If they already have Ridley Scott in the room, then why even call Michael Bay?
http://variety.com/2013/film/games/m...ve-1200491557/ |
Metro: Last Light is turning out to be pretty fun
I'm playing it on normal, and I just bought the Saiga
For anyone who has a PS3, here's an unrated game, Valkyria Chronicles. I've recently been replaying it and it's an awesome alternate WWII kind of setting with a very unique combat system and art style.
I know, but once you get enough upgrades and even with rushing missions to get the A rank, you learn a few things to beat a mission fast and not get anyone killed in the process. The one thing I find that is bullshit is how crouched enemies can take more hits than standing even from head shots.
Beat Metro last night, got the bad ending because when I do stealth, I usually go with the "pick off everyone one-by-one without being seen" variety
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