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MoviePropMaster2008 12-18-2008 06:08 PM

Back from Hawaii
And it was a bust. The STORM of the century hit when I was there. 4" of rain in one hour. over 70 homes destroyed by floods on the Eastern side of the island. Everyone stayed inside for MOST of the 8 days I was there. the North shore (where they film LOST) was shut down due to 50-60 MPH gusts and huge rain. the Television had that "emergency broadcast system" alerts all the time warning about "severe hazard of flash floods" over the entire island.

Well at least it was 82 degrees. Now I'm back to the freezing "lower 48" :)

MT2008 12-19-2008 02:22 AM

AND you had to babysit actors who were (mis)handling your guns?

Excalibur 12-19-2008 08:35 AM

What movie did you do over there? and what kind of guns were used? And it's about 20 and lower where I am near Chicago.

MT2008 12-19-2008 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 195)
What movie did you do over there? and what kind of guns were used? And it's about 20 and lower where I am near Chicago.

Here in Texas, it's still in the 60s and 70s in the afternoon (nights and mornings, it dips below 40). But I'm flying to NC pretty soon...

Gunmaster45 12-20-2008 12:46 AM

It's 20 degrees F and snowing more than a foot. Nothing to do but screencap. :)

Yournamehere 12-20-2008 01:06 AM

It's 80 or so here. I hate Florida.

Excalibur 12-20-2008 02:45 AM

I wish I was in Florida right now.

Gunmaster45 12-20-2008 06:12 AM

Best vacation I ever had was to Florida. Went to all the amusement parks. I'm a late sleeper and the parks closed early in winter. Bastards. Never got to go on the good rides.

The T2 3-D thing was awesome! Sarah Connor fires a wierd type Colt Commando in the air (it had a wierd box instead of a magazine attached an fired sparks like a muzzle flash. It was pretty loud too.) Maybe MPM knows what that is.

Then an Arnie look alike drives onto the stage with his Winchester 1887 and shoots the T-1000, that gun was loud too. Then it jumps to the screen for near the rest of the time and the only gun used from then on is the plasma rifle. Awesome experiance. Technically 4-D since they had things that made you feel as well as see.

The MIB ride was the only other one I was on. I'm a great shot and probably the only shooter other than my father on the ride and I sucked ass at it. My sadistic family found this funny and took me on the ride a second time.

Came back home from florida to a freezing rain/ice storm. Like a spit in the face, isn't it.

Now I'm enjoying two feet of snow and cold. Fun. But Florida is best in winter because it is just the right warmth for me 60-80 degrees. In summer it is too hot and humid.

Wow I just kind of trailed on didn't I?

Yournamehere 12-20-2008 01:55 PM

It might be nice to come down for a few days, but try living here, it sucks. I'm moving to Portland, Oregon, because, frankly, I like that spit in your face weather. It's always raining or snowing, and it's always cold. In the summer it can heat up a bit, but it's not too bad. Plus it is one of the best gun environments in the country. The only state that allows college professors to carry guns on campus, save for Utah. Plus, the store clerks will let me handle anything I want even though I'm a minor. Nothing that turns me on more than respect.

Gunmaster45 12-21-2008 01:31 AM

New York is the worst. My uncle just moved to Florida. It starts snowing here and the bastard calls to tell me he's putting on shorts.

I used to like Gander Mt. but I picked up a gun and some little punk ass walked up and told me to put it down. Haven't gone back since. (I certainly don't go their to by their hick-ass garbage, so what's left?).

The only reason I have such great access to guns in new york is because my father is a liscensed dealer. Sadly, he is an "oldy" who dislikes all the fun stuff like assault rifles. If he wanted to, he could sell full-auto gun, sawed-off guns and other stuff for class 3 dealers and police officers. But he doesn't because he's no fun :P.

All the best gun places are too hot or too cold. No "just right" places. I hate politicians. They obviously don't know a thing about how gun laws effect crime so why do they get even the slightest say in the matter. New York's crime rate is higher than ever. Why? Because citizens were stripped of their major gun rights while criminals are getting illegal guns easily. Poor people like Henry Ghetts try to defend themselves from muggers and are thrown in jail as well.

I hope Obama and Biden keep their minds on the war in Iraq long enough to avoid pissing down our gun-loving back (I don't hate Obama, he has some good ideas but not on guns. Biden is a complete scumbag. Remember the assault weapons ban and high-capacity mag bans? Proudly written by him. Bastard). I love to preach.

But not to start political discussions. This is a movie/gun forum.

Excalibur 12-21-2008 06:58 AM

No, it's ok to rant about how unfair the world is. So when everything goes to hell because of shitty gun laws, we can just tell our government we told them so, even though they'll find another scapegoat to blame.

Ha, assault weapons ban. Biden doesn't know what an assault weapon is, or what constitute as a "high capacity magazine". 30 round mags aren't high capacity. They're standard.

MT2008 12-21-2008 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 242)
Ha, assault weapons ban. Biden doesn't know what an assault weapon is, or what constitute as a "high capacity magazine". 30 round mags aren't high capacity. They're standard.

My favorite is that quote from good 'ol Chuck Schumer where he's talking about an example of a criminal using a "high-capacity magazine", and he says, "[The shooter] used a stock. Our legislation bans more than 10-bullet stocks." :D

Gunmaster45 12-21-2008 09:27 PM

A lot can be done with 10 rounds. I can reload a gun in one seconds and now have another 10. What damage can be done with 20 rounds! Apparently, the politicians have seen too many action movies (or been in too many) and don't know that guns can reload quite easily.

Who the hell looks at a Ruger 10/22 or a Browning A5 shotgun and considers them assault weapons? They are sporting and hunting arms!

Excalibur 12-22-2008 05:18 AM

I'm sure most of us who's handled firearms can reload a any weapon in a few seconds. And a lot of crimes are committed with guns with less than 10 rounds. The VA Tech guy had a 10 round glock 17 and reloaded a dozen times.

Gunmaster45 12-22-2008 05:42 AM

I think he had a Glock 22 actually (something bigger than 9mm). And a Walther P22 (another ten shot). But the idea is that it doesn't matter how many bullets your gun can hold, you can reload.

Luckily I have a lot of pre-ban mags. It is dumb that you can still buy pre-ban mags even with the ban. I mean, I like it because it is a loophole, but how effective is it really to ban high-cap mags when you can buy ones older than the ban.

MT2008 12-22-2008 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 256)
I'm sure most of us who's handled firearms can reload a any weapon in a few seconds. And a lot of crimes are committed with guns with less than 10 rounds. The VA Tech guy had a 10 round glock 17 and reloaded a dozen times.

He used a Glock-19 with 15-round and 33-round mags (mostly the former, a few of the latter) for most of the killing.

While I am of course pro-RKBA, I'm really not so sure I like the whole "there's no difference between a 30-round mag and three 10-round mags" argument. I mean, the fact is, if 30-round magazines didn't offer any advantages in firepower, they wouldn't have been invented in the first place.


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 253)
don't know that guns can reload quite easily.

Well, I think generally speaking, the logic isn't that shooters are trained marksman or former servicemen, but untrained idiots (in some cases, idiots who fire their guns sideways). Therefore, the question is usually along the lines of, "What types of guns allow a person with the least training possible to do the most damage for their skill level?" I don't exactly fault the gun controllers for their logic, just their goals. :-)

Excalibur 12-23-2008 05:24 AM

Well, in WWII, to cut down costs, the Tommy guns used to have 30 round stick magazines, but were switched to 20s. The M16 started out with a 20 round magazine, but when observing how the opposing side with their AKs have 30 round magazines, we mind as well do the same.

I guess for civilians, I seriously doubt any of us in our everyday life would require the need to use a full auto M16 and 30 round mags, but it's the fact they would ban 30 round mags, and limit and restrict full auto to those who can afford it, gives the need to complain about it.

I think it comes down to the people who ask "Why ban it?" And people who say "Why not?" And what is in between are the excuses to support each side. It's a never ending struggle on who can bitch and moan the most.

MT2008 12-23-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 264)
Well, in WWII, to cut down costs, the Tommy guns used to have 30 round stick magazines, but were switched to 20s. The M16 started out with a 20 round magazine, but when observing how the opposing side with their AKs have 30 round magazines, we mind as well do the same.

I guess for civilians, I seriously doubt any of us in our everyday life would require the need to use a full auto M16 and 30 round mags, but it's the fact they would ban 30 round mags, and limit and restrict full auto to those who can afford it, gives the need to complain about it.

I think it comes down to the people who ask "Why ban it?" And people who say "Why not?" And what is in between are the excuses to support each side. It's a never ending struggle on who can bitch and moan the most.

Not sure I understand the point about Thompsons in WWII, but anyway, I do agree 30-round mags should be legal. I would hope just about anyone on IMFDB feels the same way. But I just don't agree with the argument about how there's no difference between them and three 10-rounders. It doesn't make sense to me, doesn't make sense to anyone with common sense, and doesn't really make our cause look good (on the contrary, it makes us look like we have to lie to further our agenda, which is something that I prefer to leave to Sarah Brady & co.)

And unfortunately, I have never been popular in the pro-gun community for my views on this particular matter. When I was a member of AWBansunset (remember them?), I used to take a lot of flack from other members on that board about our tactics.

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