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Zulu Two Six 07-02-2010 04:03 PM

I do not like twelve year olds?

PersonOfInterest 07-02-2010 04:14 PM

I hate the number 12.

MoviePropMaster2008 07-03-2010 01:46 AM

12 times 55 plus half of 12 (i.e. 6) equals 666! :eek: The number of the Beast. That alone proves it .... no 12 year olds as MODS!


Zulu Two Six 07-03-2010 02:31 AM

^see this is exactly why
MPM2008 has proven my point.
thank you

MT2008 07-03-2010 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 15066)
I hate the number 12.

Bro, just shut up now. Seriously. I know we all love to be immature sometimes, but you've made enough idiotic posts in the last 24 hours to last us our lifetime (or bandwidth). Enough's enough.

I just spent tonight watching a balding hipster-wannabe trying to pick up girls half his age at a bar, and I actually thought of you: "Does not know when to quit."

PersonOfInterest 07-03-2010 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 15079)
Bro, just shut up now. Seriously. I know we all love to be immature sometimes, but you've made enough idiotic posts in the last 24 hours to last us our lifetime (or bandwidth). Enough's enough.

I just spent tonight watching a balding hipster-wannabe trying to pick up girls half his age at a bar, and I actually thought of you: "Does not know when to quit."

You think about me too much.

MoviePropMaster2008 08-08-2010 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 15028)

That's funny!! And completely grammatically INCORRECT! A douchebag (in the old days before Massengill and those other feminine products which make you feel FRESH ALL DAY! ;) ) was just like an ENEMA bag, i.e. a large rubber sack which held whatever cleansing liquid that was used to 'clean one's insides' (in the case of women, to make them feel fresh like a Summer's eve....) and it was held high and used GRAVITY to forced the liquid down a tubing.

It's NOT a bag filled with 'douche'. Douche is a verb (or at least originally it was). It's like calling someone a "Bag of ENEMA".

Anyway, ENGLISH lesson is over. That pic is still HELLA funny! :D

Excalibur 08-09-2010 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 16663)
That's funny!! And completely grammatically INCORRECT! A douchebag (in the old days before Massengill and those other feminine products which make you feel FRESH ALL DAY! ;) ) was just like an ENEMA bag, i.e. a large rubber sack which held whatever cleansing liquid that was used to 'clean one's insides' (in the case of women, to make them feel fresh like a Summer's eve....) and it was held high and used GRAVITY to forced the liquid down a tubing.

It's NOT a bag filled with 'douche'. Douche is a verb (or at least originally it was). It's like calling someone a "Bag of ENEMA".

Anyway, ENGLISH lesson is over. That pic is still HELLA funny! :D

Hey, I just found the picture, I didn't make it

MoviePropMaster2008 08-09-2010 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 16704)
Hey, I just found the picture, I didn't make it

Well then, the Grammar Nazis will pass over YOUR house and move on to the next unfortunate victim! ;)

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