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MT2008 05-30-2009 01:57 AM

I don't think the Desert Eagle's that stupid a gun for the movies. It may be an over-priced penis substitute with no practical value in real life, but in movies, it has character and screen presence that almost no other handgun has. As much as some people laugh at "The Matrix" films for featuring the Eagle, it's actually a perfect weapon for the Agents when you consider that the characters are supposed to be menacing, so they need to have wicked-looking handguns.

And Clutch raises an extremely good point - there are no stupid guns, just stupid directors who don't know how to use the guns' appearance on screen for maximum effect. How the actor is directed to use the gun on camera makes the difference. For instance, watching a movie like "Point Break" makes me want to grab my SIG P226 from its holster and pretend I'm Keanu Reeves, whereas if I watch a crappy film like "Maximum Risk" (which also features the P226), I don't get nearly the same feeling of excitement.

Gunmaster45 05-30-2009 02:00 AM

Why would anyone wan't to pretend they're Keanu Reeves? ;)

MT2008 05-30-2009 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 3261)
Why would anyone wan't to pretend they're Keanu Reeves? ;)

Come on, the scene from "Point Break" where he dumps a whole magazine from his P226 into the air was clearly worthy of an Oscar! An IMFDB Oscar, that is... :rolleyes: :D

Gunmaster45 05-30-2009 02:07 AM

I suppose... but firing his gun up into the air isn't safe! Then again, neither is jumping out of a plane without a chute in an attempt to catch the bad guy, so I guess it is a moot point.

I should buy that movie, I keep watching it on Encore and enjoying it heavily. The IMFDB page needs a revamp, so if someone doesn't beat me to it I'll pick it up.

Does iTunes have Point Break, Matt? If it does you should do it.

MT2008 05-30-2009 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Gunmaster45 (Post 3269)
I suppose... but firing his gun up into the air isn't safe! Then again, neither is jumping out of a plane without a chute in an attempt to catch the bad guy, so I guess it is a moot point.

I should buy that movie, I keep watching it on Encore and enjoying it heavily. The IMFDB page needs a revamp, so if someone doesn't beat me to it I'll pick it up.

Does iTunes have Point Break, Matt? If it does you should do it.

Nope, iTunes doesn't have it. I have it on VHS and a low-quality AVI rip, so it's best I not do it until I can get the DVD. If you beat me to it, I won't mind.

"Point Break" and "The Negotiator" are the best movies ever made for P226 fans. Probably the two movies that most made me want to own one.

ManiacallyChallenged 05-30-2009 05:37 AM

These aren't real guns, but the Starship Troopers 2 downgrade was ridiculous.
They start carrying massive laser cannons(shoulder slung minigun size) that serve no purpose.

Their power is portrayed as weaker than the Morita series, and the rate of fire is PITIFUL. Especially because in the end of ST1 we saw them test a smaller weapon that annihilated a hill.

Why would they start using stupid laser guns? It just aggravated me.

The only time I've been OK with Desert Eagles in movies has been the Matrix. The slow motion scene where the big Eagle cycles while viewed from above was amazing! Plus it didn't look huge and boxy in that movie, probably due to the cinematography. Most video games that feature it show off it's boxy back end, which is a major turn off for me.

Excalibur 05-30-2009 10:08 AM

I just don't find a Desert Eagle as appealing even if I have the money to afford it. What can't you do to a man with a Desert Eagle that you can't accomplice with a 1911? or even a 9mm gun? It's heavy as hell, the slide pull can be tough on you and the recoil, even if you are used to it, kicks hard. When you hold a Desert Eagle, you're not holding a gun, you're holding 4 pounds of steel.

MT2008 05-30-2009 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Excalibur (Post 3285)
even if you are used to it, kicks hard.

Actually, the recoil isn't as bad as people seem to think it is. I can't remember if there was a substantial difference between the .50 AE Desert Eagle and any of the .45 ACP pistols I've fired (such as my S&W 4506). But the .50 AE Desert Eagle is actually fairly controllable due to its weight, and compared to what you might expect initially.

Also, I've heard that the .357 Magnum version of the DE is way more controllable and easier to shoot than revolvers in the same caliber.

k9870 05-30-2009 03:07 PM

The 357 is the least reliable though. The slide is heavy and most loads wont cycle effeciently. The fact its a rimmed cartridge doesn't help, either.

AdAstra2009 05-31-2009 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by k9870 (Post 3238)
Well, wondering what you think are the stupidest guns to use in a movie. Weve all seen cops with Desert Eagles and 1911s in ankle holsters. Yesterday I saw Terminator and they all carry 5.56mm carbines, when a .308AP round would be way more effective. In predator Jesse The Gubanatorial Body Ventura used a minigun as a personal weapon. Wondering what you think may be the dumbest un ever to be used in a movie, or worst mistakes.

I think they weren't using 7.62 NATO rifles because they aren't enough of them or something seeing as there aren't that many of them serving as the main service rifle of most countries.

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