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funkychinaman 08-30-2010 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by BurtReynoldsMoustache (Post 18212)
Did you even read the original post, or do you assume anything that doesn't immediately demonize Nazis is white supremacist propaganda?

This should sum it up for you.

I'm defending those same people by saying that German soldiers, airmen and sailors who fought honorably should not be lumped in with people who WERE criminals. And you're the one who just called all Germans from the period Nazis. Germans are not to be demonized, Nazis are.

funkychinaman 08-30-2010 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 18217)
No but you're being INCREDIBLY MYOPIC. As I stated before, there were plenty of Waffen SS units, especially the Panzer divisions, which fought just like Heer units. There was no difference, especially on the Eastern Front. Don't use the post war condemnation of the SS as proof. Even though the disdain was justified it was still politically motivated. The winners of WW2 really wanted to crush any vestige of the Third Reich into the mud.

You're confusing the SS units who were occupation troops and death camp staff with combat units that fought on the front and you seem to be hysterical about this point. Get over it.

The Waffen SS was declared a criminal organization as well. And in the end, does it matter how they died? If we met a million Taliban troops or IRA troops in battle and killed them all, they'd still be terrorists. I'm talking about a legal distinction. And post war condemnations? They were condemned because we saw what they did. Einsatzgruppen were SS as well. The Malmedy Massacre was Waffen SS. And as I said, Waffen SS took over extermination camp administration starting in 1942, so it WAS them. There's no political motivation for bringing a genocidal regime to justice, it's just the right thing to do. It's political motivation that had the Allies ease up after the Iron Curtain fell. And you say crushing any vestige of the Third Reich into the mud like was a bad thing.

funkychinaman 08-30-2010 12:07 PM

And I don't know if I'd use the word "myopic," but I'd certainly admit to seeing it as a black and white issue. But what has the SS done in the past 64 years to earn any of our sympathy or the benefit of our doubt? What has been done to rehabilitate their image? And as the survivors of Nazi atrocities slowly die off, is it not our duty to stay vigilant?

BurtReynoldsMoustache 08-30-2010 02:21 PM

Are you that POI cat everyone keeps yappin' about? He did say he would be back...

BurtReynoldsMoustache 08-30-2010 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 18223)
The Waffen SS was declared a criminal organization as well. And in the end, does it matter how they died? If we met a million Taliban troops or IRA troops in battle and killed them all, they'd still be terrorists. I'm talking about a legal distinction. And post war condemnations? They were condemned because we saw what they did. Einsatzgruppen were SS as well. The Malmedy Massacre was Waffen SS. And as I said, Waffen SS took over extermination camp administration starting in 1942, so it WAS them. There's no political motivation for bringing a genocidal regime to justice, it's just the right thing to do. It's political motivation that had the Allies ease up after the Iron Curtain fell. And you say crushing any vestige of the Third Reich into the mud like was a bad thing.

Also the Taliban are not terrorists. They, too, are a political faction. You have them confused with Al Qaeda

Phoenixent 08-30-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 18224)
And I don't know if I'd use the word "myopic," but I'd certainly admit to seeing it as a black and white issue. But what has the SS done in the past 64 years to earn any of our sympathy or the benefit of our doubt? What has been done to rehabilitate their image? And as the survivors of Nazi atrocities slowly die off, is it not our duty to stay vigilant?

What you say is correct about atrocities but soldiers in the Waffen-SS were still soldiers. They will be listed on pages as soldiers just like Japanese soldiers from Unit 731.

The actor playing the role was not listed as SS criminal but SS soldier. Any change to pages other wise will be dealt with as we are just to put information to fill in facts on the film and not any political leaning or view.

funkychinaman 08-30-2010 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Phoenixent (Post 18228)
What you say is correct about atrocities but soldiers in the Waffen-SS were still soldiers. They will be listed on pages as soldiers just like Japanese soldiers from Unit 731.

The actor playing the role was not listed as SS criminal but SS soldier. Any change to pages other wise will be dealt with as we are just to put information to fill in facts on the film and not any political leaning or view.

Unit 731 was still at least part of the Imperial Japanese Army proper. (Just look at my name, I'm the last person who'd want to stand up for the Japs. And it pisses me off they they avoided prosecution.) The Waffen SS was its own separate entity, and that was a deliberate separation on behalf of the Nazi leadership.

I did not want to list him as an "SS criminal," but simply as an "SS trooper," seeing how the title of "soldier" had been denied them by the IMT. I saw no reason why we should restore a title that had been denied them by a body far more qualifed that we were. The fact that the person in the screencap had just put a bullet through the head of a woman for the crime of having a nosebleed and being Jewish seems to indicate that the man, indeed, is a criminal. And "Trooper" was the most basic SS rank, so it seems appropriate.

BurtReynoldsMoustache 08-30-2010 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 18229)

Let's not do this.

AdAstra2009 08-30-2010 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by BurtReynoldsMoustache (Post 18246)
Let's not do this.

What, it's just a quick convenient way to say Jap-a-nese

funkychinaman 08-30-2010 08:43 PM

If anyone is offended, I apologize. "Nips" it is then... (J/K)

(Seriously, if anyone is not okay with it, I apologize.)

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