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MoviePropMaster2008 10-02-2009 10:01 AM

Also the noobs need to learn how to spell
I've seen people adding details or 'commentary' on photos or movie pages, but the spelling is atrocious. Nothing knocks down the professionalism of a page than wretched spelling like it is done by a 7 yr old.

Jcordell 10-02-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 7324)
I've seen people adding details or 'commentary' on photos or movie pages, but the spelling is atrocious. Nothing knocks down the professionalism of a page than wretched spelling like it is done by a 7 yr old.

That is the truth. Spend just a little time on the Internet trying to read people's commentaries and you'll begin to despair for the Human race. the worst offenders are the idiots who post on U tube. WTF???? I can only read/dechipher about half of what is posted on that site.

Spartan198 10-02-2009 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by MoviePropMaster2008 (Post 7320)
I recently got irritated when some new unknown member changed a bunch of pages by renaming the gun, but the manufacturer didn't make that name change until a certain year, so he is wrong by renaming all the entries for that weapon before the year of the name change. Arghhhh. I can see where he 'got his information' (he looked it up on the mfg website, which of course only lists CURRENT models, not older ones).

Is that why there's a separate page for the Barrett REC7 under the old name, M468?

Ace Oliveira 10-02-2009 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Checkman (Post 7325)
That is the truth. Spend just a little time on the Internet trying to read people's commentaries and you'll begin to despair for the Human race. the worst offenders are the idiots who post on U tube. WTF???? I can only read/dechipher about half of what is posted on that site.

Just stop reading any kind of comments on any website. Those are the cesspools of the Internet.

Jcordell 10-03-2009 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Ace Oliveira (Post 7342)
Just stop reading any kind of comments on any website. Those are the cesspools of the Internet.

Except for imfdb of course. ;)

Rockwolf66 10-14-2009 05:09 PM

I have a joke for everyone. There is a guy claiming that the Handheld Minigun in Terminator 2 only fired at 240 RPM. I find this really funny as I know of a couple of Senior citizens who can hand crank a gattling gun much faster than that. Now I would send a message up the grapevine to people who have personal experiance with said minigun but I don't want to have to shell out the cash for a couple of custom keyboards. The really funny thing is that the guy is claiming to be the head of an armory.

Excalibur 10-14-2009 09:19 PM

Maybe he missed a 0 and meant to say 2400 RPM and even than, that's 600 RPM short of the 3000 RPM the minigun can spit out

Rockwolf66 10-15-2009 04:03 AM

Nope, that's what he insisted that the weapon was geared for because he watched the barrels rotate in slow motion. he's also been dinged for useing pirated images on the Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen page. Currently on that one he says that..."Note that the flexible chute attaches to the right side of the magazine "upside" down, as opposed to "right side up" on the left side and looped around to the gun like in Predator." in a duplicate of a picture we already had. Now I haven't talked with Steve yet but I'm thinking about putting my limited writing skills to use and writing up an informative magazine type article about handheld miniguns. I have a line of information to Kevin Dockerty the technical advisor of "Predator". We have both Steve Karnes and Al Vrkljan as people who have built three weapons between them. Between those sources I'm sure that I can dig up more factual information on such weapons in the first five minutes as the clown who calls himself GAU17 has his entire time posting here.

Phoenixent 10-16-2009 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rockwolf66 (Post 7628)
Nope, that's what he insisted that the weapon was geared for because he watched the barrels rotate in slow motion. he's also been dinged for useing pirated images on the Transformers:Revenge of the Fallen page. Currently on that one he says that..."Note that the flexible chute attaches to the right side of the magazine "upside" down, as opposed to "right side up" on the left side and looped around to the gun like in Predator." in a duplicate of a picture we already had. Now I haven't talked with Steve yet but I'm thinking about putting my limited writing skills to use and writing up an informative magazine type article about handheld miniguns. I have a line of information to Kevin Dockerty the technical advisor of "Predator". We have both Steve Karnes and Al Vrkljan as people who have built three weapons between them. Between those sources I'm sure that I can dig up more factual information on such weapons in the first five minutes as the clown who calls himself GAU17 has his entire time posting here.

Be more than happy to help out on hand held miniguns. I have built three different hand held mount for the miniguns and there are at least another half a dozen more out there. Steve Karnes

MoviePropMaster2008 10-23-2009 01:26 AM

Found another idiotic edit to one of my paragraphs!
CRAP! I just ran into another Bullshit change made by some NOOB. He made two changes and then disappeared. Not only did he drastically edit my paragraphs for the HK94, he 'claimed' that it was the Gun Control Act of 1968 banned Machine guns! What a load of crap! This guy should KNOW WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT before he edits.

FYI: It was the Hughes Amendment to the McClure-Volkmer Act (HR 4332) of 1986 that banned the manufacture of machine guns that would be privately transferable (Dealer post ban samples, military and law enforcement would be exempt with certain restrictions).

So anyone with any sort of knowledge reading that tripe would think we're idiots here. :mad:

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