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S&Wshooter 02-10-2015 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 41683)
Europeans use 2cm but Americans (at least when I was in) use 20mm. If we have to set a standard, again, we can do what we did for titles. If there is any confusion or contention on the nomenclature, then being an AMERICAN site, we defer to the American standard. But of course, it is a European weapon then I defer to the original designation :D

C'mon man, we can't be using them filthy yuropeon designations. This is MURRICA, it'd be spitting right in the founding fathers' faces to defer to them unwashed peasants over yonder

MoviePropMaster2008 02-13-2015 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by funkychinaman (Post 41685)
Well, we went with 7.5 cm rather than the European 7,5 cm, why not just go all the way with 75mm?

You are correct. I for one would like to see 75mm. Too many people confuse 7.5 cm with 7.5mm. WAY too many people. For the sake of clarity we should maintain everything in an easy to comprehend way. :D

Spartan198 02-13-2015 02:42 AM

We could go with 75mm, then. I have no issue with that.

commando552 02-13-2015 11:31 PM

Personally I think that the 7.5 cm is better as it is closer to the original designation. If we don't want to use cm for whatever reason, then why include a caliber at all? Just call it "PaK 40" or "PaK 40 AT gun" or whatever.

Hchris 02-15-2015 01:21 PM

So to move forward this project I want to list what already exists on IMFDB. Lets focus on this first before I add the other new pages (which will then be added according to the Standardisation we agree on for the existing pages). Maybe we can then find a standardised format for all pages:

Already exist (what they are called atm):

45 mm anti-tank gun M1937 (53-K)
45mm anti-tank gun M1942 (M-42)
37-mm M1939 (61-K)

3.7 cm Pak 35/36
5 cm Pak 38
7.5 cm Pak 40
2cm FlaK 38
Flakvierling 38
Bofors 40mm
Oerlikon 20mm Cannon
M51 Quad

Already exist (what they should be called - STANDARDISED):

45mm AT Gun M1937 (53-K)
45mm AT Gun M1942 (M-42)
37mm AA Gun M1939 (61-K)

3.7cm Pak 35/36
5cm Pak 38
7.5cm Pak 40
2cm Flak 38
2cm Flakvierling 38
Bofors 40mm Gun
Oerlikon 20mm Cannon
M45, M51, M55 Quadmount

I took the suggestions above into accound already. What do you think?

Evil Tim 01-12-2017 08:42 PM

I believe FlaK is more correct given where the name comes from, same with PaK. There's no point in adding "2cm" to the Flakvierling since there was never a Flakvierling in any other calibre. Also why are we adding "gun" to the Bofors? The most common name for it is just "Bofors 40mm," if anything we should take "cannon" off the Oerlikon.

(edit: oops, thought this was a new suggestion, nvm)

MoviePropMaster2008 01-13-2017 07:36 PM

This site SHOULD go with the US Military Standard. We call 4cm guns 40mm guns, etc. or "Forty Mike Mike"

7.5cm should be 75mm. I know the original european designation was different. But I don't like mixing standards. So much of our stuff is Millimeters versus Centimeters. We should keep it the same. We 'can' mention how the original gun was described when it was unveiled in the paragraph about the gun.

StanTheMan 01-15-2017 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 43253)
This site SHOULD go with the US Military Standard. We call 4cm guns 40mm guns, etc. or "Forty Mike Mike"

7.5cm should be 75mm. I know the original european designation was different. But I don't like mixing standards. So much of our stuff is Millimeters versus Centimeters. We should keep it the same. We 'can' mention how the original gun was described when it was unveiled in the paragraph about the gun.


What MPM said two years ago
Europeans use 2cm but Americans (at least when I was in) use 20mm. If we have to set a standard, again, we can do what we did for titles. If there is any confusion or contention on the nomenclature, then being an AMERICAN site, we defer to the American standard. But of course, it is a European weapon then I defer to the original designation
Make up your mind. :p

That said, I have yet to weigh on this one fully but my take - I'm with c552 about just omitting calibers entirely, there's really no overlap to have to differentiate it further there. Barring that, If we have to use calibers, as FCM said why not go all the way with mm if we're doing away with the 'original' commas for decimals - That and though I know they use the cm designation as part of the actual names we aren't using the full actual names anyway in the case of the PaK and FlaK and so on (I am in favor of the K capitalization, however); I would consider allowing it if we had pieces with similar or same model numbers but that doesn't seem to be the case here - There isn't any real overlap in the remainder of the model names/numbers we have. As said the original 'cm' classification/designation as well as the full name itself can be noted in the writeup, and maybe even used as redirect links if one so desires.

Excalibur 01-16-2017 04:08 PM

Would it be too much to appeal to other measurements since our site is viewed internationally. I think for a page that's about an American movie, measurements should be in American and for a more international movie, it should use other measurements.

MoviePropMaster2008 02-02-2017 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by StanTheMan (Post 43262)
Make up your mind. :p

I was 'for it before I was against it!' ..... yep ....

My thinking had changed during the course of time. ;) I'm allowed to modify my position ya know ;) hahahaha So my LATER posts reflect my current opinion on the subject :D LOL

I used to be a purist, but then I saw how many people (usually in America) who got cm and mm confused. For the sake of CLARITY we should use ONE standard and that standard should be American.

If anyone from another country wants to bitch, they can create their own site.

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