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MoviePropMaster2008 07-07-2010 03:39 AM

Ban? or no Ban?
I actually temporarily banned Moviemaster1993 (1993 which probably means he's either 16 or 17 years old) because of his response to my initial query as to whether or not he was a foreigner (his English was pretty bad) and I pointed out that being up front in your User Page that English is not your first language, warns us ahead of time to be extra patient with any bad writing on the user's part. The exchange rather degenerated into this:


typical fat american gun-nut post of course i'm oblivious i'm new to the site you moronic tool you cannot ridicule my typing i have just got my first qualification in i.t i know the keyboard blindfolded

but i have to congratulate you on being the worlds first american with an extensive vocabulary

1. my details are private i like to keep them restricted only to me

2. i am english you have no opinion about linguistics when you cannot pronounce a simple word like tomato correctly 3. even though you are the moderator of this website your impression of control is similar to that of the nazi's, there is no need to be tyranical it is a simple website about guns which not to make me sound hypcritical is a bit geeky


plese take one of the many guns you own and shoot yourself in the head with it it will make the world a better place with no americans shooting canadian soldiers in iraq ' by accident' your country is a refuge for warmongers and the overall voice of the average cunt

you people make me sick
Violation of IMFDB rules? (I thought the request to blow one's own brains out was borderline threats but you guys make the call). I don't think I was out of line when I wondered if English was NOT his native language, but he really took offense. I figured he's just such an idiot that IMFDB would be better off without him. Thoughts? :D

Lift the ban? :D Or not.

Gunmaster45 07-07-2010 03:51 AM

I see no reason to bring him back, he's not really a substancial user to the site and that outburst was pretty ridiculous. Of all people to chew out, YOU MPM are the number one person on the site no one should fuck with. Plus he dissed America, screw him. :D

As for telling you to blow your brains out, that's not a threat but it's still a pretty mega-douche thing to say.

Spartan198 07-07-2010 04:05 AM

Frankly, this guy pollutes every page he posts on. And telling a people to inflict physical harm on themselves is... I just can't find the words to describe how heinous I find that.

I vote permanent banhammer. That's what I'd do if it happened on any of my forums. But you're the boss here.

S&Wshooter 07-07-2010 04:11 AM

There was nothing wrong with asking if English was his first language. That guy was just a dick

Nyles 07-07-2010 04:24 AM

We're not even in Iraq, all 3 times that happened were in Afghanistan.

Swordfish941 07-07-2010 04:32 AM

The guy's a douche. He deserves to be banned.

Excalibur 07-07-2010 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by Nyles (Post 15215)
We're not even in Iraq, all 3 times that happened were in Afghanistan.

So he's a misinformed douche that doesn't even do the research needed to make himself sound less stupid.

This site doesn't need that kind of attitude.

Markost 07-07-2010 12:03 PM
No, seriously, keep the ban. Language is not an excuse for not posting your personal data or calling MPM a nazi...

MoviePropMaster2008 07-07-2010 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 15209)
I vote permanent banhammer. That's what I'd do if it happened on any of my forums. But you're the boss here.

Hahaha. Thanks, but I'm just ONE mod of several. Gunmaster45 is a Mod as well, has just as much 'power' as I do, as does MT2008, Alienqueen11, SpeakEasy, Excalibur, etc. The only 'real' boss is "Bunni" and he floats around watching all of us, quietly, not interfering in the 'affairs of human kind'. :)

MoviePropMaster2008 07-07-2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nyles (Post 15215)
We're not even in Iraq, all 3 times that happened were in Afghanistan.

BTW, any time American forces accidentally take out our friends/allies with a friendly fire incident, it just makes me sick! :( I hate it when that happens. It's horrible and I feel rotten about it.

Actually when I read more about World War II, there were TONS of friendly fire incidents. IN 1942-43 British AAA gunners mistook American P51s for German fighters and shot them down. the list goes on and on. :(

Markost 07-07-2010 01:25 PM


The only 'real' boss is "Bunni" and he floats around watching all of us, quietly, not interfering in the 'affairs of human kind'.
We have our own big brother?:D


Actually when I read more about World War II, there were TONS of friendly fire incidents.
Sadly, all wars involve friendly fire. In the South Atlantic War, a Mirage attempted to land in the islands and was confused with a british Harrier (when the pilot dropped the external fuel tanks) and was gunned down with a twin Oerlikon AA cannon.

Excalibur 07-07-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15219)
Hahaha. Thanks, but I'm just ONE mod of several. Gunmaster45 is a Mod as well, has just as much 'power' as I do, as does MT2008, Alienqueen11, SpeakEasy, Excalibur, etc. The only 'real' boss is "Bunni" and he floats around watching all of us, quietly, not interfering in the 'affairs of human kind'. :)

How many mods do we actually have?

Markost 07-07-2010 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 15222)
How many mods do we actually have?

The following users are Sysops or Administrators:

* User:Alienqueen11

* User:Bunni

* User:Excalibur01‎

* User:Gunmaster45

* User:MT2008

* User:MoviePropMaster2008

* User:Orca1 9904

* User:Phoenixent

* User:Speakeasy804

Jcordell 07-07-2010 04:46 PM

Keep the ban. What an idiot. If he hates guns that much why in God's names is he a contributer here? Nope we don't need him.

Swordfish941 07-07-2010 08:18 PM

So if Bunni's our "Big Brother" can we post posters all over the site that has a picture of Bunni and a caption reading "Big Brother is watching you"?

PersonOfInterest 07-07-2010 08:31 PM

How dare he accuse us of mispronouncing "tomato". :mad:

Gunmaster45 07-07-2010 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Swordfish941 (Post 15226)
So if Bunni's our "Big Brother" can we post posters all over the site that has a picture of Bunni and a caption reading "Big Brother is watching you"?

This work? :D

MT2008 07-07-2010 08:49 PM

I had another dude talk to me like that once. I asked him not to post pics of firearms we had already, and he told me to go fuck myself. So I temp-banned him. He then deleted my entire user page through another IP, and I haven't seen him since.

I dunno what it is with some people. I admit that we're all OCD sometimes, but this kind of behavior is just uncalled-for. As for MovieMaster1993, this dude needs to clean that sand outta his vagina.

Swordfish941 07-07-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 15228)

Yes. Yes it will work.

S&Wshooter 07-08-2010 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 15229)
I had another dude talk to me like that once. I asked him not to post pics of firearms we had already, and he told me to go fuck myself. So I temp-banned him. He then deleted my entire user page through another IP, and I haven't seen him since.

I had a guy delete roughly 3/4 of my user page before. Alienqueen (I think) restored it and locked my page, something I recommend you do

Excalibur 07-08-2010 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 15236)
I had a guy delete roughly 3/4 of my user page before. Alienqueen (I think) restored it and locked my page, something I recommend you do

That's why I protected my page so that only mods can do anything to it.

Jcordell 07-08-2010 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 15237)
That's why I protected my page so that only mods can do anything to it.

How do I protect my page? Can I if I'm not a moderator? If I can I can't figure it out. Help please.

MoviePropMaster2008 07-08-2010 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Checkman (Post 15256)
How do I protect my page? Can I if I'm not a moderator? If I can I can't figure it out. Help please.

What is your IMFDB user page? On the general list I dont' find "Checkman"

Jcordell 07-08-2010 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15260)
What is your IMFDB user page? On the general list I dont' find "Checkman"

Yeah I went with Jcordell before I thought about it. Yes that's part of my actual name. So I'm Jcordell over there. I know brain fart. :o

By the way any luck with finding an Enfield Mk II to photograph?

MoviePropMaster2008 07-09-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Checkman (Post 15271)
Yeah I went with Jcordell before I thought about it. Yes that's part of my actual name. So I'm Jcordell over there. I know brain fart. :o

By the way any luck with finding an Enfield Mk II to photograph?

WTF?!?!?! You're Jcordell? :eek::eek:

S&Wshooter 07-09-2010 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15283)
WTF?!?!?! You're Jcordell? :eek::eek:

I know, I was suprised too

Excalibur 07-09-2010 02:09 AM

Wait, I don't know who Jcordell is? Should I know who he is?

Gunmaster45 07-09-2010 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15283)
WTF?!?!?! You're Jcordell? :eek::eek:

You didn't know that?! I haven't been here in months and I knew that. :eek:

MoviePropMaster2008 07-09-2010 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 15286)
Wait, I don't know who Jcordell is? Should I know who he is?

Shhhhhhh. He's a huge rock star. He has more women than Hugh Hefner, more groupies than Mick Jagger, More money than Warren Buffett, more fake hair than Donald Trump......

Excalibur 07-09-2010 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15292)
Shhhhhhh. He's a huge rock star. He has more women than Hugh Hefner, more groupies than Mick Jagger, More money than Warren Buffett, more fake hair than Donald Trump...... tell

PersonOfInterest 07-09-2010 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15292)
Shhhhhhh. He's a huge rock star. He has more women than Hugh Hefner, more groupies than Mick Jagger, More money than Warren Buffett, more fake hair than Donald Trump......

I knew him before he was famous. :cool:

Jcordell 07-10-2010 12:02 AM

Geez I'm flattered. I knew I felt my ears burning earlier today. Yeah I pretty much go with Checkman on most of the gun forums I belong to. The High Road, The Smith & Wesson Forum The Colt Forum, British Pub gun forum ect. On the Firing Line I'm Jeff #111. I actually joined this forum before I created my page on imfdb. Like I said I had a brain lock and used two different names. Sorry for causing any undue confusion.

Go to my page on imfdb and you can see my picture. It's on the discussion page. It's a few years old, but I haven't changed that much. And when you see my photo you'll know it's me. Anybody wanting to present an illusion about themselves sure wouldn't post that picture. LOL.

MoviePropMaster2008 07-10-2010 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Markost (Post 15221)
In the South Atlantic War, a Mirage attempted to land in the islands and was confused with a British Harrier (when the pilot dropped the external fuel tanks) and was gunned down with a twin Oerlikon AA cannon.

OMG!!! I just realized what you wrote. Argentinians refer to that war as "The South Atlantic War", whereas Great Britain (and American BTW) call it "The Falklands War" (of 1982).
I KNEW you were from Argentina, but it never clicked until now. :D

That was a fascinating conflict, in that both sides were pretty evenly matched as far as technology, weapons, and the like. Sorry to say (for the Argentinians) that the British training and battlefield doctrine was far superior. What I found fascinating was that even the British military noted the 'courage' of the Argentinian military forces, even though they were doomed in the conflict (especially their pilots).

I know a few BRITISH Falklands War vets and they have some very interesting stories. I don't know any Argentinian vets from the same conflict, though.

Sorry for the digression. :)

MoviePropMaster2008 07-30-2010 12:38 AM

Announcement: I just made the ban on moviemaster1993 permanent. When IMFDB user Kenny99 queried moviemaster1993 as to why he falsely represented his facebook page as an 'official' studio sanctioned page for the film Transformers 3 with unauthorized behind the scenes photos, his reply was simply "I didn't". Which is preposterous since his name is LIAM and the creator of the facebook page is named Liam and he admitted in a public forum that he was the creator.

Rather reminds me of Bart Simpson saying "I didn't do it" except not as funny. :mad:

Anyway, his only reply to my comments was "hahahaha you really hate me don't you?"

Seriously, his actions could bring a bunch of trouble to IMFDB and he just doesn't get it.

Sorry but the site does NOT need anyone who is that big of a douchebag. If he apologized or said that he wouldn't do it again, the mods would have cut him some slack.

End announcement.

MT2008 07-30-2010 12:39 AM

Amen. Get rid of the bastard.

Jcordell 07-30-2010 12:57 AM

Adios. He won't be missed.

S&Wshooter 07-30-2010 01:07 AM

I applaud any use of the almighty Banhammer

Markost 07-30-2010 01:09 AM

God, I hate fanboys who do things like that, they´re like attention wh#res. Well done MPM.

Excalibur 07-30-2010 01:36 AM

He's not even a fanboy. A Fanboy you can forgive because they like their "insert game, movie, or gun", but this guy is just some random asshole. He doesn't really contribute. Goes out of his way to make a second username, just so he can redo parts of the Black Hawk Down page and make dick jokes.

At least fanboys try to justify why they like something, even if they are being a douche, this just's just a fucking asshole and good riddance.

Phoenixent 07-30-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 15314)
OMG!!! I just realized what you wrote. Argentinians refer to that war as "The South Atlantic War", whereas Great Britain (and American BTW) call it "The Falklands War" (of 1982).
I KNEW you were from Argentina, but it never clicked until now. :D

That was a fascinating conflict, in that both sides were pretty evenly matched as far as technology, weapons, and the like. Sorry to say (for the Argentinians) that the British training and battlefield doctrine was far superior. What I found fascinating was that even the British military noted the 'courage' of the Argentinian military forces, even though they were doomed in the conflict (especially their pilots).

I know a few BRITISH Falklands War vets and they have some very interesting stories. I don't know any Argentinian vets from the same conflict, though.

Sorry for the digression. :)

Interesting war if the US did not have their fingers in it the outcome might have been different. US sold Argentina A4 Skyhawks with no bomb sights and then gave the British the latest AIM-9 Sidewinders. The US also delayed the sale of IAI Nesher form Israel to Argentina due to the fact that it used a J79 engine. Sorry for the digression again on this topic.

Good deal on the banning of moviemaster1993. We don't need that kind of problem.

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