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Excalibur 03-31-2010 03:53 PM

People who don't know guns
I remember coming across people who would mistake what a gun is they see in a magazine or in a movie, but to people who knows guns, you get that "How can you not tell?" feeling every time it happens.

Example, when I over heard a chat between 2 of my classmates while I was selling books. Some magazine they were reading and they mention AK47. Obviously since it was loud enough for me to hear, I had to look over and plainly see the page of a hot chick wearing a bikini and clutching an M4A1. I corrected them on the spot. It was an instinct thing.

One of the worse incidents with me was when me and my friend watched the 2005 King Kong remake and because he played the first couple Call of Duty games too much, he actually thought the Tommies with their 50 round drums were actually PPsh-41s, the SMG of the Russians during WWII. I kept telling him no, but my pal was kinda stubborn to be corrected by me.

I also remember a scene from the TV show Flashpoint, the episode in the hospital, the dialogue was realistic in terms of how an average gangbanger isn't gun knowledgable when he said that the police had AKs when they really have MP5s.

S&Wshooter 03-31-2010 08:40 PM

My brother thinks that a .22 Ruger pistol and the Luger P08 are the exact same gun, and that the FN SCAR is called the "scare"

Zulu Two Six 03-31-2010 08:49 PM

one of my dumbass friends think a 1911 is a *sigh* desert eagle :rolleyes:
any shot gun is a double barrel (he is a big dumbass, we were at the naval academy in annapolis and some midshipmen was walking around with a remington 870 and she called it a ''double barrel pump shotgun'' and the stubborn ass he is wouldn't drop it and realise the fact that that is impossible. even though i proved him wrong)
and that an m4 (or variant) and a m16/ar-15 (or variant) is an ''m40''

god help us all

Excalibur 03-31-2010 09:30 PM

Someone I knew from the Marines doesn't know what I was talking about when I said "Desert Eagle". She might know the gun if she sees it, but I guess she doesn't know the name.

k9870 03-31-2010 10:08 PM

I wouldnt expect a person to know all guns since there a marine. When will they be exposed to a deeg besides video games?

I know one nationa guard soldier who doesnt know what a m9 is though, and one cop who doesnt know what 5.56 mm is and he has a bushmaster in the patrolcar........makes you wonder.

Zulu Two Six 03-31-2010 10:57 PM

the thing that pissed me off though was the fact that 1.) the shotgun had one barrel. ONE FUCKING BARREL! and my friend insisted it was a pump-double-barrel. 2.) i showed him a picture of a remington 870 then compared it to the photo i took of her shotgun. 3.) the fact that i actually went through all the trouble to prove to a stubborn dumbass the diference between something he will never need to know

ManiacallyChallenged 03-31-2010 11:23 PM

Don't forget about the Magnum Research 1911.
That mistake is going to get a lot more common.

Excalibur 03-31-2010 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 12834)
I wouldnt expect a person to know all guns since there a marine. When will they be exposed to a deeg besides video games?

I know one nationa guard soldier who doesnt know what a m9 is though, and one cop who doesnt know what 5.56 mm is and he has a bushmaster in the patrolcar........makes you wonder.

Ok, that's kinda stupid. A National Gaurdsman in my class, when I asked him does the Guard have M16A4s, he knows a lot about that and saids he was issued M4s and an M9.

Nyles 04-01-2010 07:05 AM

Well, the question becomes, so what? Some people aren't into guns and don't know them. I don't know or care much about cars beyond what I have to do my job and drive mine at home. My ex girlfriend was a race car driver and used to laugh because I didn't know the difference between a sprint car and a formula car.

Hell, my Seargent over here is a former armorer and doesn't know shit about guns beyond what the army taught him. I mentionned I bought a Spanish-American War Krag and he asked me what a warkrag was.

MT2008 04-01-2010 02:53 PM

Yeah, I don't think it's that big a deal if people who aren't big into guns make mistakes. It's not their hobby, so who gives a damn? Just because somebody's a soldier, a cop, or whatever doesn't mean they have to like guns, either.

What I DO find annoying is when I meet airsofters or "CoD" players who aren't even old enough to buy guns, but nonetheless think that talking about and reading about guns on the 'Net makes them gun experts. Like all the people who insist that "M16s suck, AKs are the best", simply because they read it somewhere. Or the people who (and I'm one of them) think H&K makes the best guns ever, and then just as quickly turned against them when Larry Correia wrote his famous "HK. Beacuse you suck" blog.

Actually, I think I've become mostly just tired of people in general who feel the need to complain about how much a particular gun/brand sucks, or rocks, or whatever. Like the Desert Eagle, which has become the whipping boy for Internet gun users. I mean, I know that the Desert Eagle isn't a practical weapon and that it's over-priced, but do we really need 100 topics about how much it sucks, and how much people who own them suck? If you don't like the Desert Eagle, don't buy one. You aren't some expert just because you can piss on a weapon that thousands of people already piss on, daily.

I wish people would just take Larry's advice that you shouldn't let the Internet influence your opinions about weapons you've never even shot.


Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six (Post 12832)
one of my dumbass friends think a 1911 is a *sigh* desert eagle :rolleyes:

I once corrected a page done by an IMFDB member who thought the opposite - that a Desert Eagle (appearing in a TV show episode) was a 1911, because he was big into WWII weapons but knew little about modern weapons. I remember thinking at the time that it was kinda strange because I had figured everyone who ever saw "The Matrix" knew what a Desert Eagle was. But nonetheless, I corrected the page, so whatever. Some people really just aren't familiar with particular eras of weapons. Who cares?

Excalibur 04-01-2010 05:34 PM

Well in most movies that have guns, they rarely actually say the name of the guns or what kind of ammo they use. And it would take away the mood when someone just go on talking about his Glock 17 9mm.

I mean, I was in my Corrections class with SERT speakers. They were all wearing Glock 17s, but they refer to them as Glock 9mm. So most cops wouldn't actually call their guns by their full name, like my local police all uses Sig P229s, but the call them Sig 9mm or just SIGs. But of course I have never heard anyone in a police or military profession that call a mag a clip.

Unless knowing guns is your thing, you wouldn't care less.

MoviePropMaster2008 04-01-2010 08:19 PM

I don't have issues with 'average folks' not knowing guns, except when they act like they really know what they are talking about and they don't. ;) LOL. Like others have said, I don't know SQUAT about cars. I have friends who are shocked that I don't know the visual differences between a 1956 Chevy and a 1952.

BTW: regarding Anachronisms in movies .... I always argue, that anachronistic cars in movies is more forgivable because pristine condition historical cars are WAY harder and more expensive to get than the correct firearm. It's like getting the correct civilian aircraft for the background of an airport. As long as it's close, I don't care, not being a civilian aviation buff.

What I DO get really mad at are (a) folks who spout off about stuff for the purposes of journalism or political purposes. To an antigun activist, Every 9mm handgun ... is an 'Uzi", Every Rifle is an "AK-47", Every shotgun is a "Street Sweeper" ... whether it is or not. (b) what's more inexcusable is the police who talk to the news media and mis-identify guns. I can't count how many times a straight stocked SKS rifle in the closet of some low level punk is splashed all over the headlines as a 'fully automatic AK-47', an erroneous description provided by the police of all people.

Considering that I haven't seen a real Uzi (aka Uzi Carbine usually cut down or an Uzi Pistol) used by a drug dealer or gang banger since the 1980s, and yet according to the little old ladies down at City Hall, everyone packs an Uzi. I sometimes challenge these people and say "Hey, do you even know what an Uzi looks like?" I have never seen an Uzi in any of the police photos of confiscated guns from Gang members in California. Not for 25 years! Ever since the import ban of the 1980s, they lost their' mystique' with the bad boys crowd. Also (despite some U.S. made knockoffs) they're hard to find and original pre-import ban guns are expensive.

S&Wshooter 04-01-2010 08:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 12868)
What I DO get really mad at are (a) folks who spout off about stuff for the purposes of journalism or political purposes. To an antigun activist, Every 9mm handgun ... is an 'Uzi", Every Rifle is an "AK-47", Every shotgun is a "Street Sweeper" ... whether it is or not. (b) what's more inexcusable is the police who talk to the news media and mis-identify guns. I can't count how many times a straight stocked SKS rifle in the closet of some low level punk is splashed all over the headlines as a 'fully automatic AK-47', an erroneous description provided by the police of all people.

Considering that I haven't seen a real Uzi (aka Uzi Carbine usually cut down or an Uzi Pistol) used by a drug dealer or gang banger since the 1980s, and yet according to the little old ladies down at City Hall, everyone packs an Uzi. I sometimes challenge these people and say "Hey, do you even know what an Uzi looks like?" I have never seen an Uzi in any of the police photos of confiscated guns from Gang members in California. Not for 25 years! Ever since the import ban of the 1980s, they lost their' mystique' with the bad boys crowd. Also (despite some U.S. made knockoffs) they're hard to find and original pre-import ban guns are expensive.

I have the perfect example of this:

Zulu Two Six 04-01-2010 08:49 PM

:Dhaha, i almost pissed myself from laughing.
that's awesome

S&Wshooter 04-01-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Zulu Two Six (Post 12872)
:Dhaha, i almost pissed myself from laughing.
that's awesome

I got the pic from some image thread on the Arthur's Hall forums ( a forum that I strongly recommend)

MT2008 04-02-2010 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 12870)
I have the perfect example of this:

Love it! :D

Excalibur 04-03-2010 04:19 AM

I'm saving that to my computer.

Back on topic, I think it's because I started to become a lot more aware and knowledgeable about firearms, that I would instinctly correct someone who mis ID a gun. It's like someone who knows a lot about cars correct people who don't know engines.

gunguy001 04-08-2010 01:05 AM


I have the perfect example of this:

milk went flying out of my nose LMAO

gonna blow that up and use it at a anti gun march.

S&Wshooter 04-08-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by gunguy001 (Post 12948)

milk went flying out of my nose LMAO

gonna blow that up and use it at a anti gun march.

I'm not going to be very happy with you if you go ahead and do that without asking my permission to use the image. I demand $1,000,000 :D

Excalibur 04-08-2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by S&Wshooter (Post 12960)
I'm not going to be very happy with you if you go ahead and do that without asking my permission to use the image. I demand $1,000,000 :D

Please, that picture is too cheap to be worth more than half a mil

S&Wshooter 04-09-2010 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 12963)
Please, that picture is too cheap to be worth more than half a mil

Fine, $250,000. Happy?

k9870 04-09-2010 09:53 PM

how bout 250k and he has to refer to you as sir?

S&Wshooter 04-09-2010 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 12983)
how bout 250k and he has to refer to you as sir?

Hahaha :D. I believe this joke has just passed its expiration date

Nyles 04-10-2010 08:18 AM

I don't really see the point in correcting somebody unless they genuinely want to learn more, otherwise all you're doing is showing off how much YOU know.

Excalibur 04-10-2010 04:09 PM

So if someone calls a mag a clip, you shouldn't correct them?

Should you tell someone who called a fork lifter a bulldozer, should you correct them?

Nyles 04-11-2010 01:13 PM

Unless you're actually into guns or use them, does it really matter whether its a mag or a clip? Unless the person actually wants to know, I think you just come off as a know-it-all.

Excalibur 04-11-2010 04:05 PM

It just feels wrong to let it go sometimes.

ManiacallyChallenged 04-13-2010 05:45 AM

I was just thinking about MPM's earlier post regarding journalists and guns.
Whenever I see pictures of recovered gangster guns, they are all old or obscure. I don't recognize most, and the few I do are always grease guns or something else kind of weird.

BlackIce_GTS 04-15-2010 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by ManiacallyChallenged (Post 13040)
I was just thinking about MPM's earlier post regarding journalists and guns.
Whenever I see pictures of recovered gangster guns, they are all old or obscure. I don't recognize most, and the few I do are always grease guns or something else kind of weird.

I always pay attention to those. I notice that Stens are quite common for some reason.

PersonOfInterest 07-01-2010 11:04 PM

My friend's younger brother called a Mosin-Nagant a "Moss Nugget" while playing CoD.

S&Wshooter 07-01-2010 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 14965)
My friend's younger brother called a Mosin-Nagant a "Moss Nugget" while playing CoD.

My friend refuses that there is a "T" at the end of Nagant. It makes me sooo pissed!

Nyles 07-02-2010 12:33 AM

Well, technically speaking the T is silent. If you were to pronounce it correctly, it would be mooseen-nagohn. It sounds weird as hell because Mosin was Russian and Nagant was French Belgian. I just pronounce it with my normal accent.

S&Wshooter 07-02-2010 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nyles (Post 14984)
Well, technically speaking the T is silent. If you were to pronounce it correctly, it would be mooseen-nagohn. It sounds weird as hell because Mosin was Russian and Nagant was French Belgian. I just pronounce it with my normal accent.

No dude, he spells it "Mossin-Nagan"

He can't pronounce Kalashnikov either

Excalibur 07-02-2010 02:39 AM

So, a buddy of mine who watched King Kong in 2005 when that came out thought the Tommy Guns were PPshs. Mostly because of the drum magazine.

PersonOfInterest 07-02-2010 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 14993)
So, a buddy of mine who watched King Kong in 2005 when that came out thought the Tommy Guns were PPshs. Mostly because of the drum magazine.

You posted that already in the OP.

Excalibur 07-02-2010 03:15 AM

I forgot about it

PersonOfInterest 07-02-2010 03:21 AM

roflmao :D

AdAstra2009 07-02-2010 03:06 PM

I could care less about people who don't know about guns. I don't know anything about cars and I drive one.

Zulu Two Six 07-02-2010 04:05 PM

^that's a great point. never thought of it that way.
we should treat all equal, no matter how ridiculous it may be.

Excalibur 07-03-2010 03:36 PM

I think it is good to know a little about the car you drive so that if something happens, you know about it. Same with guns. If you own a gun, you should know the basics about it. A lot of people don't even know how to clean their own guns. They just buy one and keep it locked up in a safe without ever training with it.

I keep wondering how the whole clip and mag thing started.

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