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Excalibur 10-26-2009 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by AdAstra2009 (Post 7463)
Yeah, I think Call of Duty is devolving the way that the Rainbow Six series did.

I don't think the series is devolving, but more or less changing to fit everything the fans want. I think the creators are listening to the fans a bit too much and trying to please everyone. Adding so many new guns and putting too much of a back story to make this seem all too dramatic

k9870 10-28-2009 02:33 AM

What I don't get is you unlock all kinds of new guns and perks but after a while they're not even all that good. The only high-level gun i use is the deegle. My classes for primaries are an m16, ak47, aks74u , rpd and m40, although im level 55 i use a lot of low level guns. the perks get lame too, i mean, seriously, eavesdrop? How is that even remotely useful?

Excalibur 10-28-2009 03:32 AM

You mean the MP44?

Anyway, the Desert Eagle was made into this overpowered hand cannon. In MW2, there's new perks and a ton more guns

k9870 10-28-2009 02:04 PM

More like, you get last stand, 3x grenades, all the good ones early. Later on, its one where you can hear enemy radio (my team annoys the hell out of me, i couldnt stand the others) and one where they can't hear your footsteps. The guns are balanced to the point that new ones aren't worth it. A g36c has nothing over an m4, the barett .50 cal never gets used since they made it inaccurate , if i snipe (which i never do) i use an m40.

Spartan198 10-30-2009 12:57 PM

I once pwned this one M60-armed noob in close quarters with an M40A3 with a single blind shot that hit him (or her, I don't know) in the head. It was hilarious. He hunted me mercilessly for the rest of that match. :D

k9870 10-30-2009 01:39 PM

I love when people try to go close quarters with m40s and acogs and i just wreck them....sorry, i hate snipers. I also love using my iron sighted m16a2 (no rails, carry handle, its an a2) to hit them across the map while they try to turn the bolt.

Excalibur 10-31-2009 01:02 AM

I believe they call a sniper kill without sighting in gaming is called a no scope. Usually it happens out of dumb luck. I have never seen anyone in COD4 used a sniper rifle without using the scope as well. It is nearly impossible to hit anyone otherwise.

I prefer to snipe with an M21. Not as accurate as an M40 but I like it.

k9870 10-31-2009 01:22 AM

I don't snipe, just not my style. I can make long range shots just fine, while still actually playing the game:p

Kinzer 10-31-2009 10:48 PM

I don't know if you guys frequent the Xbox forums or not, but a list of all the weapons has been released, via the leaked copies of the game. The strange thing is that some guns that are clearly in the released videos, specifically the G3, 1911, and the Dragunov are nowhere to be seen. So we'll have to see what that's about.

k9870 11-02-2009 07:46 PM

Who bets there will be some controversy before release, like with GTA games? Seeing theres alevel where you massacre civilians?

Ace Oliveira 11-02-2009 07:56 PM

What level?

Also, Infinity Ward removed dedicated servers and matchmaking from the PC version. It will be just like the console version.

Spartan198 11-02-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 8117)
What level?

^What he said. :eek:

Excalibur 11-02-2009 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 8115)
Who bets there will be some controversy before release, like with GTA games? Seeing theres alevel where you massacre civilians?

Fallout 3 didn't get controversy about killing people when you can clearly go into a town, even a friendly town and just start shooting and killing everyone in sight except for children

k9870 11-02-2009 09:26 PM

The level is "no russian." You paly as a deep cover CIA agent who has to slaughter the russian airport to maintain cover.

BTW, any gns in leaked lists that aren't already on main site?

Ace Oliveira 11-02-2009 09:38 PM

That sounds intersting. And original. I would play it.

Excalibur 11-02-2009 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 8124)
The level is "no russian." You paly as a deep cover CIA agent who has to slaughter the russian airport to maintain cover.

Really? That pretty hardcore. But if you can randomly shoot people in GTA games for years, this really wouldnt phase ppl

k9870 11-03-2009 12:12 AM

Its just something you don't expect in COD. The levels gameplay was leaked, its on youtube still I think.

Excalibur 11-03-2009 02:20 AM

Got a link to it?

k9870 11-03-2009 02:59 AM

youtube removed for a copyright, but heres an article where second video shows massacre, another language, but the description is on the modern warfare 2 wiki, at the end makarov says "heres your message" meaning he knew all along, and you pretty much massacred civilians for nothing...

Well, there shtis, and not to mention DC utterly destroyed......BTW, one more week :)

Excalibur 11-03-2009 04:00 AM

Fallout 3 already has shown us a ruined DC, so that's not as shocking. But this vid is pretty hardcore with how they animated the running and the screaming in the background. Pretty intense.

Video games have always been trying to push the envelope. Some people don't like how violent it is, and they are entitled to their opinion. We have to remember that this and any other simulations of shooting innocents, is just a game. It's not real, the people who are dying in it aren't real, nothing is. People who says video games are the cause of mass killings, shootouts and other like are just trying to find something to blame.

I'm sure this game will be awesome, and like any war game, it will draw attention from all crowds. People specifically look for particular things to bitch about in any game. There will always be critics.

Spartan198 11-03-2009 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 8126)
But if you can randomly shoot people in GTA games for years, this really wouldnt phase ppl

But in GTA, the characters you play as aren't exactly the best of the good guys. Tommy Vercetti, for example, was a psychopath, plain and simple.

Excalibur 11-04-2009 12:05 AM

I guess so. In this mission in MW2, we take control of a deep undercover CIA agent who is pretty much forced to go along with the massacre, participate to keep his cover.

k9870 11-04-2009 02:00 AM

The MW2 wiki has a list of at what levels you unlock some guns at, funny the AK-47 is at last possible level, and the m9 is later on and the usp starting.

Excalibur 11-05-2009 12:12 AM

less than a week left. Exciting isn't it?

k9870 11-05-2009 01:06 AM

Its gonna be a long week, oh well, tuesday when class gets out im speeding over to gamestop

Excalibur 11-05-2009 05:04 AM

If I can, I'm doing the midnight thing.

k9870 11-05-2009 12:04 PM

not worth it for me, bigger line, and i have school in the morning, i dont think professors will like me skipping because i played all night.

Spartan198 11-05-2009 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 8158)
The MW2 wiki has a list of at what levels you unlock some guns at, funny the AK-47 is at last possible level, and the m9 is later on and the usp starting.

Is that online or offline?

Excalibur 11-05-2009 04:07 PM

Well online of course. If you've played Call of Duty 4, or World at War, then you'd know that in multiplayer, you have to play to level up a rank and with each passing rank, you unlock perks and new guns.

Offline is the single player game

k9870 11-06-2009 07:16 PM

Too bad last stand is unlocked at level 46, its my favorite perk.

Whats everyone think of dual wielding, well, all smgs and handguns, ive seen deegles, sawn off double barrels, mp5ks and p90s....

Excalibur 11-06-2009 08:02 PM

never call a Desert Eagle a Deagle. It's a very stupid gamer term.

I on the subject of dual wielding. I don't like it. It seems stupid.

Spartan198 11-06-2009 11:43 PM

I don't like dual wielding. But all I have to do is not use it, so it doesn't concern me all that much. If some kid in MP kills me with dual Desert Eagles, who cares? I'll just respawn and move on.

Ace Oliveira 11-07-2009 11:34 AM

I will just waste them with my FAL. It also helps that Infinity Ward gave Dual-weilding a lot of disadvanteges.

k9870 11-10-2009 12:36 AM

Getting so pumped, cant wait to get out of school tomorrow......

Excalibur 11-10-2009 02:06 AM

I got some morning classes and after that, I am off to gamestop

Spartan198 11-10-2009 02:50 AM

I'll be playing MW2 shortly after midnight. :cool:

k9870 11-10-2009 03:14 AM

get ready for huge lines then, im definitely not doing the midnight thing. I get outta school at 415, then ill grab it.

Spartan198 11-10-2009 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 8237)
never call a Desert Eagle a Deagle. It's a very stupid gamer term.

Not as stupid as 'naded (killed with a grenade) or noob-tubed (killed with a grenade launcher).


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 8395)
get ready for huge lines then, im definitely not doing the midnight thing. I get outta school at 415, then ill grab it.

I went to the midnight opening for GTA IV and there weren't all that many people there. I was out by 12:15. But I do live in a fairly small town, though.

Excalibur 11-10-2009 05:29 AM

Well the noob-tube is a term that came from COD4. It's not popular misuages of a common word like Desert Eagle

k9870 11-10-2009 03:01 PM

I dont really care what anyone calls a desert eagle, its a stupid gun so stupid names are fitting.

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