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Swordfish941 11-25-2009 06:00 PM

Political Beliefs
I'm probbaly only the only person on this forum who wants to share thier political beliefs. So here I go:

My whole family votes democratic (please don't judge us). My grandfather considers himself to be a Pro-life Democrat with a few Republican views. I also consider myself to be one. My english teacher thinks of me as a conservative because I use logic in my answers. I have equal number of Conservative and Liberal views (like I don't support abortion or gun control, I hate the treatment of immagrants and I want to help out the homeless). I dislike bigotry, predjudices and racism because I think it's whats destroying American values. I support the Obama adminastration and if anyone says that the Obama Adminastration is getting no where, I'll hit them with a chair because it'shis first year.

Ace Oliveira 11-25-2009 06:18 PM

This will not end well. I'm sure of it. It's going to end up with me and MoviePropMaster arguing with eachother. It's going let me tell ya.

Just watch.

I support Universal Healthcare.

Just watch the responses. Just watch.

k9870 11-25-2009 07:15 PM

Im fairly conservative, but not religous right or completely biased. Im not aainst gay marraie, but am against abortion. Im pro gun, and the only one in my family to own one. Im aainst universal healthcare, especially with all the special interest earmarks and the fact the government run healthcare (which the "public option" will effectively make it) would be rediculously expensive and ineffecient. I pay 57 bucks a month for healthcare, it aint that bad. How about car insurance reform? Thats my worst bill. Im definitely pro military (tahts why I enlisted.) Against taxes and spending. I think the overnment wants to be involved in too much and needs to let states have more role, as each state knows more about local issues.

Now, this will be my only post, politics gets ugly, and I prefer to fight in the caliber wars.

MT2008 11-25-2009 08:10 PM

I'll let this topic exist as long as we avoid debating our beliefs too harshly and there's nothing too polarizing.

As for me: Atheist, pro-capitalism, socially liberal, anti-PCness, anti-huge bureaucracy (though I'm probably a hypocrite on the last one, since I'm essentially trying to become a bureaucrat). On foreign policy, I'm fairly conservative, but I think of myself as a realist conservative (as opposed to "neo"-conservative).

I'm not sure what "pro-military" means, because I work with a lot of people who seem to think differently on that definition. Right now, there's a pretty big debate in my field over whether the U.S. military has shifted too much towards counterinsurgency strategy while undermining its capabilities as a conventional force. Each side accuses the other of being "anti"-military.

Oh, yeah, and I'm generally against excessive immigration, though my reasoning has nothing to do with race, just ideas.


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9051)
This will not end well. I'm sure of it. It's going to end up with me and MoviePropMaster arguing with eachother. It's going let me tell ya.

While I don't speak for MPM, I'm pretty sure he doesn't think THAT much about you. But saying stuff like this, is practically begging him to fight you. Either it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, or it suggests you actually want a fight. So lay off on it.

Ace Oliveira 11-25-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 9054)
Oh, yeah, and I'm generally against excessive immigration, though my reasoning has nothing to do with race, just ideas.

Excessive immigration? What would excessive immigration be like?

MT2008 11-25-2009 08:25 PM

I really would rather not have any actual debates on these matters. That is where I stand. End of story.

AdAstra2009 11-25-2009 09:41 PM

I'm on the right on most everything.

There essentially isn't one single thing on the left that I agree with.


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9058)
Excessive immigration? What would excessive immigration be like?

too many immigrants

Spartan198 11-26-2009 01:23 AM

Well, frankly, I'm getting fed up with the Democrat vs Republican squabbles. It's one of the things that's hurting this country the most.

I support our presence in Afghanistan unconditionally no matter what the rest of the world thinks. In 2003, I was all for going into Iraq, though now I'm of the mind that we've done everything we can there and it's time to let the Iraqi government stand on their own two feet. I still, however, believe Saddam was attempting to construct nuclear weapons. I'm pro-military, and always will be, regardless of all that.

I'm divided on universal health care. I may not be fully-educated on it, but from what I do know, it has both advantages as well as disadvantages.

I bleed red, white, and blue and stand by my country no matter what the rest of the world thinks of it. I don't buy into bullshit conspiracy theories like Bush being in line with Bin Laden and find them to be ridiculous.

I'm pro-Israel, but I find their actions as of late to be extremely questionable.

I'm all for Georgia giving Russia the finger and joining NATO.

I oppose closing the detainment facilities at GitMo because... well... what's it really going to accomplish? The world will continue accusing us of torture no matter what we do.

I support private security contractors because they get a lot of undue shit for doing a dangerous job. Yeah, they get paid for doing it, but who doesn't get paid for working in this country? Does that make the mailman a "mercenary"?

I'm all for closing our borders and cutting illegal immigration off. I live in California and the place has gone bankrupt supporting Mexico.

^I think that's all the big topics currently. I've got my beliefs and opinions just like everyone else. It's amazing how even here inside the US, people get chastised for supporting the country, yet those who trash it get hailed like fucking heroes! :mad:

MT2008 11-26-2009 01:36 AM

Without starting too much of a debate...


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9066)
In 2003, I was all for going into Iraq, though now I'm of the mind that we've done everything we can there and it's time to let the Iraqi government stand on their own two feet.

Well and done, but here's the problem: If we pull out of Iraq unilaterally, what do you think Iran is going to do? By getting rid of Saddam, we took down the only regime in the neighborhood which posed a threat to their hegemony. If we simply leave Iraq, aren't you worried that our worst enemy in the region will install a Shi'ite puppet regime loyal to them (and hostile to the U.S.)?

Leaving Iraq now would be extremely dangerous to us and our allies because it would give a huge geopolitical advantage to Iran. The Israelis don't want us to let that happen. Neither do most of the other Arabs (for all their bitching). I think I would be crazy to want to see it happen.


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9066)
I still, however, believe Saddam was attempting to construct nuclear weapons.

Even if that's the case (and most people agree it wasn't), that has nothing to do with why we went to Iraq in the first place.

Spartan198 11-26-2009 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 9067)
Well and done, but here's the problem: If we pull out of Iraq unilaterally, what do you think Iran is going to do? By getting rid of Saddam, we took down the only regime in the neighborhood which posed a threat to their hegemony. If we simply leave Iraq, aren't you worried that our worst enemy in the region will install a Shi'ite puppet regime loyal to them (and hostile to the U.S.)?

Leaving Iraq now would be extremely dangerous to us and our allies because it would give a huge geopolitical advantage to Iran. The Israelis don't want us to let that happen. Neither do most of the other Arabs (for all their bitching). I think I would be crazy to want to see it happen.

I see what you're saying and agree. It's an argument I've made before with others. But I don't see any other way to determine if we were successful there or not but to let them try and stand on their own.


Even if that's the case (and most people agree it wasn't), that has nothing to do with why we went to Iraq in the first place.
Well, all I know is I don't buy into the crap about "war for oil" and other similar conspiracies. But maybe I'm not as educated on the situation as I think, so, please, enlighten me.

But I can't help but think that if 9/11 hadn't happened, we wouldn't be at war over there at all today.

Jcordell 11-26-2009 02:25 AM

I'm a moderate conservative (which makes me an endangered species in the United States).

I do not belong to any political party.

My wife (and mother of our two kids) for the past eighteen years is a liberal, intelligent and a very capable person. We're different and we compliment each other. I'm glad I didn't let my politcal beliefs influence me when I decided to propose to her. That would have been stupid and pathetic.

I've been a member of the National Rifle Association for the past eleven years.

I like the 45acp, but prefer to carry the GLOCK 19. I really like revolvers so I guess that dates me. Mentally if not physically.

I don't belong to any church, but I consider myself to be a Christian. However I don't gove two hoots about specific ideology/dogma.

I like to watch Robert Redford movies and Chuck Heston moves. I am also a fan of Gregory Peck, Henry Fonda, Steve McQueen, John Wayne, Tom Hanks, Clint Eastwood, George Clooney and Bruce Willis.

I am a cop and served fourteen years in the United States Army, but I don't have blind faith in our political leadership.

But most of all I'm a big fan of Ruben Sandwiches with french fries and a good cup of coffee.

Alcatrazz 11-26-2009 02:40 AM

George Clooney. I've not got anything against him politically, but I shit you not, he sat next to me at a theatre and was such an asshole. I was just a kid, and he was a huge douche to me.

Markost 11-26-2009 02:46 AM

Well, i donīt belong to any political party, last time I voted was for the middle-left, and I define myself as a nationalist, not liberal.

AdAstra2009 11-26-2009 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Markost (Post 9072)
Well, i donīt belong to any political party, last time I voted was for the middle-left, and I define myself as a nacionalist, not liberal.

what is a nacionalist? I couldn't find anything on google.

Markost 11-26-2009 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 9073)
what is a nacionalist? I couldn't find anything on google.

Sorry, my bad english. "Nationalist"

Swordfish941 11-26-2009 07:05 AM

One politician who has become a real pain in the ass is Pat Robertson. He's on The 700 Club and says the most stupidiest things (his mother probbaly drank while pregnant with him). He's says that if we accept homosexuality it'll bring hurricanes, eartquakes, and meoters. He describs feminism as a "socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave thier husbands, kill thier children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians" while I think feminism is a movement for the social advancement of women. He thinks that the 9/11 attacks were caused by pagans, abortionists, feminists, gays, lesbians, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the People For the American Ways. He calls Scotland a darkland full of homosexuals. He says the religions of Hinduism and Islam "demonic and satanic" (this offends me because one of my friends in 7t grade was blind Indian girl whose religion was Hindu). I hate this worthless bastard as much as I ate South Park (which I dispies).

Hey Checkman, I prefer a Five Guys cheeseburger with ketchup, french fries, and a Coke Zero.

Nyles 11-26-2009 09:45 AM

Guess if I had to pick a classification it would be moderate Libertarian. I support individual rights in most forms, whether it be gun ownership, abortion, low taxes, legalization of marijuana (don't use it myself, but I don't have any particular problem with it). That said I think your rights end where someone else's begin, so I'm also pretty pro-police and military.

I don't like the religious right, I don't have a lot of trust in organized religion, and I'm not a believer, but by the same token I think religion on a personal level can be a very good thing for some. So as much as I dislike Pat Robertson, I also dislike Richard Dawkins.

Canada never went to Iraq (and with a small military it was Iraq or Afghanistan), so it's not as big a deal here. That said I don't believe Iraq was involved in 9/11 or had weapons of mass destruction, but I think taken as a whole western involvement there has been a good thing. As for Afghanistan, I've seen firsthand that the Taliban are the closest thing to pure evil you will find in the world today, but in all honesty I'm starting to have serious doubts that we'll ever be able to stabilize Afghanistan. I think to do it we'd have to stay for about 25 years, and realistically that is not going to happen.

I vote Conservative in our elections, though I have serious doubts about the party. I hate the Liberals for their corruption, their arrogance and what they did to the military and gun owners in the 90s. I think the socialists (NDP) are pie-in-the-sky idealists who could not successfully govern my country. That leaves the conservatives, so they get my vote in spite of the fact that I think their actual governance hasn't been much more honest than the liberals.

Ace Oliveira 11-26-2009 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9066)
I'm all for closing our borders and cutting illegal immigration off. I live in California and the place has gone bankrupt supporting Mexico.

Seriously? Close the borders? What's so bad about illegal immigrants? While they don't pay taxes they give the United States almost free labour. Immigrants aren't coming over the borders to destroy the country. They don't pay taxes (We are talking about illegal ones), yes, but if that's the only complaint about immigrants, then it doesn't really make any sense because those could be easily fixed. And I still don't know what's so bad about "too many immigrants". Is it because a lot of them don't speak english? Because that's the only thing that I hate about illegal immigrants and normal immigrants too.

MT2008 11-26-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9097)
Seriously? Close the borders? What's so bad about illegal immigrants? While they don't pay taxes they give the United States almost free labour. Immigrants aren't coming over the borders to destroy the country. They don't pay taxes (We are talking about illegal ones), yes, but if that's the only complaint about immigrants, then it doesn't really make any sense because those could be easily fixed. And I still don't know what's so bad about "too many immigrants". Is it because a lot of them don't speak english? Because that's the only thing that I hate about illegal immigrants and normal immigrants too.

Because they smell like beans and enchiladas.


MT2008 11-26-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9068)
I see what you're saying and agree. It's an argument I've made before with others. But I don't see any other way to determine if we were successful there or not but to let them try and stand on their own.

But I mean, don't you think this is something that needed to be considered before we went into Iraq in the first place?


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9068)
Well, all I know is I don't buy into the crap about "war for oil" and other similar conspiracies. But maybe I'm not as educated on the situation as I think, so, please, enlighten me.

But I can't help but think that if 9/11 hadn't happened, we wouldn't be at war over there at all today.

No, we didn't go to Iraq for the oil. Yes, it was related to 9/11, but not because Saddam had anything to do with al-Qaeda. We basically went it to divide the Islamic world as a whole, and to put countries like Saudi Arabia in a position where they either had to be with us 100%, or not at all. And being pussies, they were drawn (involuntarily) closer to us, which meant that they could no longer get away with sponsoring jihadists.

It wasn't necessarily a bad idea in principle, but it was poorly planned and executed.

Spartan198 11-26-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 9105)
But I mean, don't you think this is something that needed to be considered before we went into Iraq in the first place?

I'm not sure I understand. :confused:


No, we didn't go to Iraq for the oil. Yes, it was related to 9/11, but not because Saddam had anything to do with al-Qaeda. We basically went it to divide the Islamic world as a whole, and to put countries like Saudi Arabia in a position where they either had to be with us 100%, or not at all. And being pussies, they were drawn (involuntarily) closer to us, which meant that they could no longer get away with sponsoring jihadists.

It wasn't necessarily a bad idea in principle, but it was poorly planned and executed.
I never considered it that way, but it makes sense. I do believe I have been enlightened. :)


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9097)
Seriously? Close the borders? What's so bad about illegal immigrants? While they don't pay taxes they give the United States almost free labour. Immigrants aren't coming over the borders to destroy the country. They don't pay taxes (We are talking about illegal ones), yes, but if that's the only complaint about immigrants, then it doesn't really make any sense because those could be easily fixed. And I still don't know what's so bad about "too many immigrants". Is it because a lot of them don't speak english? Because that's the only thing that I hate about illegal immigrants and normal immigrants too.

They take welfare and food stamps that only US citizens should be eligible for, they get free health care at taxpayer expense, and yeah, biggest part of them can't speak, read, or write English. I've heard it's getting to the point where the they're even considering making Spanish an official second language! It's getting to where I'm a minority in my own country and I'm fed up with it.

I have no problem with them if they come legally, but we've been way too accommodating to illegals. And I don't really find employers getting cheap labor as any kind of advantage for anyone but the employers themselves in that it enables them to avoid paying decent wages.

Ace Oliveira 11-27-2009 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9107)

They take welfare and food stamps that only US citizens should be eligible for, they get free health care at taxpayer expense, and yeah, biggest part of them can't speak, read, or write English. I've heard it's getting to the point where the they're even considering making Spanish an official second language! It's getting to where I'm a minority in my own country and I'm fed up with it.

I have no problem with them if they come legally, but we've been way too accommodating to illegals. And I don't really find employers getting cheap labor as any kind of advantage for anyone but the employers themselves in that it enables them to avoid paying decent wages.

What? You feel like you are a minority in your own country? Really? And why do only US citizens should be eliglible for welfare and food stamps? Is it because they pay taxes? Because we could rehabilitate illegal immigrants instead of just throwing them in jail or deporting them.

Seriously Spartan, how the hell can you feel like a minority? I assume you're white by the way. How can you feel like a minority when 82 percent of Americans speak English and only 12 percent speak spanish. Of course, 12 percent would be over 30 million Americans but comparing that to the 82 percent and you have a huge difference. How can you feel like a minority when 79 percent of Americans are white and white decendents and only 15 of them are hispanic and hispanic decendent? Your claim that you feel like a minority is ridiculous. It's laughable at best.

And don't try to say that I support making spanish a official language in any state because spanish is a extremely hard language to learn if you're not born in it. Teaching spanish is federal law in all schools in Brazil for some stupid reason. I can pronounce words in spanish really well but I can't understand what I'm saying or hearing. Spanish is a pain in the ass to learn and I think that the United States has no official language on the federal level is silly. Which is why I think the government should rehabilitate the immigrants not just let them run around doing anythin they want all willy nilly. I know you are in California and there's a huge spanish speaking population in there but to feel like a minority is silly.

AdAstra2009 11-27-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9128)
And why do only US citizens should be eliglible for welfare and food stamps? Is it because they pay taxes?

yes....and also that they are here legally and illegals are not.


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9128)
Because we could rehabilitate illegal immigrants instead of just throwing them in jail or deporting them.

nope, just deporting them. It's expensive to keep people in jail you know.


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9128)
Seriously Spartan, how the hell can you feel like a minority? I assume you're white by the way. How can you feel like a minority when 82 percent of Americans speak English and only 12 percent speak spanish. Of course, 12 percent would be over 30 million Americans but comparing that to the 82 percent and you have a huge difference. How can you feel like a minority when 79 percent of Americans are white and white decendents and only 15 of them are hispanic and hispanic decendent? Your claim that you feel like a minority is ridiculous. It's laughable at best.

He said feel like a minority, not that he is a minority

Jcordell 11-27-2009 11:11 PM

Sorry to add gasoline to the fire but just one thing. Those folks who are descended from the original Portugese and Spanish settlers are also considered to be "white" or Caucasian. Now those folks who have the various Indians and/or Blacks in their genetic history aren't.

Lately there has been a tendency to consider those who speak Spanish to be "non-white". Well I've been to Spain (and Italy) and I've seen my share of fair skinned, blonde hair and blue eyed Spanish speaking (and Italian) natives.

"White" folks are not just Anglo-Saxon descent. Though I know that right now it's popular to think that.

Markost 11-28-2009 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Checkman (Post 9137)
Sorry to add gasoline to the fire but just one thing. Those folks who are descended from the original Portugese and Spanish settlers are also considered to be "white" or Caucasian. Now those folks who have the various Indians and/or Blacks in their genetic history aren't.

Lately there has been a tendency to consider those who speak Spanish to be "non-white". Well I've been to Spain (and Italy) and I've seen my share of fair skinned, blonde hair and blue eyed Spanish speaking (and Italian) natives.

"White" folks are not just Anglo-Saxon descent. Though I know that right now it's popular to think that.

Thatīs right, my grandfathers were italian, and my grandpa had blue eyes, not only the saxons are caucasians. Thatīs from my motherīs side, but my father has french-basque blood mixed with indian and spanish blood, so I consider myself as a result of cultural crossbreeding. This is very common here, because 85% of the population is descended from Italians...


And don't try to say that I support making spanish a official language in any state because spanish is a extremely hard language to learn if you're not born in it. Teaching spanish is federal law in all schools in Brazil for some stupid reason. I can pronounce words in spanish really well but I can't understand what I'm saying or hearing. Spanish is a pain in the ass to learn and I think that the United States has no official language on the federal level is silly. Which is why I think the government should rehabilitate the immigrants not just let them run around doing anythin they want all willy nilly. I know you are in California and there's a huge spanish speaking population in there but to feel like a minority is silly.
mmm, say thanks to the Mercosur...

Ace Oliveira 11-28-2009 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 9130)
yes....and also that they are here legally and illegals are not.

nope, just deporting them. It's expensive to keep people in jail you know.

He said feel like a minority, not that he is a minority

Just because it's expensived doesn't mean it's bad, Astra.
It wouldn't cost much to rehabilitate them. Hell, it could even cost less. We would teach the immigrants english in the rehabilitation centers.

There's a lot of stuff we could do to immigrants, both legal and illegal, to make them speak english and start coming in legally. I'm not sure I could say what my "plan" is because I would probably go into sperg territory and all of you would make fun of me. So yeah.

Now for you Cordell.
I know that not only the Saxons are white. My name is Benito Oliveira. Both a combination of a Spanish name and a Portuguese name. I'm white as hell and I'm a direct descendent of the spanish. Hell, my dad named me Benito after my great grandfather who was a veteran of the Spanish Civil War. My mother is black and so is my brother. However, if I came and knocked at your door and you looked at me, I doubt you'd think I'm a immigrant. Especially because Brazilians don't really have accents. Except for Brazilian rednecks who live in the north east. They have really thick accents.

AdAstra2009 11-28-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9144)
It wouldn't cost much to rehabilitate them. Hell, it could even cost less. We would teach the immigrants english in the rehabilitation centers.

If potential illegal immigrants knew that the worst that would happen to them is a free english lesson; It would encourage illegal immigration.

The point is they are here ILLEGALLY. Because of that they should be given no benefits and sent back to their home country. It's unfair to people who are in the long process of emigrating legally to give benefits to all these people who essentially cut in line.

MT2008 11-28-2009 09:40 PM

A bigger problem with many of these Latino immigrants is the fact that so many of them (and I mean, a significant portion, though I can't remember exact percentage) hold revanchist views and think the Southwestern U.S. should be Mexican territory. If these people were interested in assimilating into America, the way previous generations of immigrants did, I might not feel quite so opposed, but many of them aren't. They don't want to be Americans; they're Mexican nationalists at heart.

I have the same problem with Muslim immigrants, too. Many of them see themselves as Muslims first, Americans second. Many of them are sympathetic to the global jihad and may even be involved in terrorism themselves. And they make zero effort to assimilate, instead insisting on special privileges (like we really need prayer rooms and women-only hours at college gyms...)

And I know liberals always reference the fact that America has been a melting pot nation, but the problem is that these new immigrants are skiping the "melting" part when they enter the pot. Instead, they come to our country, they hate our ideas and everything we stand for, and then they bitch and whine that they're being "discriminated" against. Sorry, why am I meant to support more of that? The thing that's funny is that despite how much of Europe looks down upon America for not being as "progressive" as they are, it's funny to me that it's been in Europe that we've seen a revival of far-right/fascist-type parties in the past few years. Why? Because the Europeans are learning the hard way why immigration and multiculturalism has its limits.

MT2008 11-28-2009 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 9144)
I know that not only the Saxons are white. My name is Benito Oliveira. Both a combination of a Spanish name and a Portuguese name. I'm white as hell and I'm a direct descendent of the spanish. Hell, my dad named me Benito after my great grandfather who was a veteran of the Spanish Civil War. My mother is black and so is my brother. However, if I came and knocked at your door and you looked at me, I doubt you'd think I'm a immigrant. Especially because Brazilians don't really have accents. Except for Brazilian rednecks who live in the north east. They have really thick accents.

Tell me, how do you deal with the fact that your country has a racist President who claims that “white people with blue eyes” caused the 2008 financial crisis? And openly accommodates Iran's Islamofascist President? If you are white, don't you kinda worry about what he's done recently?

Swordfish941 11-29-2009 12:53 AM

Hey Oliveria, I got a question for you. Did your grandfather fought on the Facist side or the rebels (I read "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Heminghway and can't decide which side fought for the good cause).

MT2008 11-29-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Spartan198 (Post 9107)
I'm not sure I understand. :confused:

Most people agree that in retrospect, the problem with the Iraq War was a lack of Phase IV (post-invasion) planning. Don't you think it might have been best to consider how to deal with Iranian-sponsored insurgent violence before actually invading? And what was at stake?

This is what the administration failed to do - they actually believed the situation on the ground would be stable after the invasion. And that was just dumb.

Spartan198 11-29-2009 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 9166)
Most people agree that in retrospect, the problem with the Iraq War was a lack of Phase IV (post-invasion) planning. Don't you think it might have been best to consider how to deal with Iranian-sponsored insurgent violence before actually invading? And what was at stake?

This is what the administration failed to do - they actually believed the situation on the ground would be stable after the invasion. And that was just dumb.

Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, planning for the future wasn't one of the Bush Administration's high points. But they're guilty of mismanaging a lot of things other than the Iraq and Afghan wars, so that's nothing new.

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