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Mazryonh 04-07-2017 02:21 AM

Gun-related videos and channels take a serious hit on youtube
In the middle of the advertising boycott on youtube, it seems that the Google-owned website has chosen to jettison gun-related content as "advertiser-unfriendly."

A wide variety of gun-related content producers on youtube, even the channel made for the Firearm Blog website, have all had their entire video library classified as "restricted" and thus demonetized entirely.

Could this be the start of a trend? Could this wiki be next? What's going on here? :confused:

Excalibur 04-07-2017 01:42 PM

I am surprised this hasn't happened sooner, but damn, that's a LOT of channels that's lost money over this, big and small. It's the small ones that are more in trouble because those guys do this full time and don't have actual jobs to support them.

This is life ending for a lot of small timers.

Jcordell 04-11-2017 04:59 AM

So far the videos that I have viewed and enjoy are still on youtube. Especially Hickock 45. Crossing my fingers.

Mazryonh 04-12-2017 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jcordell (Post 43513)
So far the videos that I have viewed and enjoy are still on youtube. Especially Hickock 45. Crossing my fingers.

Hickok45 was actually banned by youtube. Twice. Granted, it was because of Google's labyrinthine "no gun advertising" rules back then for Google+, but it shows just how shaky the ground is for gun channels on youtube. Hickok45 at least had a large fanbase to back him up when he was banned twice and reinstated twice. If you don't have that or very good lawyers, I've heard that Google doesn't bother to listen to youtube user complaints regarding unjustified bans or similar issues.

Excalibur 04-12-2017 09:57 PM

The new problem is that a LOT of these channels are trying to, but not saying that they are, relying on fans on Patreon. That's a good idea, but let's say I have 12 favorite gun channels, and I actually watch a lot more. Lost count on how many channels. I can only donate so much of my money every month and I got other channels I like that aren't gun related, that I want to support. People will start deciding on not donating or stop donating after so long before they realized how much money is being spent a month.

commando552 04-13-2017 12:01 AM

Does anybody know if it is possible for content creators to appeal the demonetisation in this case? It used to be appealable, then I heard recently that it wasn't any more, but then Youtube claimed that the lack of an appeals process was a "bug" that they were fixing. This was about 2 weeks ago now, so am just curious if anybody is aware of a gun channel that has successfully appealed the age restriction/demonetisation.

Excalibur 04-13-2017 02:16 PM

From what I've been looking up, this is a recent problem that's on top of YouTube getting boycotted by a bunch of companies pulling their ads, so this had lead to newer stupid policies on other channels as well, like a view limit before you can get money on a video.

commando552 04-13-2017 04:43 PM

I think that the 10,000 views before monetisation is actually a good policy. If you are legitimately making content of your own, 10,000 global views (ever for all videos, not just for one video) is really not that much, and the amount of money you would get before this point is pretty negligible to by honest. I'm not sure exactly what the figure is, but I believe that Youtube pays something like $8 per 1000 ad views, with an ad view only counting if you don't skip in the first 30 seconds or something. Lets say that only about 30% of people actually watch the ad to this point, that means that the ad revenue that you are missing out on is only like $25 in total. The purpose of this 10,000 views before monetisation is to stop people creating spam accounts with misleading video titles, channels that rip other peoples content, or channels that claim copyright of other peoples content to steal the monetisation.

Jcordell 04-16-2017 05:36 PM

FWIW there is another video site called Full30 that isn't controlled by Google and all the other gun hating Internet least not yet. Hickock45 and others are on it as well. I just joined.

Excalibur 04-17-2017 02:05 PM

Same here, but Full30 for the moment is sort of a like the country club for gun channels. You need to have of some reputation, it seems and be invited to the site. You can't just make up a channel and start posting vids like YouTube. At least, not yet.

Jcordell 04-18-2017 12:20 AM

True, but it's a start and it's free of a gun hating administration. Remember it took several years for YouTube to reach it's current level.

Mazryonh 03-01-2018 02:14 AM

Things get worse for Youtube gun channels
Aside from a youtube pro-gun personality like James Yeager being banned, now the post-Parkland shooting media frenzy has fanned anti-gunners to a fever pitch so much that a major gun-focussed youtuber named Military Arms Channel shut down his channel briefly in protest.

Apparently Google also tried to censor everything with the word gun, or rifle, or revolver, etc. for their shopping results. This was quickly reversed, but ended up censoring (by returning no results) the results for terms like "burgundy," "trifle," and the "Sex Pistols."

Excalibur 03-01-2018 06:27 PM

This is getting out of control with the level of censorship and misinformation being thrown out.

Mazryonh 03-02-2018 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 44144)
This is getting out of control with the level of censorship and misinformation being thrown out.

It is likely to get worse before it gets better. Several youtube gun channels have reported receiving false community strikes or worse. And they're not the only ones being targeted. Some less-than-liberal podcasters such as Sargon of Akkad on youtube were briefly banned too.

StanTheMan 03-04-2018 06:06 AM


"Turns out, adults don’t like it when faceless bureaucrats try enforcing arbitrary restrictions — federal, corporate, or otherwise.
Many of the search terms had been restored by the early evening, but not before an important lesson was learned: Attempts to coddle adults will always backfire.

Granted, Google is a private company. If they think they can help keep our streets safe by banning the sale of guns and gun-related paraphernalia on their website, go for it.
But is that effective? No, not at all."
There plain as day.. Yet many of the same shits bitching about Google treating them like a nanny does children here I've no doubt were also joining straightaway with the gun-grabbing assholes that I daresay wait for these kind of shootings to happen so they can use the victims as fodder in screwing all of us out of our liberties. Could the irony be any thicker? Bah.

Goes without saying I'm way beyond tired of this shit. And I'd say it's already gotten well out of control myself.

Evil Tim 03-04-2018 08:39 AM

This is a good playlist to listen to in the background if you want to discover what an insane dystopia the inside of Google is:

I mean seriously, some of this stuff is literally straight out of Nineteen Eighty-Four and / or Brave New World.

Excalibur 03-05-2018 03:32 PM

With the stirring of gun bans and draconian gun laws coming up, I'm stocking up on ammo and parts.

Mandolin 03-05-2018 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 44149)
With the stirring of gun bans and draconian gun laws coming up, I'm stocking up on ammo and parts.

Please don't. People do this after every single shooting, the supply dries up, no one can find ammo, and then nothing happens.

Excalibur 03-06-2018 02:52 PM

Every time I watch the news, it worries me how little these people think of our rights and how little gun laws work.

Spartan198 03-09-2018 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 44154)
Every time I watch the news, it worries me how little these people think of our rights and how little gun laws work.

I think some people in this country simply value false security over individual liberty. It's sad what America is becoming.

Mazryonh 03-13-2018 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mandolin (Post 44150)
Please don't. People do this after every single shooting, the supply dries up, no one can find ammo, and then nothing happens.

Ammo and gun panics happen, and then the panic buyers find out they spent a lot of money at prices that quickly dropped again.

You can see a video posted by Hickok45, a long-running gun youtuber talking about the situation here.

One of the best comments in that video is from the Magnum Channel:

"I got a strike for a magazine loading video because they said it promoted illegal activity! Lol 😂"

Excalibur 03-14-2018 02:26 PM

Honestly, every paycheck, I always buy more ammo to stock up regardless of the times. I got a few thousand rounds of every caliber by now.

Spartan198 03-14-2018 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 44167)
Honestly, every paycheck, I always buy more ammo to stock up regardless of the times. I got a few thousand rounds of every caliber by now.

Even .30-40 Krag? What about 2mm Kolibri?

Evil Tim 03-14-2018 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 44171)
Even .30-40 Krag? What about 2mm Kolibri?

We're all going to Excalibur's house when we want to fire some Dardick trounds.

Excalibur 03-14-2018 09:08 PM

Ok, I need to be specific. I meant every caliber for every gun I OWN...and maybe a couple wild ones. I own a box of .50 BMG but I don't have a gun for it.

And I'm not paying 50 bucks a pop for a single tround for the Dardick

S&Wshooter 03-16-2018 12:04 AM

pls send .32 S&W Long they want more for it than .357 here

Mazryonh 03-23-2018 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 44183)
pls send .32 S&W Long they want more for it than .357 here

Why would they want more for .32 S&W Long instead of .357 Magnum? Is the former suddenly more popular now than .357 Magnum?

But now hear this. The following is Google's relatively new anti-gun policy for Youtube videos from Mar. 21, 2018 onwards:


Policies on content featuring firearms
YouTube prohibits certain kinds of content featuring firearms. Specifically, we don’t allow content that:
  • Intends to sell firearms or certain firearms accessories through direct sales (e.g., private sales by individuals) or links to sites that sell these items. These accessories include but may not be limited to accessories that enable a firearm to simulate automatic fire or convert a firearm to automatic fire (e.g., bump stocks, gatling triggers, drop-in auto sears, conversion kits), and high capacity magazines (i.e., magazines or belts carrying more than 30 rounds).
  • Provides instructions on manufacturing a firearm, ammunition, high capacity magazine, homemade silencers/suppressors, or certain firearms accessories such as those listed above. This also includes instructions on how to convert a firearm to automatic or simulated automatic firing capabilities.
  • Shows users how to install the above-mentioned accessories or modifications.

If you want to see a video about this, here's a link.

Will this include historical documentaries or even films that show how historical firearms are put together too? How safe is the IMFDB wiki from this new wave of censorship?

Spartan198 03-24-2018 08:19 PM

I was sure this was a joke when I read the headline, but it's legit

S&Wshooter 03-24-2018 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mazryonh (Post 44200)
Why would they want more for .32 S&W Long instead of .357 Magnum? Is the former suddenly more popular now than .357 Magnum?

Low demand, low supply, so you pay a premium

StanTheMan 03-30-2018 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 44173)
Ok, I need to be specific. I meant every caliber for every gun I OWN...and maybe a couple wild ones. I own a box of .50 BMG but I don't have a gun for it.

And I'm not paying 50 bucks a pop for a single tround for the Dardick

Eh, I can see owning a bit of some common calibers even if you don't actually own anything that will pew-pew-pew it, finances and whatnot providing of course.


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 44201)

So did I, but that said, shit I'm game. I probably spend as much time there as I do on YouTube anyway, so kooky as it may be it's also damn convenient in my case. :p

Spartan198 03-30-2018 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by StanTheMan (Post 44213)
So did I, but that said, shit I'm game. I probably spend as much time there as I do on YouTube anyway, so kooky as it may be it's also damn convenient in my case. :p

If we can get the sports and car channels to move there, it'd be a one-stop shop. :D

Mazryonh 04-03-2018 06:35 PM

Meanwhile, we have The Firearm Blog trying to see what will keep a firearms-related video from being demonetized on Youtube.

Evil Tim 04-04-2018 04:03 AM

And we have a deranged Persian lady trying to shoot them.

Excalibur 04-04-2018 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 44227)
And we have a deranged Persian lady trying to shoot them.

A deranged vegan lady

Mazryonh 04-05-2018 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 44227)
And we have a deranged Persian lady trying to shoot them.

If you're hoping that this will change any of youtube's policies, I don't see that in the cards. Of course, the evidence doesn't show that her youtube uploads had anything to do with firearms, so it is unlikely that her rampage had anything to do with the new anti-gun policies youtube is implementing.

Excalibur 04-06-2018 02:50 PM

What I do know is that none of the major media have made any big articles or reports on this. There literally is nothing on my Facebook feed about this at all. This isn't a random shooting at some no name business. It's the headquarters of fucking YouTube. Where's the CNN bullshit about this?

funkychinaman 04-06-2018 06:48 PM

I think the biggest difference here is that no one but the gunman died. The fewer the deaths, the smaller the story.

Spartan198 04-12-2018 06:30 PM

I'm surprised no one claiming she's an linked to any terrorist groups. Plus, she used a pistol, not an evil mass-murdering AR-15 "assault weapon."

Evil Tim 04-12-2018 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 44239)
I'm surprised no one claiming she's an linked to any terrorist groups. Plus, she used a pistol, not an evil mass-murdering AR-15 "assault weapon."

They're probably filing it away to compare her peaceful female pistol shooting to the next shooting by a baby-eating male with an evil assault weapon.

S&Wshooter 04-13-2018 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Evil Tim (Post 44227)
And we have a deranged Persian lady trying to shoot them.

I almost want to simply say "fuck 'em" but that's a bit much

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