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Swordfish941 10-02-2011 05:31 PM

Note to self: Go out and buy Battlefield 3.

k9870 10-02-2011 05:41 PM

23 more days

Evil Tim 10-04-2011 06:05 PM

Ordered myself a new SLI rig with added ridiculous (3 gigs graphic cards, 16 gigs RAM, 120 gig SSD + 3 terabyte HD) to go with BF3. Should finally be able to make Crysis run on Ultra without my GPU overheating, too.

Mandolin1 10-05-2011 10:46 PM

I've finished screen capping Hanna, with the exeption the the MP5A3s supposed used by the CIA tac team. Could someone double-check the weapon's use and if so, screencap it? I didn't see them. Also, Eric's Beretta was the only screencapable one in the movie, the bad guys pistols were never realy seen well.

Spades of Columbia 10-06-2011 02:41 AM

Just got hooked up with three seasons of Breaking Bad on far im half way through season two and i am in tears cracking up on how Jesse explains how the ATM ended up on the one dudes head!

Milkovich 10-06-2011 02:05 PM

Finished Portal 2. Very good. Nice story, good puzzles, funny ending. The level design was far too pompous, though.

funkychinaman 10-07-2011 12:05 AM

Crysis 1 is now available on XLBA. What do you guys think, worth 20 bucks?

Swordfish941 10-07-2011 12:49 AM

I've just started to watch Breaking Bad. I wonder if any of the chemistry in the show is accurate (and by that I mean how to cook meth).

S&Wshooter 10-07-2011 02:22 AM

I finally beat Oblivion, after putting it off for so long (I started over a ton of times for the hell of it and accidentally broke the game once)

Evil Tim 10-07-2011 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 32659)
Crysis 1 is now available on XLBA. What do you guys think, worth 20 bucks?

Yes, actually. While you shouldn't fool yourself that it's the genuine article (FSAA is turned way down, textures are low-medium setting, draw distance is decreased and in once case flat-out faked by replacing a mountain in the distance with an obviously flat animated skybox) it's still very playable, and in some cases actually improves on the original (eg the tank in "Onslaught" and "Phase Line Alpha" is now about ten times tougher and has infinite main gun rounds, meaning you don't have to live in fear of sudden, ridiculous damge from RPG troops or abandon it when it inevitably runs out of ammo).

I might post some comparison shots on the talk page when my new PC arrives and I can take shots of the original at full settings without my old PC exploding.

The Wierd It 10-07-2011 08:26 PM

New Modern Warfare 3 trailer.

S&Wshooter 10-07-2011 08:33 PM

I just rented the newer Call of Juarez

S&Wshooter 10-07-2011 09:52 PM

The bottom of the Call of Jaurez disk has dried syrup on it :confused:

The Wierd It 10-07-2011 09:57 PM

And that, ladies (?) and gentlemen, is why I don't rent games.

Vangelis 10-07-2011 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 32673)
The bottom of the Call of Jaurez disk has dried syrup on it :confused:

According to the reviews the dried syrup will probably prove more fun than the game.

S&Wshooter 10-08-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Vangelis (Post 32675)
According to the reviews the dried syrup will probably prove more fun than the game.

It wasn't that bad. It's full of pistol fights, which is really why I play the games in this series in the first place (Pistols are always usefeul and aren't set aside in favor of larger guns like in most games). I went through most of it using the 5906, which is the most balanced pistol in the game. The driving parts sucked though

Swordfish941 10-10-2011 01:30 AM

Although I enjoy both games, I would to point out some differences. Battlefield is for people who truly love the art of gaming. Modern Warfare is full of 12 year olds and college who live with their moms that scream and whine through the headset.

Just sayin'. :D

k9870 10-10-2011 01:36 AM

Call of jaurez bound in blood was epic and the cartel blew.

funkychinaman 10-12-2011 06:07 AM

Not liking the new Ace Combat game as much as I thought I would. The dogfight mode is a little constricting. But I'm only three missions in, so hopefully it gets better.

Evil Tim 10-12-2011 10:23 AM

I must say in the demo I found the "optimal" controls so weird I turned them off. It's a lot better then.

funkychinaman 10-12-2011 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 32717)
I must say in the demo I found the "optimal" controls so weird I turned them off. It's a lot better then.

Can you do that? I'll have to check when I get home.

Evil Tim 10-12-2011 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 32718)
Can you do that? I'll have to check when I get home.

It's buried in the control settings, but it changes from stick directions = go that way to letting you actually roll the aircraft. Optimal is designed entirely to make Dogfight mode work but makes the plane really weird to actually fly.

The Wierd It 10-12-2011 06:03 PM

There's a reason previous Ace Combat games called that setup "Novice Mode".

Swordfish941 10-13-2011 01:54 AM

Spaceballs has to be the funniest movie I've ever seen:

funkychinaman 10-13-2011 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 32726)
Spaceballs has to be the funniest movie I've ever seen:

I first watched it in 2nd grade, but I didn't really get the druish princess jokes and the combing the desert joke until high school.

funkychinaman 10-13-2011 01:39 PM

So, McClane will be fighting... Klingons?

mpe2010 10-13-2011 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 32726)
Spaceballs has to be the funniest movie I've ever seen:

Have you seen any other of Mel Brook's films?

Swordfish941 10-14-2011 03:59 AM

I've just started to play Fallout 3 and I'm now addicted to it.

Excalibur 10-14-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 32737)
I've just started to play Fallout 3 and I'm now addicted to it.

I know. When I started playing it when it came out, I couldn't stop replaying it and get all the DLCs for it, especially Broken Steel.

And when you play New Vegas, you'll get addicted to playing that too

S&Wshooter 10-14-2011 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 32737)
I've just started to play Fallout 3 and I'm now addicted to it.

Prepare to spend all your free time playing Fallout

k9870 10-14-2011 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 32740)
Prepare to spend all your free time playing Fallout

True there, and make sure to get lincolns repeater, add in the pitt and you get a ammo press to make unlimited amounts of .44 mag ammo! That is th emost awesome gun in video game history.

Excalibur 10-14-2011 11:19 PM

Dont forget Broken Steel to continue the story

S&Wshooter 10-14-2011 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 32744)
Dont forget Broken Steel to continue the story

Also realize that Point Lookout is a waste of time/money/memory space

k9870 10-15-2011 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 32745)
Also realize that Point Lookout is a waste of time/money/memory space

They come in a bundle pack now might as well get the xp and new weapons.

funkychinaman 10-15-2011 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 32720)
There's a reason previous Ace Combat games called that setup "Novice Mode".

Finally turned it off. I can't believe they defaulted to that. I was about to throw my controller across the room.

My biggest problem with this game so far is that they've so far ignored every previous AC game. I'm not talking about the real world setting, but the innovations, like commanding wingmen from AC5 and the openness of AC6. It frustrates the hell out of me that I can have four guys on me, and I can't even ask my wingman to give me some breathing room.

Excalibur 10-15-2011 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 32745)
Also realize that Point Lookout is a waste of time/money/memory space

Operation Anchorage is a waste of time and money. At least Point Lookout has a new area to explore and better loot.

The Wierd It 10-15-2011 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 32750)
Finally turned it off. I can't believe they defaulted to that. I was about to throw my controller across the room.

My biggest problem with this game so far is that they've so far ignored every previous AC game. I'm not talking about the real world setting, but the innovations, like commanding wingmen from AC5 and the openness of AC6. It frustrates the hell out of me that I can have four guys on me, and I can't even ask my wingman to give me some breathing room.



funkychinaman 10-15-2011 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by The Wierd It (Post 32753)


It must've taken me eight tries to finish that missions where the Russians turn on you. I had to finally "cheat" and find a plane with the QAAMs. These guys were relentless, and if you slowed down to try to do the counter move, they just shot you down.

k9870 10-17-2011 01:51 PM

Anyone else catch the walking dead? Seems darker this season.

S&Wshooter 10-17-2011 04:02 PM

I'm thinking about buying Brutal Legend because Lemmy and Rob Halford are in it

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