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MT2008 07-25-2010 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 16062)
You are a very angry person.

You confuse anger with frustration. You are a very frustrating person. Personally, I'm getting really tired of dealing with you, too.


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 16015)
Set a simple criteria for submissions, minimum number of words and/or photographs. Anything less than that would be automatically detected and thrown out. It's essentially a word counter. Anything decent that gets through wouldn't even need to be read in depth by an admin. Give it a glance over and if it looks like some effort was put in, then let it through. It'll go up as a normal page and be subject to the normal editing process by the rest of the members, the new guy gets in, everybody's happy.

Toss in a spellchecker to automatically delete lengthy submissions consisting of "adsf ljs sdlkf alsdasdlfih a;sd".

You all keep saying that this is going to increase manhours spent on the site, but there doesn't seem to be any argument that can be made to back that up. It just seems to be a case of "we don't want to deal with it", even though you already are dealing with it, just in a less direct, more tedious and (for MPM) frustrating way.

Tell me, have you EVER heard of a Wiki that even has this sort of system? Especially one with as few staff as ourselves?

And you keep dwelling on the practicality aspect of our argument while ignoring the moral component. Treating all registered users like malicious spammers is simply unfair. If we adopted your idea, then we'd look like a huge bunch of assholes, and most of us on here don't aspire to be seen as assholes. Of course, since you clearly are an asshole (either that or someone with a serious case of Asperger's Syndrome), I guess this is a tough idea for you to grasp.

PersonOfInterest 07-25-2010 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 16065)
You confuse anger with frustration. You are a very frustrating person. Personally, I'm getting really tired of dealing with you, too.

It's a discussion, nothing to get frustrated over. Chill.


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 16065)
Tell me, have you EVER heard of a Wiki that even has this sort of system? Especially one with as few staff as ourselves?

Nothing wrong with being innovative.


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 16065)
And you keep dwelling on the practicality aspect of our argument while ignoring the moral component. Treating all registered users like malicious spammers is simply unfair.

You mean unregistered users. If somebody's registered it means they've passed the test.


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 16065)
If we adopted your idea, then we'd look like a huge bunch of assholes, and most of us on here don't aspire to be seen as assholes. Of course, since you clearly are an asshole (either that or someone with a serious case of Asperger's Syndrome), I guess this is a tough idea for you to grasp.

A: I don't have Asperger's Syndrome.
B: I don't think anybody's going to get their feelings hurt because they're not allowed to edit a website.
C: "Due to a recent increase in vandalism, we here at IMFDB have decided to institute a policy of...etc." Tada, we're not assholes, we have high expectations of quality from our users. It's all subjective.
D: I don't actually care one way or another if this or anything like this is ever implemented. It's an idea for IMFDB I'm discussing on a discussion forum for discussing the daily goings-on of IMFDB. It's a discussion. An idea, a brainstorming. I'm not making a beer hall putsch here, just tossing it out into the aether and refining it as a whole as more issues are raised.

MT2008 07-25-2010 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by PersonOfInterest (Post 16069)
It's a discussion, nothing to get frustrated over. Chill.
A: I don't have Asperger's Syndrome.

Yeah, you do, or else you'd realize why we find you so annoying. We've told you no, we've explained why, and you insist on dragging on a discussion no one cares about. With that being said, I am closing this topic.

And yes, point taken that I meant "unregistered users". I was kinda tired when I wrote that post (and annoyed, which should be obvious).

For the record, we have discussed banning unregistered users in the past, and repeatedly concluded that it's not practical or desirable.

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