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Excalibur 05-04-2012 02:51 AM

Poor/Stupid gun handling stories
What are some stories of "you have to see it to believe it" situations involving a gun.

Like some stories where a guy bought a gun and loaded all his rounds in the magazine backwards and didn't know what was wrong.

A lady I heard about bought a revolver and didn't realize that she needed to pull the trigger to fire it.

Someone has a stove pipe on their gun and doesn't see the large hunk of metal sticking out, walks back to the front desk for help with the gun still in hand pointing at people and she worked the trigger in front of the guy with the stove pipe still there.

A minor story I experienced was someone took his new revolver to the range and didn't clean out the factory grease first before shooting it.

So, what are your "dumb" stories involving guns that you've heard or witnessed first hand?

predator20 05-04-2012 04:23 AM

Been watching Iraqveteran8888 gun gripe vids huh?

The only one I have was told by the owner of the local gun shop. I was handing him back a few pistols that he had took out for me. I mentioned something about not wanting to muzzle sweep him even though they were unloaded.

He said the day before a guy came in wanting to trade his Springfield XD. The guy takes it out of the case and has pointing directing at Mark (the owner) Mark's dodging out of the way, the guy said what are you doing it's not loaded. Mark got the gun from him and it was loaded! Mark told to get the fuck out of his store and he had no business being a gun owner.

Coincidentally after that conversation. Mark handed me his Kimber that he carries (it was loaded of course).

Yournamehere 05-04-2012 04:29 AM

Once I was at my local range back in Florida, I believe it was right after I got my Model 19 and I took it to shoot, these 3 douchebag looking guys were in the lane next to me and I guess one of them had just gotten a new SIG. They finished up and got ready to leave around the same time I did, but instead of sweeping casings up like the range advises patrons to do, they were taking pictures of themselves looking cool with the gun, but more importantly, they were pointing it at eachother. I wish they'd been caught on the camera feed.

The other one I can remember (not sure if I told it or not) was when I was with my buddy at the range outside city limits and we were sighting in his Remington 700 at 100 yards. Some fudds show up and park their vehicle down range maybe 40 yards from where we were shooting, off to our right side. We told them we were shooting in that direction, and all the bumpkin said was "you got a scope, I trust you", and proceeded to set up. In our line of fire. Worse yet, he and his friend were shooting AKs at oatmeal boxes at this 40 yard distance. And missing. And checked for hits with binoculars. At 40 yards. At a semi-reactive target.

My friend was complaining about shoulder soreness from the rifle. Me, my palm got sore from all the contact it made with my face.

Also predator20 pointing out Excalibur being transparent as usual made me lol

mpe2010 05-05-2012 02:41 PM

If you want poor gun handling, look no further than this guy:

Evil Tim 05-05-2012 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 34982)
Like some stories where a guy bought a gun and loaded all his rounds in the magazine backwards and didn't know what was wrong.

But the HK ads say that's what you're supposed to do. You're not an operator, you wouldn't understand.

Spades of Columbia 05-05-2012 08:16 PM

I had a older lady come into the store shopping for a rifle scope with a lighted reticle...she said she "really needed one for hunting because she is legally blind and cant see regular crosshairs"....i havent been hunting on opening day since.

ColonelTomb 09-13-2012 02:57 AM

Well I see this is an old thread but I have one.
I was at the local outdoor range with my dad, brother, and a family friend. All of us were shooting like normal people and observing gun safety, but this group of Asian guys down from us were not. Now, I had seen these guys get out of their car earlier, and they were carrying multiple handguns, uncased, swing the muzzles in every which direction and with their fingers on the triggers at that. I knew right away that these guys would be trouble, and they just kind of disappeared for a while. They showed up again later (down from us on the right like I said earlier) and they started shooting. Well, they tried to at least. One guy has a Smith autoloader of some type, and he's trying to shoot it and nothing's happening. I can clearly see that the safety's engaged from like 15 yards away. Every time he pulls the trigger, he flinches like crazy and looks questioningly at the gun while waving it around everywhere. Then he ejects a round from the chamber and tries again. This goes on for a while until one of his equally unsafe pals realizes what's wrong, fixes it, and goes back to waving his gun around and repeatedly shooting the ground (:confused:). These guys were really dumb and everyone was looking at them, obviously frightened. I just wish a range officer had showed up and bitched them out...

Excalibur 09-13-2012 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by ColonelTomb (Post 36082)
Well I see this is an old thread but I have one.
I was at the local outdoor range with my dad, brother, and a family friend. All of us were shooting like normal people and observing gun safety, but this group of Asian guys down from us were not. Now, I had seen these guys get out of their car earlier, and they were carrying multiple handguns, uncased, swing the muzzles in every which direction and with their fingers on the triggers at that. I knew right away that these guys would be trouble, and they just kind of disappeared for a while. They showed up again later (down from us on the right like I said earlier) and they started shooting. Well, they tried to at least. One guy has a Smith autoloader of some type, and he's trying to shoot it and nothing's happening. I can clearly see that the safety's engaged from like 15 yards away. Every time he pulls the trigger, he flinches like crazy and looks questioningly at the gun while waving it around everywhere. Then he ejects a round from the chamber and tries again. This goes on for a while until one of his equally unsafe pals realizes what's wrong, fixes it, and goes back to waving his gun around and repeatedly shooting the ground (:confused:). These guys were really dumb and everyone was looking at them, obviously frightened. I just wish a range officer had showed up and bitched them out...

Did you have to point out they were Asians? Then again, I point out when black people are being dumbasses at the range

Spartan198 09-13-2012 05:13 AM

The SFPD seems to have a severe issue with ADs. Does that count?

ColonelTomb 09-14-2012 02:11 AM

Lol no I realized right after I posted that that I might have come off a bit insensitive. I don't have anything against Asians, but I don't often see any Asian folks shooting anywhere so it kind of stuck out in my mind. Sorry if I offended anyone... :(

AdAstra2009 09-17-2012 03:37 AM

When I was in Egypt with the MFO we had people having Negligent discharges into the clearing barrel because they didn't realize they had to drop the magazine before charging their weapon and pulling the trigger.
We also had this one moron who somehow managed to drop an M249 from a guard tower. Only thing that was salvageable was the receiver and the barrel.

Spartan198 09-17-2012 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 36138)
We also had this one moron who somehow managed to drop an M249 from a guard tower. Only thing that was salvageable was the receiver and the barrel.

I thought weapons were tested to survive such drops?

AdAstra2009 09-17-2012 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 36140)
I thought weapons were tested to survive such drops?

Heh plastic furniture isn't going to survive a drop from that high onto a concrete foundation.

The Wierd It 09-17-2012 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 36141)
Heh plastic furniture isn't going to survive a drop from that high onto a concrete foundation.

Read: broke the stock, pistol grip, handguard and part of the heat shield.

ColonelTomb 09-17-2012 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 36138)
When I was in Egypt with the MFO we had people having Negligent discharges into the clearing barrel because they didn't realize they had to drop the magazine before charging their weapon and pulling the trigger.
We also had this one moron who somehow managed to drop an M249 from a guard tower. Only thing that was salvageable was the receiver and the barrel.

LOL! That is pretty bad. Those things aren't cheap :). I have one that my dad told me: he once went to an indoor range and there was some guy there with his (I guess) young teenage son. Dad hands the son a .357 revolver and the kid proceeds to shoot the ceiling with it multiple times....not good for the ceiling to say the least.

AdAstra2009 09-18-2012 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by ColonelTomb (Post 36171)
LOL! That is pretty bad. Those things aren't cheap :). I have one that my dad told me: he once went to an indoor range and there was some guy there with his (I guess) young teenage son. Dad hands the son a .357 revolver and the kid proceeds to shoot the ceiling with it multiple times....not good for the ceiling to say the least.

Multiple times! I could see someone doing that with an uzi or something but with a revolver?

S&Wshooter 09-18-2012 03:03 PM

A few years back my buddy was showing me the shotgun his grandfather had just gave him and ended up pointing it right at my chest, so I took it from him, checked it, and gave him a lengthy lecture on proper gun handling before letting him have his shotgun back.

commando552 09-18-2012 03:53 PM

I have two that spring to mind. The first was told to me by a soldier friend, apparently one day out on the ranges a fellow recruit was shooting his L85 with iron sights, and was adjusting the position of the gun in his shoulder between shots when he ND'd. Not normally a massive problem, gun was pointing down range so there was no immediate danger. However the butt of the gun wasn't against his shoulder and the iron sight was just in front of his face meaning that the gun kicked back and the iron sights hit him in the face and fractured his cheek bone. To add to it, this would normally be left to heal by itself, but he then fell over whilst drunk (apparently he was a fuck-up in several ways) and messed it up more, meaning he had to have an operation where they cut between his gum and inside lip to stick a plate up there.

Second was during a counter piracy patrol in the Gulf of Aden when a Merlin flying from a Royal Navy ship was sent towards a merchant vessel which was asking for help. There was a small boat tailing it, and the Marine snipers on board could see that the people on board had AKs along with an RPG. When they saw the Merlin they tuned away from the boat and started throwing their weapons into the sea, but then the guy with the RPG accidentally fied it straight down into the deck of their boat. The warhead didn't detonate, but the boat very quickly sunk and the would be pirates ended up being rescued by Royal Marine ORCs.

MT2008 09-18-2012 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 36141)
Heh plastic furniture isn't going to survive a drop from that high onto a concrete foundation.

There's a YouTube video here of a guy torture-testing his Glock by dropping it from a plane. Also, I remember reading that the Austrian Army's torture test for the AUG involved dropping it 50 feet onto concrete (and the rifle was undamaged by the fall). With these examples in mind, I'm actually a little surprised that a U.S. mil-spec weapon couldn't survive falling from a guard tower - which I assume was no higher than 50 feet? Then again, a SAW is a larger, heavier weapon with more moving parts.

S&Wshooter 09-18-2012 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by commando552 (Post 36186)
When they saw the Merlin they tuned away from the boat and started throwing their weapons into the sea, but then the guy with the RPG accidentally fied it straight down into the deck of their boat. The warhead didn't detonate, but the boat very quickly sunk and the would be pirates ended up being rescued by Royal Marine ORCs.

That's awesome

Spartan198 09-18-2012 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 36189)
That's awesome

And funny, too.

AdAstra2009 09-18-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 36188)
I'm actually a little surprised that a U.S. mil-spec weapon couldn't survive falling from a guard tower - which I assume was no higher than 50 feet? Then again, a SAW is a larger, heavier weapon with more moving parts.

Heh I've seen it done with less.

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