Conversation Between SPEMack618 and Jcordell
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 47
Hey! Add me back on Facebook so I can tag you in funny cat pictures all day and make fun of your patrol carbine.
Well engagement rings have to come first sometimes.
On a gun buying hiatus until a buy an engagement ring. However, be happy, first gun after said ring will be a 642.
Merry Christmas to you as well. No gun but I did get a great book about all the secondary handguns used by the U.S. military in WWII. I like books about guns almost as much as I like guns.
Merry Christmas buddy! Hope you get an Outdoorsman or something.
500 rounds of the FBI load. Way to go. Call you Ed Jr.
So...high of 42 degrees, high winds, and 250 handloads of the old "FBI load" through my 66-2. I can't feel my face and I'm surprised I can type, but damn, at 50 feet, I was the modern day Ed McGivern today.
Glad I made you chuckle. Figured you might be surprised. I drop in now and again on TFL.
I'm still chuckling at my desk in the bullpen about your quip "hi there" over on TFL. day made.
Further grievance; When your holstered pistol tears a hole in the upholstery on the seats in your moderately new pickup.
Yeah. Or when the tazer holster rubs a hole in your uniform trousers.