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Yournamehere 08-12-2009 08:22 AM

Don't you just love......
When a specific motif regarding guns recurs in several movies? I've seen about a million 1911s with hammers down being used to threaten people, when we all know a single action is functionless unless you cock the hammer, or chamber it if it's empty, OR drop it, because sometimes they go off like that too.

Post any recurring gun faux pas or pet peeves of yours with regard to movies.

Vangelis 08-12-2009 09:00 AM

Panzerfausts firing rockets, as seen in pretty much every videogame to feature them.

Excalibur 08-12-2009 04:01 PM

Speaking of the hammer down to threaten people. Don't forget to add onto that, they like to pull the hammer down to mean they are "serious" right now. Ok what's the point of aiming a gun at someone and after they refuse to your demands, THEN you pull the hammer down.

Ace Oliveira 08-12-2009 06:15 PM

The USAF M16 being used by Army soldiers and Marines in 1970s and 1980s Vietnam War movies. That isn't really a pet peeve though.

Gunmaster45 08-12-2009 09:02 PM

1) Guns going *click* instead of locking empty on the last shot.

2) Guns blatantly ignoring their ammunition capacity. It's even worse when it's a revolver...

3) People being thrown off their feet or launched 10 feet across the room when hit by the mighty shotgun, .50 cal, .45 pistol, etc, etc.

4) No recoil. Personal pet peeve.

5) Actors with obviously no gun training manage to kick ass on an endless number of goons, many of which look like they actually do know how to use guns (I'm talking about you Commando!)

6) Just having the main character have poor gun training period.

7) When someone does a mid-mag reload and they drop one mag, load another, and rack the slide despite the round in the chamber. This is shown in The Punisher '04 (we see the brass ejecting too) and in Vantage Point (they don't show brass) I'll be fixing up Vantage Point soon, after I finish with my Leon screencaps. I'll be sure to note this on the page.

8) Horrendous flinching by actors using guns, especially if they're supposed to be badasses with guns. I'll admit, I blink when I'm shooting real rounds, but blanks... no. The anticipation of recoil is what causes the blink, but actors fear the fireball and bang.

9) When actors have poor stances and grips yet shoot better than I do. BS.

10) Bad trigger discipline. How hard is it to remember to not put your finger on the trigger? I'm still in awe of the fact all my friends I'm training still touch the trigger.

11) When so called "SWAT" members are flagging each other with their muzzles, breaching rooms with no tactical plan or anything (it makes it easier for them to all get destroyed I suppose), and handling their weapons like baboons. It's ridiculous.

I can't think of any more, and the 1911 hammer down things is always annoying to see, but the quote I put on the main page for the movie Phonebooth explains that pretty well.

Ace Oliveira 08-12-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 5914)

5) Actors with obviously no gun training manage to kick ass on an endless number of goons, many of which look like they actually do know how to use guns (I'm talking about you Commando!)

Commando is one of the greatest movies of all time because of that. It is completely ridiculous in every aspect.

Gunmaster45 08-12-2009 09:46 PM

Pretty much every annoyance known to film is seen in Commando, including just about all the ones I mentioned.

But it is still a great film in how ridiculous it is.

Nyles 08-12-2009 10:07 PM

Any kind of RPG, espescially the RPG-7 being fired and you see a the rocket flying slowly towards a target. Believe me, you don't. Also, firing RPGs indoors. The back blast would cook you.

Ace Oliveira 08-12-2009 10:08 PM

How fast does the RPG fly?

Excalibur 08-12-2009 10:12 PM

Fast just enough for you to dodge if you see it coming.

Nyles 08-12-2009 10:16 PM

Well, here's a video to give you an idea.

Also, note how the soldier runs away before he fires it. It is NOT pleasant to be near one of those things when it goes off.

I'm qualified on the Carl Gustav M2 / M3 MRAAW, which is our nearest equivlent (well, aside from the M72, which we don't use much - very inaccurate). When you're the loader, you literally have to hug the gunner when we shoots, or you will actually get knocked around by the backblast - the air rushing in to fill the space it just got forces out of is enough to suck the snot out of your nose.

According to the pam you need about 50 meters clear behind you for safety when you fire, realistically it's more like 20. I once took a piss behind the rocket range, and 100 meters away, downhill and into bush I still felt the heat when it went off. When I shoot it, I wear earplugs AND muffs.

Gunmaster45 08-12-2009 10:18 PM

Yeah, I'm pretty confident saying I couldn't dodge that thing to save my life. Literally.

Ace Oliveira 08-12-2009 10:20 PM

Holy shit. If RPGs are that "bad", what does heavy artillery do?

Gunmaster45 08-12-2009 10:26 PM

Turns a target into a nice cinder. :D

Ace Oliveira 08-12-2009 10:37 PM

I'm talking about what happens to the shooters.

Gunmaster45 08-12-2009 11:25 PM

Well they are built on a much heavier gun and being manned by multiple people, so not too bad I suppose.

Nyles 08-13-2009 10:04 PM

Well, for one thing you fire artillery isn't a rocket so it doesn't have backblast.

Krel 08-14-2009 02:20 AM

Speaking of back-blasts. My favorite scene in the remake of "The Invaders From Mars" involves a rocket launcher, a large on with a bi-pod. The Marines are firing away at the Martians with their rifles, when the General calls for the rocket launcher. The operator moves to the front, and you see every Marine dive for the walls on either side of the rocket launcher. A great scene.


Yournamehere 08-14-2009 06:06 AM

I just thought of a good one.

Sometimes in action movies, someone will shoot their opponents gun out of their hand, but the gun will remain undamaged, and the person won't take any injury, though they may pretend to take some form of injury or just go Macaulay Culkin and look in awe at their gun which has disappeared. How in the HELL is this possible? It's not, that's how!

Vangelis 08-14-2009 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 5946)
Holy shit. If RPGs are that "bad", what does heavy artillery do?

Spends most of its recoil moving a large chunk of itself attached to various pistons, as a rule.

See that long silver rod on top? That's how far the breech and barrel have moved back.

Excalibur 08-15-2009 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 5982)
I just thought of a good one.

Sometimes in action movies, someone will shoot their opponents gun out of their hand, but the gun will remain undamaged, and the person won't take any injury, though they may pretend to take some form of injury or just go Macaulay Culkin and look in awe at their gun which has disappeared. How in the HELL is this possible? It's not, that's how!

I never get that. If you have that good aim and you somehow shot a gun from a man's hand, he would be seriously injured from the force of the gun flying off his hand, and material from the impact of bullet to just splattering all over him.

Spartan198 09-25-2009 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 5982)
I just thought of a good one.

Sometimes in action movies, someone will shoot their opponents gun out of their hand, but the gun will remain undamaged, and the person won't take any injury, though they may pretend to take some form of injury or just go Macaulay Culkin and look in awe at their gun which has disappeared. How in the HELL is this possible? It's not, that's how!

I saw a SWAT marksman do something similar on one of those real life police shows (Cops, Real Stories of the Highway Patrol, something like that) a long time ago.

Rockwolf66 09-28-2009 05:52 AM

You mean This video.
Or did you mean any other video?

Spartan198 09-29-2009 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rockwolf66 (Post 7203)
You mean This video.
Or did you mean any other video?

Impressive shot, but that's not it. The one I'm talking about had the perp laying flat on his back on his porch with the pistol laying on his chest, and the cop shot it off with his own pistol from about four feet away.

Orca1_9904 10-05-2009 10:44 AM

Let's not forget another classic Hollywood firearm myth; the fact that any gun from a .38 snub-nosed revolver to an M60 machine gun can cause a car to explode if shot in the fuel tank. This was actually addressed rather comically in "Last Action Hero" when Schwartzenegger was plugging away at an oncoming car expecting it to turn into a fireball but was shocked when it kept on going. Two other movie weapon faux pas involve hand grenades; namely the mistaken belief that it's possible to pull the pin wih your teeth and not suffer serious dental injury, and that a that a High-Explosive Fragmentation grenade is supposed to generate an almost Hiroshima-like fireball upon detonating, instead of a roughly medium-size dust cloud and a few scattered puffs of dust from fragments impacting the surrounding area.

Spartan198 10-11-2009 08:28 PM

I don't know if this one qualifies, but as I'm sitting here watching Tomorrow Never Dies, I can't help but be reminded how when the hero takes an assault rifle or SMG from a dead bad guy he/she just killed, they never seem to bother taking any extra ammo!

AdAstra2009 10-11-2009 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 7533)
I don't know if this one qualifies, but as I'm sitting here watching Tomorrow Never Dies, I can't help but be reminded how when the hero takes an assault rifle or SMG from a dead bad guy he/she just killed, they never seem to bother taking any extra ammo!

The only exceptions I can think of are Blood Diamond and the first Die Hard.

LoneSniperJim 10-11-2009 11:10 PM

Well apparently they don't need to cause they have unlimited ammo ( I mean Bond seems to have fired off at least 100+ rounds from a 30 round magazine )

Spartan198 10-12-2009 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 7535)
The only exceptions I can think of are Blood Diamond and the first Die Hard.

Assault on Precinct 13, too. Ethan Hawke took the tac vest, ammo and all, off one of the dirty SWAT cops he killed (but for some odd reason didn't seem to have a use for the perfectly good night vision gear the baddy had, though... :confused:) and wore it all through the movie.

Excalibur 10-19-2009 05:14 AM

Sometimes night vision can be bothersome and there seemed to have been enough natural on screen light to make night vision pointless

MT2008 10-19-2009 03:40 PM

I also love how the folly editor always has to insert the sound of a hammer being cocked every time a pistol is drawn, even if it's a hammerless gun like a Glock or a Walther P99. More often than not, even when the gun is a model that has a hammer, you can tell that it hasn't actually been cocked. I was just watching a TV show where a bad guy pulls a Taurus PT92 on another character, and you hear the hammer get cocked into SA as he draws it, but you can clearly tell that the gun is still in DA mode.


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 7533)
I don't know if this one qualifies, but as I'm sitting here watching Tomorrow Never Dies, I can't help but be reminded how when the hero takes an assault rifle or SMG from a dead bad guy he/she just killed, they never seem to bother taking any extra ammo!

To be fair, the bad guys rarely seem to be carrying extra ammo in the first place. Ever notice how few of them have extra mag pouches? It's like they walk around with only one loaded mag in the gun and nothing else the entire time.

I guess it's because theoretically, the bad guys are supposed to have unlimited ammo, too (unless, for the sake of plot convenience, they happen to run out just when the hero needs to shoot them).

Excalibur 10-22-2009 01:31 AM

In a lot of movies, we rarely seen the good guys carry extra mags. Sometimes we see maybe one or two mag reloads and the scenes they are walking into are literal war zones. Like in Punisher War zone, we see the actor Ray Stevenson had some training, in the behind the scenes, he was drilled by US Marines, but in character, he didn't carry enough mags for his M4 to last the entire battle. He had to bust out his extra handguns to shoot around. I mean who carries 4 sidearms into battle with his primary? He had his custom M4, 2 full auto Beretta 92s, a USP compact and then a customized S&W 500. He could of had room for several more M4 mags in place of those extra handguns.

Some of the only movies were we see the character carry a descent amount of extra magazines for anything was in Heat where everyone carried what I can see more than 6 extra mags. In Terminator Salvation, Christian Bale as John Connor carried so many extra mags, he had some on his arms and extra grenades for his M203. Now that is preparing for war with the machines.

Krel 10-23-2009 12:52 AM

A few years back, one Friday or Saturday night I was cycling through the cable channels when I came upon one of those cheap, made for video movies. It was a group of women in shorts, and t-shirts being chased by some guys for whatever they took from the villains out in some wilderness. One of the women makes a comment that the chief bad guy must surly be out of ammo. They cut to the guy with a Beretta, or Taurus as he unzips his jacket to reveal that he is wearing a vest just covered in spare magazines. I turned the movie off after that, as I felt that I had just seen the best scene in the movie! :D


Excalibur 10-23-2009 03:59 AM

We also rarely seen in movies and TV shows anyone reloading and when we do see them reloading, the director made it look as dramatic as possible.

sillybunz13 09-14-2010 04:13 AM

The handgun grips are the worst!
I usually watch like military/war movies or cop movies. It just fucking irks me to see these "soldiers" or "cops" that are supposed to go throught shit loads of training do not use any trigger discipline and use tea cup (cup and saucer) grips, thumb behind the slide grips (pussy grip), wrist brace grips, or the grip that Ziva uses in NCIS (Her grip is just plain fucking retarded). How can these actors/actresses convince who they are trying to be with all this bullshit?

BurtReynoldsMoustache 09-14-2010 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by sillybunz13 (Post 19081)
I usually watch like military/war movies or cop movies. It just fucking irks me to see these "soldiers" or "cops" that are supposed to go throught shit loads of training do not use any trigger discipline and use tea cup (cup and saucer) grips, thumb behind the slide grips (pussy grip), wrist brace grips, or the grip that Ziva uses in NCIS (Her grip is just plain fucking retarded). How can these actors/actresses convince who they are trying to be with all this bullshit?

Because average Joe Citizen TV Viewer does not care.

Spades of Columbia 09-20-2010 04:25 PM

I was watching Breaking News today by Johnny Too and was reminded of one. Bad guy shoots into police car door with an AK-47...Bullet holes everywhere, and the cop on the other side is fine and dandy ready to shoot back at the bad guy in the open street...ohhh yeah...and nobody has a bullet holes in them. Unless cop cars are armored and bad guys have invisible forcefields on them...pretty lame. Good movie otherwise.

sillybunz13 09-29-2010 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by BurtReynoldsMoustache (Post 19084)
Because average Joe Citizen TV Viewer does not care.

they should because it's annoying to people who do.

BurtReynoldsMoustache 09-29-2010 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by sillybunz13 (Post 20019)
they should because it's annoying to people who do.

The point of watching TV is to turn off your brain and chill. If you can't turn your brain off, than TV is not for you.

k9870 09-30-2010 01:17 AM

Whats with movies where people hold a gun back then push it forward while shooting, like there trying to sling the bullets? Its a common thing with snubbies.

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