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Yournamehere 07-14-2012 12:45 AM

In that price range, you don't have that many options to be completely honest. Bear in mind as well that you don't get the full value of the gun in trade if you go to a store, so 300 is optimistic for your P94 in trade.

If you can get 300 on your gun you might be able to find a used Glock 17/19 in the 300 dollar range, or a used (maybe new if you're lucky) Ruger P89 or P95. Even then, 400 dollars is a more realistic estimate for the price of these guns, and it gives you more potential options as well.

I'd advise you to save a little money until you can get maybe 4-500 dollars worth and then take a look/ask what would be a good buy though. It makes things a lot easier in terms of selection.

Excalibur 07-14-2012 01:45 AM

I would also agree. Once you get up to the 400 to 500 range, that's when you get more options

mpe2010 07-14-2012 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Yournamehere (Post 35440)
In that price range, you don't have that many options to be completely honest. Bear in mind as well that you don't get the full value of the gun in trade if you go to a store, so 300 is optimistic for your P94 in trade.

If you can get 300 on your gun you might be able to find a used Glock 17/19 in the 300 dollar range, or a used (maybe new if you're lucky) Ruger P89 or P95. Even then, 400 dollars is a more realistic estimate for the price of these guns, and it gives you more potential options as well.

I'd advise you to save a little money until you can get maybe 4-500 dollars worth and then take a look/ask what would be a good buy though. It makes things a lot easier in terms of selection.

Thanks. I didnt think that the trade in value would be $300 on its own but several extra magazines, a kydex holster, and a hogue P94 grip might help the value a little bit. Either way I have a couple hundred dollars to add to the trade in.

What do you guys think of the S&W Sigma? Ive heard that it has a very heavy double action only trigger and had reliability issues in earlier models but is it a good handgun?

Yournamehere 07-14-2012 02:22 AM

Extras don't really increase the value of the trade. The shopkeep will usually shrug it off and take everything at the value of the gun and, if they're lucky, sell back everything else separately and make a little bit of extra money for themselves. they usually see it as a bunch of separate items they'll sit on forever so they won't really give much for them. Of course this is just from my experience, you may have some really awesome local shops who will hook you up.

My advice would be to trade the gun with just one magazine and see what you get. If anything, the extra mags may increase value but not much, but they'll probably take them in at increased value since it's common to have a gun sold with extra mags nowadays. That's what I'd do.

As far as the Sigma is concerned, I have no experience with them but a friend of mine shot one a long time ago and hated everything about it (he hates Glock style pistols to begin with). I've been hearing that the new SD9 is basically a Sigma with a better trigger and IMO better aesthetics (it looks like a Sigma and M&P hybrid which is kinda cool). One of those shouldn't run much more than a Sigma so I'd recommend that between the two.

Excalibur 07-14-2012 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by mpe2010 (Post 35442)
What do you guys think of the S&W Sigma? Ive heard that it has a very heavy double action only trigger and had reliability issues in earlier models but is it a good handgun?

I wouldn't even think about the Sigma or the SD series. They are crap and I've shot them once. The trigger is just not as good as the M&P series and the ergonomics of the grip is just bad.

For the money, it's better than getting a Hi Point and you can count of the S&W name but that's all you can count on. I'd save up to get an M&P or if you want to carry the gun, a compact or the Shield if you are a S&W guy'

Glocks are good guns for everyone. Simple to handle, take apart, light and you have tremendous options for aftermarket parts, holsters, etc

Yournamehere 07-14-2012 04:16 AM

I pretty much enforce the notion of saving your dosh until you have enough for a 500ish range gun too. There are so many guns to choose at or near that price point.

predator20 07-14-2012 04:42 PM

To get a quality name brand 9mm pistol under $300 I would go with a S&W 915 or 910.

Excalibur 07-14-2012 06:33 PM

Well I take that back, you can get pretty good semi autos for under 300 if the auction is done right

Yournamehere 07-14-2012 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by predator20 (Post 35451)
To get a quality name brand 9mm pistol under $300 I would go with a S&W 915 or 910.

I'd thought of the 915 as well but I assumed he was going local and I don't see those too often. If he can go the auction route then there are a lot more options in the 300 dollar range.

mpe2010 07-15-2012 09:48 PM

I was never really considering the Sigma anyway but just wondering what you guys thought of it.

There is a glock 19 for around $400 that im seriously considering but I still have to go around to all the gun shops and pawn stores in my town to see what they have.

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