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MoviePropMaster2008 02-08-2011 08:50 PM

Yep, Pirates are everywhere....

I just find it funny that this seller is posting a pic of a gun that is actually a Title II Conversion....:eek:

Spades of Columbia 02-08-2011 10:17 PM

what Title II about that?

MT2008 02-08-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 25438)

I just find it funny that this seller is posting a pic of a gun that is actually a Title II Conversion....:eek:

Sovereign Guns...I was just there a few weeks ago (it's on the way to the range I go to, near Apex). The next time I go in there, you want me to talk to them about this? The manager seemed pretty nice, so if I talk to him face-to-face, he might understand. I also imagine he'd freak if he found out that the person who handles his Gunbroker auctions posted a picture of an automatic weapon to represent a semi-auto; besides misleading customers, it might bring unwanted ATF attention.

Only problem is, I don't know when I will go back there. It's a 90-minute drive, so my range visits are on holidays only.


Originally Posted by Spades of Columbia (Post 25447)
what Title II about that?

It's a full-auto conversion.

Spades of Columbia 02-08-2011 10:30 PM the page pictures a full auto model...I just assumed it was semi-auto pistol and didnt take notice to the details in the pic...thanks

MoviePropMaster2008 02-09-2011 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Spades of Columbia (Post 25451) the page pictures a full auto model...I just assumed it was semi-auto pistol and didnt take notice to the details in the pic...thanks

it was a Cobray M11 semi auto pistol that was converted by a Title II manufacturer as a post 86 Sample. So only a few minor details (aka pin placement, detents, etc.) would give away that it has full auto capability) Again, only an ATF agent would probably notice the difference ;)

I was also wondering, why on earth would a real BUSINESS (not a shady bullshit kid's website) steal a copyrighted pic to promote their inventory? I've actually heard the BS response that the photo looks like a manufacturer's pic, thus is fair game. I point out that it is NOT a manufacturer's pic, that IMFDB's pics are far SUPERIOR to most factory pics and per DCMA requirements, they can't steal it anyway. :)

But if the ATF busts down their doors for selling full auto converted semi auto pistols, oh well. ;)

MT2008 02-09-2011 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 25477)
iI've actually heard the BS response that the photo looks like a manufacturer's pic, thus is fair game. I point out that it is NOT a manufacturer's pic, that IMFDB's pics are far SUPERIOR to most factory pics and per DCMA requirements, they can't steal it anyway. :)

Dunno how serious you're being, but put yourselves in the shoes of Billy Bob Average for a second. Do you really think most people can tell the difference between your pics and manufacturers' pics? And by most people, I don't mean me. I can tell the difference, and so can many other IMFDB members, but that's because we know you and we're familiar with your specific techniques.

And if somebody just searches for a gun name in Google Images, your pics are often the first to come up, especially when the weapons are rare or seldom-photographed. Most people who are just looking for a pic of the gun (i.e. the dude who did this advertisement) aren't going to pay much attention to where the image came from, let alone any rules that apply. (And unfortunately, we live in an era where most people think that if it can be found on Google, copyrights are irrelevant.)

As I have said, I can and will talk to Sovereign Guns' manager, if you want. Just give me an affirmative or negative. Please?

MoviePropMaster2008 02-09-2011 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 25480)
As I have said, I can and will talk to Sovereign Guns' manager, if you want. Just give me an affirmative or negative. Please?

As per the first part, I am well aware of the circumstances. That being said, ALSO, ignorance of the law is no excuse. I can always demand a removal per DCMA and their ISPs will probably comply. The more I've checked into that, more and more ISPs will just yank the account rather than suffer from larger litigation per their intentional non-action regarding DCMA claims. :)

As to the 2nd part, I don't really care since it is a temporary situation. The gun will get sold and the posting goes away anyway. I am curious though, if they know they're posting pics of full auto guns, which is pretty funny :) LOL

So it's up to you, but I don't feel a pressing need to slam them. It's not like they're like those douchebags lifting ENTIRE SECTIONS of imfdb part and parcel onto their own sites and claiming it as their own.

MT2008 02-09-2011 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 25484)
So it's up to you, but I don't feel a pressing need to slam them. It's not like they're like those douchebags lifting ENTIRE SECTIONS of imfdb part and parcel onto their own sites and claiming it as their own.

I'll at least email them and tell them that they're showing a picture of a full-auto weapon. I imagine the fear of dealing with ATF will be a lot scarier than copyright laws.

ManiacallyChallenged 02-09-2011 08:00 AM

So the problem is two fold.
Pertinent to us as a website: They used MPM's pic w/out asking.
More so just funny: They used a fully automatic blank converted gun pic to represent a civilian model.

:O All kinds of wacky.

ersoz 02-09-2011 10:23 AM

The auction is over... the pic's gone...

I'm pretty sure ATF is monitoring major firearms related forums and websites, including this one. Chances are, they already know about it.

Spartan198 02-10-2011 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 25477)
Again, only an ATF agent would probably notice the difference ;)

They also think plastic airsoft toys can be converted to live-firing selective-fire weapons with "minimal work", so sometimes I question their competency. ;)

Though it's still a bad idea to try them, of course.


Originally Posted by ersoz (Post 25516)
The auction is over... the pic's gone...

No, it isn't. I'm looking at the webpage myself and the pic currently on there looks identical to MPM's.

ersoz 02-10-2011 01:03 PM

I'm pretty sure the pic was removed yesterday. My bad.

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