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Swordfish941 01-31-2010 07:20 AM

Politicians who you consider Giant Douche Bags
One political commentor who I really fuckin' hate is Rush Limbaugh. He is a fat fucking pig who spoonfed people with bias bullshit on his radio show. He calls feminists "Feminazi's", supports capital punishment, and says that President Obama is "going to take your 401(k) and put it in the Social Security Trust Fund". If I had my own radio talk show, I would belittle him for being a big, fat, biggoted douche.

Another one is Fred Phelps. He's a hatemonger and leader of the WestBoro Bapist Church. It's technically not even a church, but a hate group who pickets thefunerals of U.S. Soldiers and AID's victims. He calls the Catholic Church a "fag church full of pedophiles and fags", says that all disators that have befalled on America are God's punishment for the tolerance of homosexuality, and marches around streets with hate mongers with signs saying things as "God Hates Fags", "Priests Rapes Boys", and "Thank God for Dead Soldiers", and says that Ireland is "saturated with fags and dykes at every level". I hope this bastard will burn in the deepest corner in hell.

And lastly, Sarah Palin. She's just a big, fat, ugly bitch.

ManiacallyChallenged 01-31-2010 08:25 AM

You don't sound happy, man.

Spartan198 01-31-2010 02:17 PM

It's almost a requirement that you have to be some kind of asshole in order to be a politician.


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 11358)
And lastly, Sarah Palin. She's just a big, fat, ugly bitch.

I find it hard to believe Bristol is even related to her...

Alcatrazz 01-31-2010 03:22 PM

FINALLY, someone who agrees that you can like guns and still be politically liberal! Just like the entire state of Vermont!

k9870 01-31-2010 04:08 PM

I dont see whats with the anti palin thing. The media did run a pretty effective smear campaighn against her. Completely changed her image. Was she a very good choice for VP? No. Was there even a slight bit of fairness in coverage of her. NO.

Rush is a tool. I dont really like the feminist movement. Partially because every one Ive met is a raging abortion advocate. I support capital punishment also. However, Rush makes up crap, just insults his guests and doesnt even bother to actually debate them.

There was a certain senator from massachuttetts I had no respect for and used his fame to avoid jail time on manslaughter/reckless homicide charges but Currently nobody will let you say a bad thing about mr kennedy.

ManiacallyChallenged 01-31-2010 05:05 PM

Being a gun-enthusiast-liberal mash up is a hard life, my friend.
Makes voting harder, that's for sure.

Swordfish941 01-31-2010 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 11370)
I dont really like the feminist movement.

I kinda like it. I think men and women should be treated as equals. I don't like those feminists who say men are sleazy pigs, like that bitch who shot Warhol.

S&Wshooter 01-31-2010 05:30 PM

Feminists: OK
Feminazis: douchebagettes
Fred Phelps: lucky that us Catholics don't behave like Jihadists and blow up his house
In my personal opinion, about 99.9% of politicians are either idiots, bigots or criminals. We need another guy like Kennnedy or Teddy Roosevelt (who would probably start hunting Big Business CEO's for sport if he was still alive). Also, how the hell is Palin not forced to wear a helmet?

Zulu Two Six 01-31-2010 06:54 PM

WestBastard Church is the biggest sack of shit ive ever seen.
i hope they all rot in hell.
as for rush, he's not my favorite. (my friends and i wonder ''who in the hell names there child Rush? Thats just a douchebag name.'')

k9870 01-31-2010 07:30 PM


I don't like those feminists who say men are sleazy pigs
Those are the only ones ive encountered.

Also, had never heard of phelps but looked him up and what a intolerant doushebag. The types who use religion to fuel bigotry and intolerance and preach radical messages scare me as they honestly see it as their duty.

Most of the radical left pisses me off. Especially the antiwar types who protest by laying in the road to block traffic.

MT2008 02-01-2010 04:29 PM

I'm really not sure we should have this topic. At the very least, if you guys want me to let you keep it, you need to stop cursing so much.

Also, many of you are discussing PUNDITS, not politicians. There is a difference, you know.

Clutch 02-01-2010 06:24 PM

Here's a question. Is it possible to be a gun lover/enthusiast/collector and NOT be viewed as a hawkish, paranoid, politically-minded individual?

I hate picking up gun or military/LE related magazines because the cover looks decent and then throwing it down in disgust 20 pages in because a good portion of the book to that point has been half-interested in the topic of discussion and more interested in throwing political jabs at anyone disagreeing with them (S.W.A.T. Magazine has been really bad at this over the last year). I mean, if I wanted to read about why I shouldn't have an ounce of care for Barack Obama, I'll turn on Fox News (by the way, if you ever catch me watching Fox News for more than 30 seconds without a look of stupidity-induced hilarity across my face, then please dear God, notify the proper authorities immediately). But since that's not why I picked up the magazine, please refrain from such and continue to tell me about the metropolitian SWAT team who just procured a bunch of new SCAR-Ls, please. :D

k9870 02-01-2010 08:18 PM

I see myself as being conservative and really do not like obama. Some o my views may not be very conservative though. I think making marijana legal is a good thing since its useless to enforce marijana crimes and the money can be put to something important. I am not against gay marraige. I dont go to church. I think its funny when everyone assumes since im conservative that i go to church and stuff. I am against illegal immigration, support the death penalty, pro gun, pro concealed carry, etc.

S&Wshooter 02-01-2010 09:39 PM

I find it hilarious when people think I'm a Republican just because I own guns. Truth is, I'm not dedicated to either party and base my opinions on the politician's policies and actions instead of like race, creed and political party like just about everyone else

ManiacallyChallenged 02-01-2010 09:59 PM

I guess that despite what we all like to think, very few people are completely given over to one side.

Really, what you think about different issues will be determined by your experiences and social situation, so it shouldn't be surprising that there is as wide a variance of political stances as there are personalities.

Aside: I know this is the off topic forum, but this seems even more off topic... huh.

S&Wshooter 02-01-2010 10:04 PM

Many people take political preference way too far. For example, if I were to declare that I was a Democrat at my school, some white supremesist asshole would call me a dirty Liberal but if I where to say that I was a Republican I would get heckled by a group "gangstas"

ManiacallyChallenged 02-01-2010 10:49 PM

If you say you are a "moderate" everybody will tilt their head sideways and say:

S&Wshooter 02-01-2010 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged (Post 11436)
If you say you are a "moderate" everybody will tilt their head sideways and say:

Or I could just not talk about politics because I really don't feel like breaking school property with my attacker's head

MT2008 02-02-2010 02:11 AM

Also, regarding the question asked by many people, "Can I be a liberal/Democrat and still like guns?"

The answer is of course. I personally know plenty of people who own guns (even AKs and ARs) but mostly disagree with conservatives and Libertarians on just about everything else - including abortion, gay marriage, foreign policy, Healthcare, etc. But if you DO consider yourself a liberal and a pro-gunner, I would hope that at least you're willing to break with the Democrats and stand up for us if push comes to shove.

One thing I will say...I've frequently had debates with other gun owners (who ARE very conservative) and who blame my generation for everything wrong with America, including gun laws. But the thing is, while people my age are, admittedly, much more liberal on social issues than previous generations, I don't think we're as liberal on gun control.

I've even argued my theory that the popularity of first-person shooter games amongst people from my generation is part of the reason why a new AWB in this country is impossible, though I get :rolleyes: for that.

S&Wshooter 02-02-2010 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 11443)
Also, regarding the question asked by many people, "Can I be a liberal/Democrat and still like guns?"

The answer is of course. I personally know plenty of people who own guns (even AKs and ARs) but mostly disagree with conservatives and Libertarians on just about everything else - including abortion, gay marriage, foreign policy, Healthcare, etc. But if you DO consider yourself a liberal and a pro-gunner, I would hope that at least you're willing to break with the Democrats and stand up for us if push comes to shove.

I totally agree. I'm pro gay marriage, I don't really care about abortion and super conservatives get on my nerves (all signs of being a liberal) but dammit, I love guns

ManiacallyChallenged 02-02-2010 08:42 PM

That's what's great about this site. Who gives a damn about politics, we all, unequivocally love guns, and can agree on that.

Except Hi-Points. We can agree on that too.

Spartan198 02-02-2010 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged (Post 11454)
Except Hi-Points. We can agree on that too.

Yes, most definitely. Hi-Points suck.

S&Wshooter 02-02-2010 09:26 PM

Even people who don't know what guns are know that Hi-Point sucks :)

k9870 02-02-2010 09:28 PM

Hi point beats lorcin. At least hi point has a warranty and makes one gun at least worth owning (carbine). The pistols...well, suck. /nnecessarily heavy and gritty trigger, poor sights, low capacity, poor constrction, unconfortable grip, enogh poor machining and sharp edges to cut you to shreds when field stripping. And the fact many owners try to make them out to be superior to SIG/Glock/HK/FN since they paid very little. And bet their life and their amilys life on it working.

S&Wshooter 02-02-2010 09:33 PM

And you could probably get either a used gun or a C&R of infinitely better quality for around the same price

k9870 02-02-2010 10:21 PM

A ruger p95 is only 300 bucks.

S&Wshooter 02-02-2010 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 11460)
A ruger p95 is only 300 bucks.

No thanks, I like having all my fingers

k9870 02-03-2010 12:37 AM

Huh? The p95 has a very solid rep. Its not much to look at (like most rugers) but built very well (like most rugers)

k9870 02-03-2010 12:38 AM

good deals also show p here a lot

S&Wshooter 02-03-2010 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 11463)
Huh? The p95 has a very solid rep. Its not much to look at (like most rugers) but built very well (like most rugers)

I've heard alot of bad things about the Ruger P series, so I'm not sure about their reliabilty. I'd rather stick with something I'm certain is reliable over a gun that I'm not so sure about

k9870 02-03-2010 12:50 AM

Ive heard so many good things. The only downside I ever hear is that there ugly.

S&Wshooter 02-03-2010 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 11466)
Ive heard so many good things. The only downside I ever hear is that there ugly.

One of us is being misinformed. What I've heard is that the P-series tend to either fall apart or malfunction, like my father's (which would fire 3 rounds with each trigger pull)

k9870 02-03-2010 01:59 AM


which would fire 3 rounds with each trigger pull
Many people would pay big money for that.

ManiacallyChallenged 02-03-2010 03:41 AM

If it fired 3 reliable rounds per trigger pull, then heck yes.
If it fired 3 rounds sometimes, and sometimes the last one was a few seconds after the first two... perhaps not a great idea.

MT2008 02-03-2010 06:05 PM

And the award for biggest change of topic this year goes to...

MT2008 02-03-2010 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 11444)
I totally agree. I'm pro gay marriage, I don't really care about abortion and super conservatives get on my nerves (all signs of being a liberal) but dammit, I love guns

Really, you don't care about abortion? Wow. I have to say, I don't think I've ever met a Catholic (liberal or conservative) who didn't care about abortion. I've always thought abortion is the one thing that Catholics will just never be OK with (that is, until the Vatican issues a decree that says it's OK, but I think we can expect the Rapture before they ever do that).

k9870 02-03-2010 07:43 PM

What do you mean by catholic though? Most "catholics" i know are just posing, going to church as part of their image and they want people to see them at church so they can feel good. Or they just go to make their parents happy. I know so called "catholics" who support abortion. I used to go to catholic schools and hated it. Half of them try to ram their religious beliefs down your throat and think anyone who disagrees is lower than them. Half are the ones i mentioned before who just go to church, go through the motions and leave. I have a lot of (sortof) catholics in my family who try to lecture me on religion a lot. I have a few of my own beliefs but avoid churches.

S&Wshooter 02-03-2010 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 11494)
Really, you don't care about abortion? Wow. I have to say, I don't think I've ever met a Catholic (liberal or conservative) who didn't care about abortion. I've always thought abortion is the one thing that Catholics will just never be OK with (that is, until the Vatican issues a decree that says it's OK, but I think we can expect the Rapture before they ever do that).

I really don't care because it's none of my business. There are only really a few reasons I identify as Catholic:
1. I've already been baptised and have had my 1st communion
2. The Church supports the theory of evolution and that extraterrestrials could possible exist (if I were to express belief in either of those and I were a member of the numerous Baptist churches in my area I would get lynched)
3. I won't be branded a heathen sinner if I don't go to church
4. As long as you don't screw up too badly no one bothers you

k9870 02-03-2010 09:41 PM


I've already been baptised and have had my 1st communion
Baptism for me was when I was a baby. Besides, I dont think baptism has any effect. Original sin? What is that crap. and communion to me was a requirement to graduate second grade. Confirmation to me was just what you do to pass 4th grade. All the sacraments to me were meaningless. Whenever I get married someday I dont want it in a church.

Im against the church more for the fact my whole life its been trying to psh its opinions on me. Catholic schools sucked. Going to a public high school kicked ass, and college is even better.

S&Wshooter 02-03-2010 09:44 PM

You are against the church? Fine by me as long as your not an ass about it

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