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Gunmaster45 06-29-2010 07:16 PM

Administrator rights for Drjuki
Drjuki has requested I talk it over with the forum as to whether or not he is able to have administrator access. What do the people think?

AdAstra2009 06-29-2010 07:39 PM

I don't think it's a good idea to give out admin rights to someone who asks for them. And Drjuki has only been with us for just under a year without a notable high amount of contribution.

But what do I know...

Excalibur 06-29-2010 07:56 PM

I wasn't with IMFDB in the beginning. I actually don't remember how I got admin powers. I think I was just asked to

Gunmaster45 06-29-2010 08:04 PM

That's what I'm iffy about, that he's asking for it. In the beginning I got my admin rights just by doing enough work that they gave me the power eventually. He appears to be a trust-worthy member but his contributions are small so far (a few video games and some small edits here and there) and since he has no method of adding screencaps right now because his dad hates the site, it's not likely he'll be a major contributor for a while.

Maybe no, maybe so, I'm not sure myself.

Oh and Excalibur01, I think you asked for your admin. rights way back when to Matt, not 100% sure though.

S&Wshooter 06-29-2010 08:33 PM

Maybe you should put him through a probationary period to see how he uses the powers, if possible

S&Wshooter 06-29-2010 08:44 PM

Wait a sec....Isn't Drjuki that really young guy (like 10-11 yrs old)?

Excalibur 06-29-2010 08:47 PM

So I assume his dad is anti-gun since he saids his dad doesn't like this site


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 14857)
Wait a sec....Isn't Drjuki that really young guy (like 10-11 yrs old)?

That is a bit too young to trust. 15 maybe or if he's some boy genius. I think you need to have the ability to properly screencap. That should be a requirement and that you do a set amount of pages, and do them WELL, before consideration. I mean, look at the other admins, me including and see how many pages we've had under our belts.

PersonOfInterest 06-29-2010 10:18 PM

I've never even heard of him. People requesting mod/admin powers shouldn't be allowed, it leaves the system open to being gamed by people who might want to screw with us. On top of that what would be gained from making him an admin? He's a semidecent contributor, so what? There are other better, more prolific contributors and they're just fine as that. They're not clamoring for power and the site goes on just the same.

Final point, he's a kid. Really, a child should not have any authority over anything. He might be ok now doing minor edits, but give him some power and he'll do something stupid eventually.

S&Wshooter 06-29-2010 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 14858)

That is a bit too young to trust. 15 maybe or if he's some boy genius.

Seriously. I've been here for awhile and they don't trust me with shit (there's probably a good reason for it though)

Swordfish941 06-29-2010 10:53 PM

I don't want to be an adminstrator because I couldn't care less.

Markit 06-30-2010 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 14857)
Wait a sec....Isn't Drjuki that really young guy (like 10-11 yrs old)?

He mentioned that he was 12 in the talk section for Call of Duty: Black Ops. That same page also features his profanity-laden rant about why other users should stop complaining about anachronisms, so IMO he really isn't mature enough to have the responsibilities of an admin.

PersonOfInterest 06-30-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by Markit (Post 14872)
He mentioned that he was 12 in the talk section for Call of Duty: Black Ops. That same page also features his profanity-laden rant about why other users should stop complaining about anachronisms, so IMO he really isn't mature enough to have the responsibilities of an admin.

Literally lollin' irl right now at 12 year olds having opinions on anything. :D

Zulu Two Six 06-30-2010 04:19 AM

wow serously, no offence but his balls are still hanging. not even shaving.
lord knows what else
i dont think he's old enough
hell, i dont think im even old enough
and yes S&W you dont get away with shit. know why?
because...we're watching you from your electronic devices and your reflective services......*whisper* big brother.....

Excalibur 06-30-2010 04:41 AM

I think we need an age limit because even though you might think you are smart, I still believe a set age to be an admin. Say 15 at least and even then, let there be a vote between all the other admins.

Also, the other requirements should be contribution count. An admin needs to have commitment to the site, being able to contribute X amount of pages, say a dozen and they HAVE to be complete pages. So this also means the admin needs to be able to screencap and do them well. A good profile page the candidate needs to make, telling us about himself a little bit, experiences with firearms, and general information. A profile page is like a resume on this site and making the page builds character.

AdAstra2009 06-30-2010 04:47 AM

Someone asking for authority itself should be a red flag.

S&Wshooter 06-30-2010 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six (Post 14876)
and yes S&W you dont get away with shit. know why?
because...we're watching you from your electronic devices and your reflective services......*whisper* big brother.....

Stop spying on me! Durn Russians and your love of spying!

Excalibur 06-30-2010 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 14878)
Someone asking for authority itself should be a red flag.

I might have asked to be an admin as well, but by that time, I had experience, and made contributions to the site

Rockwolf66 06-30-2010 06:13 AM

Not just a no but a Hell no.

I've been to his page and I've read his rants, He's no were even close to the level of maturity that I would desire for a mod. Hell I don't even think that he really understands what the purpose of this site is about.

Markost 06-30-2010 02:10 PM

A 12-13 years old boy being admin in the Internet Movie Firearms Data Base? No offense, but it gives the page a bad image.

Excalibur 06-30-2010 02:29 PM

If the kid knows how to screencap and does it well and has done many complete pages and won't abuse his powers, I might consider him

Jcordell 06-30-2010 03:14 PM

I will have to vote no. He's under fifteen, his rants strike me as the ravings of a young man and he's asking for the authority. No. Absolutely not. Anyway what type of moderator would he be if his father stops him from being on the site?

MoviePropMaster2008 06-30-2010 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 14852)
Drjuki has requested I talk it over with the forum as to whether or not he is able to have administrator access. What do the people think?

(1) You should have messaged all of the other Mods privately, Not post it in the forum (but since the member requested it he will have to hear all the comments, good or bad, but its usually bad form to discuss someone's competency in an open public thread).

(2) Anyone who ASKS for Admin access should not get it. It is bestowed by Bunni upon those who show skill, dedication and above all, enough maturity to be an admin.

(3) A twelve year old as an admin? Are you serious GM? Don't you think that's a bit of a slap in the face of the Mods who are over the age of forty and work in the industry?

Gunmaster45 06-30-2010 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 14897)
(1) You should have messaged all of the other Mods privately, Not post it in the forum (but since the member requested it he will have to hear all the comments, good or bad, but its usually bad form to discuss someone's competency in an open public thread).

(2) Anyone who ASKS for Admin access should not get it. It is bestowed by Bunni upon those who show skill, dedication and above all, enough maturity to be an admin.

(3) A twelve year old as an admin? Are you serious GM? Don't you think that's a bit of a slap in the face of the Mods who are over the age of forty and work in the industry?

He asked me to bring it up on the forum so I did, I had a feeling it wouldn't happen but I was too busy to message everyone individually so I slapped it on here and left it up to the masses to resolve it. My bad, I'm not the major worker I used to be on here, even in summer I'm having trouble making time. I kind of miss when I had no life. haha

PersonOfInterest 07-01-2010 12:58 AM

(Changed by MT2008 - this was uncalled for)

Zulu Two Six 07-01-2010 01:10 AM

^what the fuck is the matter with you?
god, you've been creepy ever sense you got here
that's unimaginably cruel

MT2008 07-01-2010 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six (Post 14924)
^what the fuck is the matter with you?
god, you've been creepy ever sense you got here
that's unimaginably cruel

Agreed. PersonOfInterest, that was uncalled-for.

Anyway, I am not opposed to a person becoming an Admin simply because of their age. If they are mature enough, and they do good work, then I'm all for it. That being said, I am not sure Drjuki has proven himself yet. It would help if he could point us to some of his work.

Excalibur 07-01-2010 02:03 AM

I really am not sure about a 12 year old to be in an admin position. The fact that he asked first off is already a red flag. And that he wanted people to comment on an open forum is already another flag. We have not see him appear here as well. An admin on the site should also visit the forum regularly to comment and bring up topics. Bunni is an exception. He operates the site.

MoviePropMaster2008 07-01-2010 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 14913)
He asked me to bring it up on the forum so I did, I had a feeling it wouldn't happen but I was too busy to message everyone individually so I slapped it on here and left it up to the masses to resolve it. My bad, I'm not the major worker I used to be on here, even in summer I'm having trouble making time. I kind of miss when I had no life. haha

I hear you! LOL. I guess folks have noticed that I'm not here all that much either. I have two productions right now that are kicking my ass. Summer time is the busiest time for productions (primarily due to the fact that it's not raining or snowing most of the time, however a lot of the country is getting weird weather! I'm sure glad California doesn't get tornadoes of any size or power).

Excalibur 07-01-2010 06:01 AM

I've been busy as well. Trying to finish college and looking for a good job in today's economy.

Been going to the range more often with my pals.

In the COD Black Ops discussion section, the guy says he is 12, like it matters to him. He also takes about saying because he's 12, he shouldn't care about anachronism in a game and I think that'll translate to he wouldn't point out anachronistic guns in movies as well because he doesn't care.

AS I said before, an admin's profile page is a resume of himself. Grammar tells how competent you are. This guy doesn't capitalize his words at all and I assume his dad must have put a filter on our main site because he saids he needs to proxy to upload caps. That's if he knows how. Why would he need a proxy to upload caps?

Anyway, when he saids "when I grow up, I'll get a gun, either an M1 Garand, or M1 Carbine." Ok, unless he has the money, either of those rifles are expensive. And obviously he's a WWII gamer cause all the pages he's "helped" on were all the COD pages. His favorite guns include a Desert Eagle and a Glock 18 and a bunch of other guns noob gamers really like.

An admin's page needs to have a professional look to them. This is your profile and if you are going to have one, everyone on the site can see it.

S&Wshooter 07-01-2010 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six (Post 14924)
^what the fuck is the matter with you?
god, you've been creepy ever sense you got here
that's unimaginably cruel

What'd he say? Was it something really fucked up?

Gunmaster45 07-01-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 14951)
What'd he say? Was it something really fucked up?

I'll message you what he said.

PersonOfInterest 07-01-2010 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 14951)
What'd he say? Was it something really fucked up?

It really wasn't THAT bad, but I guess nobody else here has the same sense of schadenfreude as I do.

Gunmaster45 07-01-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 14954)
It really wasn't THAT bad, but I guess nobody else here has the same sense of schadenfreude as I do.

I think we might just have the tact not to make fun of or wish tears and lawsuits on a 12-year-old for sick amusement. Just spit-balling there though. :cool:

Excalibur 07-02-2010 02:59 AM

We can be a bit harsh because it's the truth, but try not to be stupid mean to people, we're not a bunch of high school assholes. Well some of us are in high school. I just hope you are assholes

PersonOfInterest 07-02-2010 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 15002)
We can be a bit harsh because it's the truth, but try not to be stupid mean to people, we're not a bunch of high school assholes. Well some of us are in high school. I just hope you are assholes

I am very much an asshole, so say the girls I date.

Excalibur 07-02-2010 03:14 AM

That explains why you won't give up when it's decided that RPG will always universally stand for Rocket Propel Grenade

MT2008 07-02-2010 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 15003)
I am very much an asshole, so say the girls I date.

...which is nothing to brag about, unless you're a narcissistic douche. Anyway, what you said was quite inappropriate; almost like bullying.

S&Wshooter 07-02-2010 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 15017)
...which is nothing to brag about, unless you're a narcissistic douche. Anyway, what you said was quite inappropriate; almost like bullying.

Since he said he was drunk in another thread, I'd wager that he is a mean drunk.

PersonOfInterest 07-02-2010 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 15018)
Since he said he was drunk in another thread, I'd wager that he is a mean drunk.

I am a friendly drunk. Hugs for everybody!

S&Wshooter 07-02-2010 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 15022)
I am a friendly drunk. Hugs for everybody!

No one shall recieve hugs!!!

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