10:59 PM

If you all are getting Black Ops on PC, let's play together

k9870 10-13-2010 11:03 PM

360, im a console gamer all the way. And SW, we can team up with m16s and lay waste, ive used the m16 with iron sights and a 203 as my primary forever.

S&Wshooter 10-13-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 20974)
360, im a console gamer all the way. And SW, we can team up with m16s and lay waste, ive used the m16 with iron sights and a 203 as my primary forever.

Be forewarned: I suck at Call of Duty

Excalibur 10-13-2010 11:31 PM

Well too bad guys. FPS games are best on PCs.

S&Wshooter 10-13-2010 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 20984)
Well too bad guys. FPS games are best on PCs.

Not really

k9870 10-13-2010 11:42 PM

PC=keep updating all the time to be able to play the games that require the hottest new technology.

Console: Never update, always in date.

Also, i love to just lounge back with a controller in hand instead of sitting right at the computer.

S&Wshooter 10-13-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 20986)
PC=keep updating all the time to be able to play the games that require the hottest new technology.

Console: Never update, always in date.

Also, i love to just lounge back with a controller in hand instead of sitting right at the computer.

Also, PC has tons of lag, you usually have to deal with punkbuster, and you might get a virus

Excalibur 10-14-2010 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 20987)
Also, PC has tons of lag, you usually have to deal with punkbuster, and you might get a virus

Get a virus for playing COD? Really? Well, that's what firewalls and anti-virus programs are for and you only get viruses if you download illegal shit, and porn. You don't get viruses if you go on youtube or log onto Steam. And depending on your internet connection dictates if you get lag. If you got a bad internet connection, you'll lag on XBOX live. Punkbuster is for cheaters. If you aren't actually cheating, as in going into the code and fucking it up so you can do auto aiming or hacking, then you have no problem.

Also, you don't need tons of money to get the "latest" hardware to play most games unless your PC is 5 years old, then you have a problem. MW2 for example was a game built for the console, so if it's good enough for the console to handle it, that means the port to PC is the exactly same hardware requirement as a 360 console. The whole idea that PC is "expensive" is a cliche image because some people spend tons of needless money to play a game just so they can push the settings to the so called "max" when at the very lowest is just as fine.

And when you play any game and it gets annoying to beat, I bet you wont' be lounging back on your couch but instead leaning forward, trying to get to the next level or getting pissed off when someone kills you on multiplayer.

If you think about it, game developers are working backwards for consoles if they want to design a game that they can have for the PC. Example, for MW2, you compare the graphics to an average PC of the time, which really doesn't cost thousands of dollars to what you see on an HD TV connected to a 360. There is little or no difference except for clarity which it depends on the TV or for the computer, the monitor you are looking at. The game itself was built to show the same clarity on both the 360 and on PC. Anyone who wastes their money on "gaming PCs" for games that dont need to be in a computer that high up are stupid.

Also we got control issue. If you like shooting FPS on the console and you are fine with the control page, good for you. On a PC, you have a keyboard for your movement and secondary controls like switch weapons, melee, running, etc and then a mouse to aim. All the weight of the keyboard and mouse is off your hand, that means less fatigue to your fingers and you dont have to worry about unconsciously dropping the damn thing. For an FPS, aiming with a mouse has a much smoother action to it than the stick on your 360 controller. The act of pulling the trigger button or pressing the left button on my mouse is the exact same reflex, so that's not an issue.

This is just my experience with playing on both console and PC. To me, how the screen is closer to your face instead of a couple feet away makes you more part of the experience than feeling like you are sitting on a couch 5 feet away

S&Wshooter 10-14-2010 12:28 AM

Can't play without having punkbuster; punkbuster fucks up your computer

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