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Clutch 03-18-2009 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by MT2008 (Post 1218)

Actually, I'm beginning to think that Jack's going soft on us. I've been a bit dismayed lately by some of the stuff I've seen in this season of "24". Like, "President Taylor" giving one of those lame public service announcements about how global warming is such a serious threat during a commercial break. And the fact that the show's writers are obviously concerned about being seen as "racist" for making a black African warlord the villain, so they have to include an evil PMC as the over-arching conspirator behind the attacks. And now, they also have to show Jack expressing remorse for being a badass.

I'm starting to worry that the next season will have Jack taking an hour break in the middle of the "day" to watch "Sex and the City" with Chloe and Renee. Or maybe Kiefer Sutherland will start appearing in L'Oreal commercials. Excuse me while I run off and vomit...

Nah, he ain't gonna go that soft on us. :D

Frankly, after last season (what a major, derivative trainwreck that was), S7 has been nothing but awesome so far. I've liked the whole idea of Jack trying to find some sense of humanity again...and that they've not made that pursuit so overbearing that he can't take the time to chuck a screwdriver into someone every now and then. I also like what they're doing with Renee - namely, making her sympathetic, yet still sometimes repulsed by Jack's methods. In essence, they're using her character to express what they haven't done (and can no longer do) with Kiefer. And everything else has been worlds above last season's tired highlights. S7 seems poised to overtake S5 as my favorite season. I hope not, though...I really liked THAT season.

As for Obama...well, I'll just put it like this. I don't agree with everything he's done so far...but he's got potential and seems like he's capable of doing the job. Not a Democrat, not a Republican (mixture of both, really...depends on the issue). I just think that after Bush, a change was definitely needed. McCain might have gotten my vote if he had been the John McCain I knew before 2007 - the one who all but explicitly told Bush to "F' off" on quite a few issues and seemed to have a better grasp on things than he did.

OK, I'm going to stop now. I hate politics, and I already feel my blood beginning to boil over McCain's about-face when he ran for President last year.

Gunmaster45 03-18-2009 03:34 AM

He shot himself in the leg when he made Palin his candidate for VP. What a dumb bitch. :) I would not want that woman to have any posibility of being president if McCain had died when she believes she can see Russia from Alaska.

Clutch 03-18-2009 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1229)
He shot himself in the leg when he made Palin his candidate for VP. What a dumb bitch. :) I would not want that woman to have any posibility of being president if McCain had died when she believes she can see Russia from Alaska.

Shot himself in the leg? With what, a howitzer?

Gunmaster45 03-18-2009 03:41 AM

Pretty much. People saw him with her and thought "What is he thinking?!" Like a Howitzer's effect, he figuratively was wounded severly and had to drag himself to the finish line as Obama waltzed by waving and promising change.

I'm in a bad mood so if anyone is wondering why I'm talking a little different than normal, this is my explaination. :cool:

Clutch 03-18-2009 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1232)
Pretty much. People saw him with her and thought "What is he thinking?!" Like a Howitzer's effect, he figuratively was wounded severly and had to drag himself to the finish line as Obama waltzed by waving and promising change.

I'm in a bad mood so if anyone is wondering why I'm talking a little different than normal, this is my explaination. :cool:

I had the same reaction. I laugh uncontrollably whenever I think of the ownage Tina Fey delivered simply by reading the first Katie Couric interview transcript damn near word-for-word. No one in politics or the world in general has opened themselves up to attack quite like Sarah Palin did - not Obama, not Biden, not Bush, not even Michael Jackson. Yes, I said it. :eek:

Gunmaster45 03-18-2009 04:19 AM

Personally, I didn't like how ultra-christian/republican Palin was too. "No abortions, no stem cell research, no gay marriage." These are all super contreversial but I'm friends with a few gay girls who are horribley harrassed and despite how I've met people who actually called it a disease or mental disorder, I think gays have just as much right to get married. Abortions are a little sad (image not being born) but isn't there this constitution thing that says we can do what we please because it is our right? If Palin was like this, I could image McCain had similair views, so I wasn't a huge fan of his. Thanks Obama for being undecided, you f*cking fifth wheel. :p

Anyway, if someone disagrees, I'm not looking to debate these facts, I'm just sharing my headache.

Spartan198 03-18-2009 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 686)
Well Jack Bauer is going to have to deal with a lot more terrorists now that Obama is closing Guantanimo bay. What the hell was he thinking?

He's only closing Camp Delta, not the entire base, in case you weren't aware. ;)

Gunmaster45 03-18-2009 09:51 PM

I wasn't, actually. I just use what I hear, I don't research politics. Typically because I hate political debates. In my school, nothing annoys me more than kids who are super-involed in politics. I can't enjoy my lunch when I have three kids pissing and moaning about the economy and Obama. I love when they say "My dad says.." or something like that, it just shows me that they are all brain washed by there parents to think the same way as them.

I sit at a different table now so I can enjoy a politics-free meal. :)

Spartan198 03-18-2009 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1246)
I wasn't, actually. I just use what I hear, I don't research politics. Typically because I hate political debates. In my school, nothing annoys me more than kids who are super-involed in politics. I can't enjoy my lunch when I have three kids pissing and moaning about the economy and Obama. I love when they say "My dad says.." or something like that, it just shows me that they are all brain washed by there parents to think the same way as them.

I sit at a different table now so I can enjoy a politics-free meal. :)

I agree with you. Politics are a very touchy subject that can turn the best of friends into the worst of enemies. And 90% of people can't get a point across in a political debate without resorting to insults.

MT2008 03-19-2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1246)
I can't enjoy my lunch when I have three kids pissing and moaning about the economy and Obama. I love when they say "My dad says.." or something like that, it just shows me that they are all brain washed by there parents to think the same way as them.

Well, then you should hate me. I'm trying to become a political scientist. :D


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 1238)
Personally, I didn't like how ultra-christian/republican Palin was too. "No abortions, no stem cell research, no gay marriage." These are all super contreversial but I'm friends with a few gay girls who are horribley harrassed and despite how I've met people who actually called it a disease or mental disorder, I think gays have just as much right to get married. Abortions are a little sad (image not being born) but isn't there this constitution thing that says we can do what we please because it is our right? If Palin was like this, I could image McCain had similair views, so I wasn't a huge fan of his. Thanks Obama for being undecided, you f*cking fifth wheel. :p

Anyway, if someone disagrees, I'm not looking to debate these facts, I'm just sharing my headache.

I didn't like her either (mostly because she struck me as being one of those stuck-up, airheaded, bitchy prom queen types), but I still would have preferred her to Biden. Between a pro-RKBAer and the dude who wrote the AWB, the choice is a no-brainer.

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