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Gunmaster45 04-07-2009 07:14 AM

Rampage (2009)
I was surfing IMDB and was looking over some of the new atrocities Uwe Boll will be cranking out in the future and came across "Rampage (2009)".

This was the summary:


A man with a thirst for revenge builds a full body armor from Kevlar and goes on a killing spree.
Oh god, I just KNOW this movie is going to go over great with gun hating politicians.

"Oh, anyone could go out with Kevlar and blow people away so lets ban more shit and laugh at those who love guns! Hahahahahaha!"

Image these politicians in that wierd room where we always see like 20 people at an oval table talking in poor, blue lighting conditions to add to the effect. :D

MT2008 04-07-2009 06:07 PM

I'm pretty sure anti-gunners don't draw arguments from movies (it's usually the other way around). It's more likely that this movie would provoke outrage from censorship advocates (maybe).

And of course, it goes without saying that this movie will be criticized because it's one of Uwe Boll's films.

Gunmaster45 04-07-2009 09:35 PM

Well Bowling for Columbine sure sparked some contreversy. Michael Moore is a douche.

MT2008 04-08-2009 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1643)
Well Bowling for Columbine sure sparked some contreversy. Michael Moore is a douche.

True, but most of it had to do with Moore's Oscar acceptance speech.

Gunmaster45 04-08-2009 02:09 AM

I can't believe he won an oscar for that ego-maniacal bullshit. He attacked Heston with questions he himself couldn't answer. The poor guy had alsheimers for christ sakes! And the whole title is a mistake, the two guys at Columbine didn't go bowling at 6:00am, so way to screw that up, dickhead.

God, he makes me so mad I want to shoot him. :rolleyes:

MT2008 04-12-2009 04:18 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1656)
I can't believe he won an oscar for that ego-maniacal bullshit. He attacked Heston with questions he himself couldn't answer. The poor guy had alsheimers for christ sakes! And the whole title is a mistake, the two guys at Columbine didn't go bowling at 6:00am, so way to screw that up, dickhead.

God, he makes me so mad I want to shoot him. :rolleyes:

I don't remember if Heston had actually been diagnosed at the time he gave the interview.

But yes, it is true that Moore distorts facts. It's not like he's even coherent in his arguments, either. "Bowling for Columbine" is supposedly about how it's not the guns that are the problem, but America's "culture of fear" or whatever. And Moore told Phil Donahue he thinks handguns should be banned, but then said in the same interview that he didn't think banning guns reduced violence. He can't keep his own story straight.

Krel 04-12-2009 06:22 AM

This site tells about the deceptions Moore used in BFC:

One of the things he did in Mr. Heston's case was cut-and-paste parts of different speeches, given months apart. Read the site for other things he did.


Alcatrazz 04-12-2009 03:09 PM

I doubt there will be any controversy about Rampage, simply because no one will give a Tinker's fuck about it. It won't be in theaters long enough for anyone to care.

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