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Excalibur 06-14-2016 06:18 PM

I think the idea is, it's better to have it in the first place. I know plenty of people who travel around with a "bugout" bag and inside is some sort of carbine, either pistol caliber or rifle caliber. That's also why I know guys who don't carry small guns. Big guns are better to shoot and can throw down more rounds.

Yes, my bug out bag is in my car, but where I work, my car is close enough to run to. I'd rather have the option than others telling me I can't own one.

I also buy ammo at every paycheck and if I see a sale on magazines, I would get a few.

Train and practice constantly and always be vigilant

StanTheMan 06-14-2016 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 42724)
I'd rather have the option than others telling me I can't own one.

Pretty much this. Ostensibly it'll be for home defense but really it's more to fit her semi-contrarian 'go screw yourselves telling me what I as an independent free-thinking and self-operating adult woman can and can't have' attitude, which in this particular instance has only been reinforced with the ever-growing maligned sentiment clamoring for AR bans (Even my late night man Conan broke his form and stepped in the ring with that shit, bah). Just how she is - They say she shouldn't have something when she otherwise has the right, she'll have it almost totally to spite them. It's enough for her that she has the right anyway, regardless of all the statist schoolmarm assholes bleating about how people don't 'need' semiauto 5.56s - 'need' is almost totally irrelevant there. Keep in mind this is not really a young woman who is into firearms in the first place, let alone 'scary black rifles', but as said, she likes the right to the option, and the right to exercise said option.

I really have no say in this regard (nor frankly have I any desire to argue against anyway), all I've been able to do is caution her a bit and give her insight on the actual proper and practical uses of such a tool. In truth I doubt it'll ever be used as anything more than a range toy, but again, to her, no one else's damn business or concern why she has it. That said, I agree mainly that in an actual active shooter scenario a rifle is unlikely to be much help short of being slung on your person, but I think Excalibur makes a good point about having it as part of a bug out kit/plan (that'd be how I'd go about it). Home defense is another story, however (though personally I've always leaned to the shotty there myself).

Excalibur 06-14-2016 07:39 PM

I like the shotgun and I live with my brother. He can work his 870 like a surgeon, but I prefer my AR for awhile. Semi auto, more rounds in case I miss, which I trained to not often. If I do miss, it's 1 small hole verse a bunch of hole with buck shot.

Right now, I got my paperwork started on SBRing my EVO an that could be my potential bed side gun. It's shorter, so it can work tighter spaces better. People debate the effectiveness of a 9mm, but out of a carbine like gun and hollow's pretty effective.

I've also been looking at suppressors. My "ultimate" HD gun could eventually be a SBR AR-15 with a suppressor attached in .300 blackout. Very potent round out of an SBR and pretty damn quiet.

S&Wshooter 06-15-2016 06:38 AM

If you shoot someone with that SBR, be ready to have to sue the PD to get it back

Excalibur 06-15-2016 03:31 PM

My answer moved to other thread

Spartan198 06-15-2016 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 42727)
People debate the effectiveness of a 9mm, but out of a carbine like gun and hollow's pretty effective.

The main issue around 9mm has more to do with standard ball ammunition rather than actual caliber. Hollow point and +P tend to, for the most part, be relatively on par with .45 in terms of wounding capability.

Excalibur 06-15-2016 07:27 PM

And that is why I pick 9mm. I carry +P hollow points in all my defensive guns. Now I like the .45. It's a big bullet...but that's pretty much it.

StanTheMan 06-15-2016 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 42735)
And that is why I pick 9mm. I carry +P hollow points in all my defensive guns. Now I like the .45. It's a big bullet...but that's pretty much it.

When it comes to semiautos personally I still lean to the .45 but I do agree 9mms certainly work. I've noticed even more diehard .45 guys are starting to come around some after seeing certain 9mm loads that they have to admit perform quite impressively. Of course being the big wheelgun guy I am I typically bow out of that boondoggle of a debate entirely. Still though..

I have to say for a while I saw pistol-caliber carbines as something of a fad and curiosity, but looking into it more they certainly have their places outside of having a bigger but similarly chambered range toy. In a world where I have winning lotto numbers I can now certainly see having one with a corresponding pistol(s), if only to not be a bit of a hypocrite standing next to some lever-action Magnum carbine among a slew of revolvers.

Excalibur 06-16-2016 02:13 PM

I think the idea of the pistol caliber carbine or PCC is that you can't legally have a submachine gun, so you get something close. Which is a 9mm shoulder arm. Or in the case of my Scorpion Evo pistol, technically I call it a subgun, but it's legally a pistol with a cheek rest on it. The allure of it goes back to submachine guns. A pistol caliber shoulder arm that has a lot more stability in a gun fight than a simple pistol. When shouldered, a subgun shoots more accurate and is easier to learn for beginner shooter, in fact long guns are always easier for beginners because of the extra point of contact

MT2008 06-19-2016 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 42653)
I started my gun collection not carrying for Glocks either, but they are simple, fairly reasonable price and reliable.

Yeah, I'm still a SIG guy, but I'm finding that I'm shooting my Glocks a lot more often than anything else these days.

Here are all three of mine:

Even crazier: I'm already thinking about picking up either a -19 or a -21.

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