Conversation Between SPEMack618 and Jcordell
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 47
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the 49ers get trounced, but sorta wanted/needed the Eagles to tank it, too.
Big time Falcons fan.
Nope. I'm taking some vacation time. The city can manage for a few days without me. thanks though. It was a good Thanksgiving. Especially since both the Cowboys and the 49's went down in flames.
Hope you had a happy thanksgiving and didn't injure anything (or anyone) waving your polymer cane about at the kids on your lawn.
Glad you liked it. I haven't read any of his more recent novels. Not since "Havana". Personally I think he's gotten a bit tired, but from Day Before Midnight to Havana he was cooking was gasoline.
I just randomly stumbled upon the review you wrote for "Day Before Midnight" on Good Reads. I agree wholeheartedly.
I like the old long action S&W revolvers. Actually I just like the older S&W revolvers in general.
I just realized that we pretty much have the same gun. The 5" post-war M&P. Pops bought me that gun in the 10th grade (2004) for making all A's and B's.
Yeah, I go through spouts where I don't post anything here or the TFL, and then come back with a vengenance.
We are aren't we? Shows you how often I look at my personal info over there on TFL. I'm the most active here and on Smith-Wesson forum which means I keep up with things on this and the S&W forum. Well I'm also pretty active on Goodreads as well, but I think that qualifies more as a "social-media" site. I go through times when I post alot on both THR and TFL.